What are Dominican woman like? What are Dominican man like?

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Apr 7, 2014
 LoL USN :D I think I know why you said that. Too much caping for women? I would only label someone a simp if there is no reciprocity from the woman you are involved with, but is she has my back, I will have her back as well.  If we are talking about Chapeadoras/Gold Diggers....then by all means I will have to say you are simping, since that would be an uneven relationship.  Business is simply business, but wifey is another....2 different scenarios, 2 different means of action.  I will admit there is a lot of simping happening on the island, especially when you are approached by a hottie which would never have given you the time of day back home, can you blame some of the guys? Let them enjoy the second half of the game:glasses:

I was born in 1973. I dont know any of that 2nd half of life jazz or 30 year age difference stuff. I know the past 10 or comments have been so full of manure that seriously...I suspect some of you are medicated. Even that last one from "I wish I was Gloria Steinum" was naive.

There is a phrase I heard a few days ago about interactions on social media called "Perfectionism". One person gives a personal countenance of his social life as being absolutely perfect. Usually coupled with staged photos and unwarranted testimonials. Then other people read it and become envious or depressed about the anemic nature of their own personal life.

Some of us, thankfully, are scathing cynics who call Hot Runny Dripping Giraffe Poo on all that. From top to bottom, I call doo-doo on all of it.

We can get into the nuances of Simping. Reciprocity too comes in grades. The previous poster was right to step away from the conversation. You put too much out here and then we are free to scrutinize your choices.

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Apr 7, 2014

        It is always good to see stories with a positive outcome, since there are more than enough negative ones to go around.  Russell is correct on stating, if you find yourself in a compromising situation with a Dominican woman, then you have no one to blame but yourself.  I would suggest to anyone who wishes to seriously date in D.R. Learn Spanish, Learn the culture, spend quality time building real friendships, and stay out of tourist areas if you are looking for a real woman.  If the intent is pay for play, then ignore my advice and enjoy yourself :D
I like to.respond to this but Berzin said it all better than I would and further onto that.

Hahahahbahahahahahahahabaa! You guys are really good for a congested nose. I cant hold it in...better than Vips Vapo'Ro

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
Great thread.

Stayed on course and everyone put there 2 cents in.

In the grand schemes of things, women are hard creatures to understand whether in a third world country or back in the states or in your own neck of the woods.

The women would say the same about men. That is why there is the saying:

Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus.

If there is life in other galaxies, the saying might be:

Men are from Earth. Women are from Neptune.

In other words, let them be and try not to read too much into them.

Que sera, sera!!!!!!

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