what am i most surprised by???


Say what ! ???
Dec 10, 2005
the driving... passing on the right passing on the left... getting passed by speedsters.. the sytems of traffic signals,signs and general rules of the road. there is one sign near my house that seems to be totally ignored by all. people do not stop at stop signs here.. how do you figure that??? as long as everyone keeps moving its fine...????


New member
Oct 10, 2007
What I never have been able to figure out is why these fools never on time. They always are in such a hurry to get somewhere
Mar 2, 2008
I'm afraid it's true. If I hadn't seen it myself I never would have believed the type driving that seems to be a way of life in the DR.

There appears to be this overall sense that the drivers don't care where they're going as long as they are first. I've been passed by every type of car imaginable in every way imaginable. If they are behind someone they think they have been insulted.

I had a guy in a jeepita pass me on my way into POP airport. I was 10 feet before the gate where the parking attendant takes your money. I had my window down and the 5 pesos in my hand, but this guy had to be first. He went over the concrete median divider and cut in front of me with just inches to spare.

I just laughed and waved. He was happy he had 'won', and I was slightly amused by his antics, but when faced with it constantly everywhere one drives, it tends to get a little old very quickly.


Say what ! ???
Dec 10, 2005
right under your nose

is surprise in this country. the hotel lima which ive only had a room in years ago before they divided the rooms into two. it was fantastic then. french built with surprising gentleness and quiet. well it is finally getting a much needed painting.. the lease was lost in a gaming betwwen the chinese... now it is a short stay hotel. i have been visiting this city for years and a big place right around the corner never new it was what it is or had a bar in it for dancing ,and the waitresses wood listen to you and were very flexible.. etc. if you know what i mean... i went in one night and sat down and was joined by a waitress (i assumed) and i was just getting over my first dominican breakup with maria(name change to protect the innocent) and had a few beers with my new friend danced a few meranges , twirled twisted and hung on and had a good time... her friends joined us as i was doing the funding and they all liked free drinks...did one of them end up dancing on table and having a great time with the whole room clapping and yelling? vague memory...at this point


Active member
Aug 2, 2008
There's a great piece on driving in the DR in the archives that I'm too lazy to find. It details all the idiosyncrasies of driving in the DR. From the machismo element to the significance of different types of horn honks, to what to expect from public cars, gua-guas, etc. Look for it, it was a very good piece.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
There's a great piece on driving in the DR in the archives that I'm too lazy to find. It details all the idiosyncrasies of driving in the DR. From the machismo element to the significance of different types of horn honks, to what to expect from public cars, gua-guas, etc. Look for it, it was a very good piece.

search on "silly gringo decorations" and it will come up. I love that line. :)


Jul 25, 2007
Driving here can be an adventure to say the least. A few tips, avoid driving at night on the weekends and especially during the holidays as the streets are full of drunks even in the morning. Also, just don't get in a hurry and your (or mine:) ) competitive nature won't have cause to get you into trouble.


Jun 19, 2007
I got a laugh out of a motoconcho passing a police vehicle (with its emergency lights flashing) on the left as a taxi was passing the same cop on the right IN TOWN in Cabarete. No problem there. Just try any of the above in the states and see what happens.


Active member
Aug 2, 2008
Chirmoya, that was indeed a great post. For everyone's benefit here it is....

-----There are rules, but they are not official. They are known, through some mystic process, only to Dominican drivers and foreigners who have been here long enough to learn them. Here they are, listed in no particular order of importance.

#1. Use your horn a lot, for any reason or no reason at all. Blast
the guy in front of you for stopping for a red light. In a traffic
jam, lean on that horn and add all the racket you can to the general confusion. It won't help one little bit, but you'll have the
satisfaction of making yourself heard (maybe); something like a
child throwing a tantrum.

#2 Always drive at top speed. Patience is a sign of weakness.

#3. If there is a vehicle in front of you, pass it. It doesn't matter if you have to go around it, over it, under it, or through
it; you must get in front of it. Even if you are a guagua driver and
you are going to pull over and stop as soon as you have passed the other vehicle.

#4. If you are a male driver, never let a female driver pass you. A
real man can't put up with that kind of nonsense.

#5. Don't make left turns. The driver behind you will try to pass on your left while you are doing it, because God forbid he should have to slow down or stop while you make your turn. Pull over to the right and wait until the road is clear for five miles in either
direction before you turn; OR, get into the wrong lane half a mile
before your turn and make your left from there.

#6. If the driver ahead of you is making a left turn, ram him.

#7. If you are coming out of a driveway or sidestreet, and the only vehicle coming is a motorbike, pull out in front of him. In a
collision between a car and a motorbike, the motorbike is going to lose, so obviously it's up to him to stop.

#8. Ignore traffic lights. They're only there to impress the tourists.

#9. If you are in a traffic jam, and you see an open lane which
might possibly be used to unsnarl the mess, block it as quickly as
possible. And don't forget that horn.

#10. If the vehicle in front of you is passing a vehicle in front of
him, pass them both so that you have three vehicles side by side in
a line across the highway, going in the same direction. If you're a
publico driver, this is a great way to scare the hell out of any
tourists in your car.

#11. When driving at night keep your highbeams on all the time. If drivers of oncoming cars find them too bright, well, that's what
sunglasses are for.

#12. Seatbelts are silly gringo decorations.

#13. If you see that the car you are overtaking is being driven by
someone you know, stay alongside him for a few miles so you can have a chat.

#14. Indicator lights are there to warn other drivers of what you
intend to do, but since every other driver on the road is an enemy, why should you give them any warnings?

# 15. When you park your car, remember that NO PARKING signs do not apply to you personally.

Of course, given the number of motorcycles on the road here, there are some special rules for them, too.

#1. When driving along that stretch of highway which runs through Cabarete, go at your flat out, top speed. It's your right to endanger yourself and the community; and besides, people love to hear the noise your engine makes when you have the throttle wide open - day or night.

#2. If you see a traffic jam up ahead, just use the sidewalks. If
you should run down a pedestrian, it's his fault for not jumping out of the way quickly enough.

#3. When you park your motorbike, leave it in a place where it will cause the greatest inconvenience; the road, the entrance to a driveway, the doorway of a store, etc.

#4. Hang your helmet on your handlebar so if you have an accident, people will have something to scrape your brains into after they've been splattered all over the road.

#5. It is not necessary to repair broken headlights or tail lights.
Car drivers should be able to see you in their highbeams, and they generally drive as if you're not there anyhow.

Oh yes; a driver's licence is nice, but who really needs one?


New member
Jul 20, 2008
too funny

that is really funny and so true. i tell my american friends the dr has one rule of driving: GO!!


Jan 12, 2007
Love the thread so far. A few more:

If you are out of music just let your car alarm run until your battery dies.
I love when I see a car alarm going and a passenger sleeping in the front seat.

Honk for no reason just to hear yourself.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
and the one and only driving lesson consists of "here is the accelerator and here is the horn".


Say what ! ???
Dec 10, 2005
beer or belts....

i am always wondering about getting stopped because i dont put on the seat belts... ive been warned and stopped more than once.. ok i always put them on but drivin around with a bottle of beer ok no problem nobody stopping anyone there.... good habit drinking and partying i think ill try to remember to do that in the states... maybe get on t.v. bad boy bad boy...


Jul 12, 2004
Driving here is kind of adventerous if you are not used to it. If you are not tailgating the car in front of you, you will surely get passed by another car behind you wanting that small space. But at night, away from the cities there are usually no lights on the roads and oncoming traffic most of the time have their high beams blinding you. Also, don't forget the animals that stroll onto the road.


Say what ! ???
Dec 10, 2005
well i love driving here---

and im happy to say that sometimes my little burro can fly... i mostly know the roads, eyesight is ok been racing here and there most times, i am looking for a faster car as we speak.. here i dont have to do a 100 just give me a stick good suspension and tires, decent engine size and im ready to go..i see these guys out there sunday mornings in the porsches, vettes mustangs nissans, going going.. using their cars. nobody going to stop a guy in a hundred and ten thousand dollar car doing 140 mph.. they already know who he is. where he lives and probably have his cell #. driving here is an adventure... happy or sad. i dont race around all the time. just like to. i love the ads for cars in the states. no traffic drive a bmw wonderful ... well here you can drive on uncrowded roads and highways. just have to have the willingness, car or bike and the desire to go fast. dom's cars dont move unless there are 5 people minimum. so on sunday the cars trucks are not working and stay home... there is almost no place back home to drive as here. more than one tourist has fallin in love with the back roads here drivin around slowly on scooters or passolas... driving here as they cannot back home...


Say what ! ???
Dec 10, 2005
almost never say no.

to an invitation to go somewhere. my car or theirs. most time it is a very good time and for sure going to be a place you have never been before. this time i was invited to muncion. really nice and quiet. i have been there before but it was years ago. i remember this one beautiful house that resembled a western mountain house. or ponderrosa....we were invited in by the watchman. this was georgeous. not a concrete pit either. probably pine walls exterior. all u.s. wood inside walls. except for other trimming from different places, spain brazil etc. open stairs with metal and wood railing. 6 bedrooms total. two driveways. two motorbikes and two quads. all new to very good. modern appliances. he was not scared of taxes when he imported allof his...the grounds were delicious. patio barbecue area, lov tub swings, two dogs alarms etc. one year to build. but i think longer.
one thing i noticed was the lack of noise.. we had chivo and rice with casava. a whole chivo went down. about four bottles also. kids warmed up with pizza and still had the goat.. very nice house. on the corner. a bit older and nothing like the new million $ one close by. everyone in jackets as it was cold and raining all day. we went for a spin to the reservoir and wow... you know i get hot when i see big fresh water. boats were going past us later for night fishing..met a dr. or two... one guy lives 15 miles from me. lol..my wife went shopping at the owners store which had just opened up with the new shipment and was doing a brisk trade w/the ladies spending husbands $$$. valentines day early??? i got by cheaply...


Say what ! ???
Dec 10, 2005
draggin small children with em

im not really sure if this is cultural or economic.. i dont think we had any $ when i was a small child. i sure it was a little different than alot of dom peoples. but i dont ever remember being allowed out at all at night time.. sckool...rest stay at home... is this eco or cultural...the drive or wanting is more important than proper upbringing... and who knows if my opinion is important.??? i keep saying take the kid home to bed....


Oct 21, 2008
Sounds like driving in the DR is similar to Trinidad.

donmobay... you may want to get your keyboard checked out. It appears your shift key is broken.


Say what ! ???
Dec 10, 2005

and caps are not required. big deal im not that great a typist i cheated in school at it... hunt and peck


Say what ! ???
Dec 10, 2005
there are no house # s here.

someone always has to come and get you. show you the house etc. bring you where your going meet you at the gas station. although i did find one guys house by directions. he also lives in n.y. and gave precise directions... they give the apt blgs names.. not #'s res. jolie res. bertrand etc... typical :we will meet you at the supermkt , call when you are close...