Venting again...

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I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
Soory. Just so happens that the 3 I have had (this week) are Dominican, solely by chance. I would be saying the same thing if they were Mexican, Haitian, French, Swiss, whatever...
BTW, those Haitians don't get Dominican birth certificates. Which is an act I totally support. Maybe if WE stopped giving birth certificates to these types of people we could nip this situation in the bud. I am a full believer in no social services to illegals, whether it be food, insurance, public school, whatever. I call it like I see it...because if they REALLY came out here for a better life to send money home to their families and other kids, they wouldn't be dropping babies they can't afford.

Shalena didn't read Ayn Rand, SHE ATE ONE OF HER BOOKS! and is here with an indigestion puking all this nonsense; no education for kids because they are illegal?, no medical care for women delivering babies?.


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
You obviously don't understand my post...praise be to God for those who come here and pay their bills, I am NOT TALKING ABOUT THEM.

No medical care for pregnant women.........praise be to who?..............hmmmmm, now I understand.


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
ExtremeR, great job of trying to change the focus of the thread.

No one said anything about the many Dominicans you so aptly mentioned in your post.

We are talking about the dead beats that strictly go for the "FREE" medical care and screw the Americans attitude.

Both myself and SKing, I'm sure, have no problems with Dominicans or ANY nationality immigrating to the U.S. LEGALLY.

Try sticking to the facts of the thread instead of manipulating it to fit your agenda.
You are so far off base and off topic.
Some people play the "Race Card", people like you play the "Immigration Card".
Same old story, different day.

You appear to be the prejudice one!

REPEAT: Myself and SKing are NOT against LEGAL immigration from ANY nationality.


Illegal immigration should be stopped at all cost, but until we do let's look at the bright side, at least illegal aliens aren't poisoning the native to steal their land.


Mar 4, 2004
I have a few thoughts, Ms King.

And as always with your posts, GringoCArlos, you got me thinking. I'm a Brit. living in the DR several years - there are 'abuses' of the British system by immigrants, allegedly, but does it get me hopping mad? No; just not a priority to get mad about, never really was. And yes, I'm still a UK tax-payer.

I'll tell you one thing, though. I hope I don't see any of the people I trained to be social workers in UK, venting in a similar fashion about clients misusing access to social work facilities, because, if I did, I would have to question my own ability as a trainer. Somewhere along the line, I would have failed to teach the appropriate place to vent, like maybe a professional association. And perhaps the appropriate place to receive support, if one issue is masking another. And that's where you got me thinking, GringoCArlos. If the OP had been about that (another one of the caring professions and my country of origin) what would I do about the ex-student. So, thank you, GC, for making me think.


Jul 25, 2007
I personally know a dominican girl who has done or is planning to do the very same thing. She constantly brags about it and is the envy of the neighborhood. She is anything but rich and probably will only have a few hundred dollars to her name after she lands in the States. Then again, how much do you need if you have a cousin there and food, maybe a taxi ride to the hospital? Therefore, the money can be used to buy prendas and clothes to sell back here. True story.


Jul 25, 2007
.........but she is proposing to leave unattended pregnant women about to deliver their babies,

I doubt it, rather she is proposing that the immigration laws be reveiewed or the process is scrutinized better to prevent abuses such as this.


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
I doubt it, rather she is proposing that the immigration laws be reveiewed or the process is scrutinized better to prevent abuses such as this.

So dear Chip when she says;

"no one without a Social Security number should be receiving Medicaid or WIC. one without a SS# should be receiving food stamps. No one here on any kind of VISA should be getting any sort of Social Services. Period."


"and I just feel that if you are sponsored to be here "visiting", you should not be getting free health care,"

what do you think she is suggesting they do?

I would understand her incoherent rant if she had limited it to people not getting visa to drop babies, but trying to deny women the care they need to safely deliver babies?, and this coming from a nerd?.....I mean a nurse?.

These people are probably too stupid to grasp that "donde yo compro tambien venden", and that once the US stop providing aliens with at least emergency care the rest of the world would retaliate in the same fashion and then what?, what if Americans find themselves unconscious, bleeding in emergency rooms all around the world and unable to pay for medical care?.


Mar 22, 2006
I doubt it, rather she is proposing that the immigration laws be reveiewed or the process is scrutinized better to prevent abuses such as this.

What is the abuse Chip?? To give birth on the US government wallet, or to go to the USA to give their child the US citizenship?

I really find these posts complaining about immigration to the US bothersome and hypocritical specially coming from people who have emigrated to my country, the DR. "El burro diciendole oreju al conejo".


New member
Jun 22, 2009
Does the law really state that you're automatically an American citizen if you're born in the States??? That's crazy! Surely the nationality of your parents is more important than the country in which you were born!

I hope these laws will be changed (updated!!) in the near future! :)


Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
I have notice that you are really against Dominican immigration to the USA Sking, and I think that is a bit hypocritical having in mind you live in Santiago, in the DR. That 'I can get into your country, even live there, but I'll be really mad if you do the same in my country" attitude is really disturbing, well at least for me.
I completely agree !


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Does the law really state that you're automatically an American citizen if you're born in the States??? That's crazy! Surely the nationality of your parents is more important than the country in which you were born!

I hope these laws will be changed (updated!!) in the near future! :)
Birth right is an issue in many countries, the U.S. and D.R. included.

With the abuse of such growing more and more.
The D.R has a major problem with the Haitians mainly.
The U.S. has the problem with many nationalities then just one major one.

As you can read from the posts here, some here just don't like ANY ex-pats in the D.R. But it's okay for Dominicans to be ex-pats in other countries. That is the issue they keep pushing in their responses, using this thread as their venting tool.

I support access to get urgent medical care even if you can not pay.

I am not here to rant on ex-pats in the U.S., D.R. or any other country.



Retired Ussername
Jan 9, 2002
Sorry to disagree Millesa, but what about the American dream???

What about:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

What about about kids born to parents who are in the US, but of foreign birth, during their 8 or 10 or 14 year struggle to get papers and/or citizenship? Waddaya gonna do - keep the parents who may be from Turkmenistan but are in the process of getting their papers, but deport the new kid until the kid gets his own dam visa?? Or let the kid jump the line and get his papers fast, along with his parents??? Or just forget the foolish exercise altogether, and give the kid US citizenship immediately for being born in the Land of the Free?

And what's wrong with a kid who was born to illegals in another country then sponsoring his parents to become legal residents of that country? That's playing by the rules too. If you don't like the rules, then vote and get others in office to rewrite the rules and get them approved by the lawmakers.

An equal, but opposite approach would be to outlaw all immigration laws worldwide, and let things sort themselves out in time. Sure, maybe a billion or so people would immediately head for the US or the UK, but after a year or two there and realizing that the streets AREN'T paved with gold, they would go home on their own. It sure would be entertaining to those of us on the outside looking in.

One thing is for sure - it would eliminate a lot of government employment in MANY countries, which in itself might not be such a bad thing. Maybe they could rehire some of them to teach people civics, so that citizens knew their own country's laws as a citizen SHOULD.

A lot of the strident voices shouting "close the doors NOW!" seem to forget that one or two or three generations ago, their ancestors were welcomed with open arms to the US or the UK, or wherever, just as most people are now welcomed to the DR. America is a land of immigrants, but a lot of folks want to conveniently forget that fact, now that they are there. (excluding native Americans of course).

Perhaps the absolute worst are those "bluebloods" who claim "my ancestors came here on the Mayflower and they built America" but seem to forget their ancestors were also getting the heck out of Dodge then too, and arrived with very little, or else were privateers given special privileges or properties by a king giving away something he didn't own in the first place..

Now that they've got theirs, they are determined to stop anyone else who might be a threat to them. Why aren't they bellowing to just tear down the dam Statue of Liberty to stop the outsiders from even considering coming to America??

There are good people, as well as some bad ones, smart people as well as some axxholes, in every corner of this world. Everyone is a good person to me until they prove otherwise. I don't care where they were born, or where they live. Smart people will succeed wherever they go, and the dumb ones need the smart ones to look out for them.

I'll get off of my soap box now, and go lurk. I'll wait here for a response from SKing , or the Guy from Boston on YouTube.
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I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
Does the law really state that you're automatically an American citizen if you're born in the States??? That's crazy! Surely the nationality of your parents is more important than the country in which you were born!

I hope these laws will be changed (updated!!) in the near future! :)

This gringos are sure funny people, how can possible be funny something that is based on the principles of Jus Solis, which is still recognized around the world by many many countries, specially those trying to increase their population through immigration aka "THE UNITED STATES".


New member
Jun 22, 2009
What about about kids born to parents who are in the US, but of foreign birth, during their 8 or 10 or 14 year struggle to get papers and/or citizenship? Waddaya gonna do - keep the parents who may be from Turkmenistan but are in the process of getting their papers, but deport the new kid until the kid gets his own dam visa?? Or let the kid jump the line and get his papers fast, along with his parents??? Or just forget the foolish exercise altogether, and give the kid US citizenship immediately for being born in the Land of the Free?

Well, here (Scandinavia) a newborn baby takes on the nationality of the mother - no matter where the mother is from - and if the mother is in the process of applying for citizenship, then so is the baby. The baby will change citizenship when the mother does. What is wrong with that?
My parents worked in the States for a year a long time ago, and if I'd been born then, would that have made me American? Legally maybe, but Scandinavian by blood, heart and everything else! In my opinion, that's more important.


Nov 22, 2007

I agree with your anger over the abuse, but have to ask: As a Health Care Professional (Nurse I assume from your posts) how do you have access to the patients private and very sensitive insurance information?

No one, outside of billing, administration etc. should know whether the patient is worth a Billion dollars or has no means to pay for a band aid
When a patient is admitted, their insurance information is taken by the registration secretary and that information is put in the chart, we ARE a hospital for God's sake. Most of the time, I don't even need to see their insurance information to know what it is because we can tell by who your Doctor is and where you received your prenatal care. Period.

I have a few thoughts, Ms King.

1. I hope that the status (legal or financial) of whomever you are treating does not affect your treatment of that patient. After all, they are a human being, and you are a medical professional trained to treat human beings, and not just citizens or "legals" whom have some money or insurance. I'm sorry if I have misinterpreted your venting to be that of a nurse, instead of that of a taxpayer.
I am fully professional with all of my patients and in fact the patient gave me her phone number (which I threw away) to contact her when she returns to the Capital. Her nor her family had any idea that what they were doing totally was burning me up, as I gave her the same care that I give any other patient. I am given all of the Dominicanas when I am on duty, just because I live here. And I love that because I meet alot of people and now have alot of friends all over DR. But i do not like people who stiff the USA, especially when its ME who has to pay the bill. Period.

Is this topic something that you or other staff grouses about daily at the nurses station, or in the break room ? - it's toxic and can cloud one's judgment and perspective. The patient's immigration status or ability to pay should not cloud your professional work, if your hospital made the decision to accept people without the ability to pay.
It never does

2. Many of the game's rules were written in Congress by New England politicians with large amounts of voters with foreign origins in their districts, or by do-gooders. The only thing you can do to change this is to vote for someone who shares your views.
Will do

3. Immigration laws were written so that any child born in the US is a US citizen, regardless of their mother's legal status. Again, the only way to change this is by voting. Them's the rules of the game as written by politicians. Are you blaming mommy for playing by the rules as they stand to give her unborn child what she perceives as an advantage?
This is the problem, children whose parents do not have Social Security numbers should NOT be given American Citizenship...especially if they arrived there illegally. Rewarding criminals? Come on!

4. As far as receiving other forms of help offered following a birth, like WIC, etc - there are plenty of "white trash" and other folks in the US who also take advantage of the same programs. How are they any different - luck of birth, better game players, what?
Don't get me started on that...I do hate that also but you know what...that was not the topic of my post.

If Sking had been born in The DR she too would have tried to make it to the US to have her babies with a US citizenship...end of story.
Maybe so but you know what? I was born AMERICAN, so we'll never know huh?


May 26, 2008
As a Dominican now living in the U.S., I'm embarrassed and ashamed that so many Dominicans come to the U.S with the intention to get get on welfare and get free social services. It seems like these days, a lot more people are coming to the U.S. with the intent to get a free ride or engage in the drug trade, rather than work hard. They have a plan to head to the welfare/SS office as soon as they land. It makes us all look bad.

I don't know what the solution to the "Anchor baby" issue is..what if the law is changed and only kids born to U.S. citizens or legal residents automatically become citizens, what do you do when one parent is a U.S. citizen and the other is here illegally or on a visa? Do those kids get U.S. citizenship?


New member
May 19, 2009
There is nothing really wrong with an immigrant coming to the US to have their baby. We just would prefer that they pay for it and not have us pay for having their baby. It is similar to fraud and abuse of our system and that is the problem. It is wrong and cannot be supported by any logical reasoning.

Do expats in the DR go to the hospital and have dominicans or the dominican govt take up their tab?


Feb 3, 2002
Maybe so but you know what? I was born AMERICAN, so we'll never know huh?

So you were lucky and that's all. Now because you were lucky that gives you the right to judge? You didn't even have to earn the right to have US citizenship and a better life through hard work like I did for instance. It doesn't make you morally superior to other people.

Look I'm not going to slam you like some other people here have. I kind of understand where you're coming from but then again not really. If this hospital was YOUR company and you were losing your own money then yes I would understand, but I'm sure you're getting paid the same amount of money (maybe even more and maybe even better opportunities for you because you now speak some Spanish) so I don't understand this moral judgement. I don't judge people because I don't know what I would do if in the same situation and had the opportunity to give my kids a better life.
May 5, 2007
Americans say a lot, they force us to accept them!.

I have no idea what your problem is with "Americans," (Assuming you mean US Citizens) but there is no country on Earth that accepts more refugees and provides more in Aid to other nations

Before you start screaming, I will admit "Americans" are pushy, have imposed our will on others many times, but when the Hurricane or earthquake hits, the only complaints we usually get are "You didn't give us ENOUGH money"

Vacar, it is statements like yours that turn many citizens of the US from helping others, "let the ungrateful whiners suffer" becomes the cry

In my little chunk of "America" we just received a planeload of refugees from Myanmar (Burma), they will be housed, fed, educated and their medical needs taken care of by "Americans" that supposedly force their will upon them

The USA is so far from perfect it is scary, but my opinion is that it is still far from whomever is second best in providing aid to others


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004

I call BS on that, if that actually happened it it would have been a huge scandal, is there any links in any newspaper of that case, or are you just trying to escalate things a bit fabricating stuff?? Head to Maternidad La Altagracia and watch how many Haitian foreigners are giving birth there with no bill to pay.

That kind of things happens in Clinicas only as a friend that I had (really good baseball player) died after some delincuentes shot the car he was, got injured by the bullets and his friends took him to Clinica Indepedencia, in the ER they demanded DR$20,000 or they wouldn't touch him. Poor kid died after 4 hours waiting assistance. But that was in a clinic, not in a hospital.

As you pointed out yes was Clinica Independencia. not a hospital. maybe then not part of the public system. point is never would have happened in the US that he was refused treatment, they would have transported somewhere else if they had to, may have died enroute but still would be attempted to treat. This did happen about 3 years ago and no huge story or anything else. no public scandal.
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