What is required to nullify marriage in DR?


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
That's going to be hard to prove. Just because she said she married you for the green card
is going to be hard for a judge to believe and grant you an annulment because there are
children born in the marriage and being married for a total of 6 years.

It would have been easier if there were no children and the both of you were living apart for a long
period of time in which case you would need to show proof.

Are there any marital assets? If so, you may want to rethink and seek a divorce instead
because with an annulment you will forfeit everything acquired. It's as if the marriage
never occurred.

An annulment may extinguish a person’s rights to property acquired during the marriage. The logic is that if the marriage is declared void, it’s as though the marriage never existed and therefore there are no marital assets to distribute.

I seriously doubt if the judge will grant you an annulment. A woman doesn't
just marry a man and produce 3 children and then after 6 years of marriage
just because" she said" is not cause to think that she married only for the green
card because it's obvious that she didn't.
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Jun 17, 2012
Your woman sounds off the rocker so to speak. However you must have known that she was not quite a full six pack when you met. Once a woman starts telling you about sexual abuses and suicide attempts its time to run like the dogs were after you. And then you had two more children with her.
My advice to you is to offer her a couple of grand cash. Tell her that it is for her to go to the DR and rent an apt. Tell her when she is set up you will bring the children to her. Then change your phone number and move. File for divorce get a warrant of protection and stick to jerking off.

I always thought Russians were slick. Shame on you Ivan.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Get a divorce under grounds of abandonment and seek full custody of the children.


Jan 30, 2012
homie's screwed, plain and simple. It takes a mountain of proof for immigration to determine GC by fraud, and the amount of time the marriage has been in effect will not allow for annulment. My advise, get a lawyer, document everything, offer her a settlement up front, or alimony for 12-18 mo, and go for it. FL is a no-fault state where divorce is concerned. lick your wounds, buddy, chalk it up to experience, and move on. Been there, done that, got the mug.


Jan 3, 2007
I seriously doubt if the judge will grant you an annulment. A woman doesn't
just marry a man and produce 3 children and then after 6 years of marriage
just because" she said" is not cause to think that she married only for the green
card because it's obvious that she didn't.

Not only that, once she got PRA status she didn't need him anymore anyway. They're not going to remove her status unless she commits a felony (or several). The system regards itself as infallible and doesn't lend itself to admission of erroneous judgments.

I'm thinking "WTF was he thinking" over here. There's a world of difference between and ODB tossing a few 20-somethings and keeping it moving and Marrying one and having Babies. By the time they graduate High School he'll be dead. Makes no sense at all.


Nov 4, 2011
Get a divorce under grounds of abandonment and seek full custody of the children.

If I was a judge I would laugh this guy out of my courtroom. The only way I would grant for custody to a 63 yr old man over the mother.

1. The mother is DEAD

2. The mother is LOCKED UP

I would look you him right in the face and say you are TOO OLD!!! no offense.

La Rubia

Jan 1, 2010
If I was a judge I would laugh this guy out of my courtroom. The only way I would grant for custody to a 63 yr old man over the mother.

1. The mother is DEAD

2. The mother is LOCKED UP

I would look you him right in the face and say you are TOO OLD!!! no offense.

Judge will look at stability and safety of children. Documented suicide attempts and threats against the children are very serious.

Not clear what kind of shelter she's in.

As others have said, forget about her, forget about revenge, forget about the green card. Immigration doesn't care at this point.

Move now, explain later. Because right now you can legally go wherever you want. Once paperwork gets filed, you'll be restricted. As the sane parent of these children, you have to protect them. Make good decisions that your children will respect once they are older.

Focus on that.


Jul 8, 2005
Rubia, you might have read wrong. The kids are with her in a shelter. Depending on the shelter she may have already filed claims of abuse to be eligible for extended services. Shelters are safe havens and one needs a court order to enter without permission. Good chance she has support from the staff and funding from the state. As long as she plays by the rules at the shelter she has the upper hand.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Get a divorce under grounds of abandonment and seek full custody of the children.

Who has the children now? In your first post you said that she left and now you have the children.

In post #5 you stated that she went to a shelter and took the children with her.


Sep 27, 2006
article 202 of the codigo civil says: El matrimonio declarado nulo, produce sin embargo, efectos civil lo mismo respecto a los conyuges que a los hijos, cuando se ha contraido en buena fe.
i am not sure i understand it correctly but it seems to me that the children may be affected legally by this process as well.
i would personally go britney spears on her and see if you can declare her legally incapacitated on the grounds of her mental disease. force her into treatment and in the meantime ask for legal custody of the children.
nullifying the marriage is the last thing you should think about now.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"ber", Do you want to "Trade Wives with me"????????????????
YOUR's sounds a hundred times better than MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have never seen women who use their children only as a "Means To An End" like Dominicanas do!
They have, 2,3,4, Or MORE children, with a succession of "Baby Papis",then leave them for their mother to raise!
They live with any men who will keep them for a while, or, they go "Over Seas" to work as prostitutes, just to buy useless "Stuff" for themselves!
My 3 children are here in the DR with me.
Their mother lives in the house, THAT's about the extent of her involvement with the "Kids", except for spending their USA Social Security Benefit checks that she steals every month, on herself, and her girlfriends!
These "Dominicana" Horror stories are, Sadly, not "One Offs", we are just "Jerk Offs"!
Thank God, my "Parents-in-Law" have lived with us for the last 10 years.
My "M-I-L" is a wonderful surrogate "Mami" to the children, and a "Saint" of a woman!
The rest of her 3 daughters are like "Mami" and are always around to love, and teach, the children.
"I, Ain't No "Sock Puppet"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just WISH I WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 25, 2013
Talk about buyer beware so to speak, seems quite a few of us has been through the meat grinder here...Sorry to hear this bro.

Money, its all they care about...


"ber", Do you want to "Trade Wives with me"????????????????
YOUR's sounds a hundred times better than MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have never seen women who use their children only as a "Means To An End" like Dominicanas do!
They have, 2,3,4, Or MORE children, with a succession of "Baby Papis",then leave them for their mother to raise!
They live with any men who will keep them for a while, or, they go "Over Seas" to work as prostitutes, just to buy useless "Stuff" for themselves!
My 3 children are here in the DR with me.
Their mother lives in the house, THAT's about the extent of her involvement with the "Kids", except for spending their USA Social Security Benefit checks that she steals every month, on herself, and her girlfriends!
These "Dominicana" Horror stories are, Sadly, not "One Offs", we are just "Jerk Offs"!
Thank God, my "Parents-in-Law" have lived with us for the last 10 years.
My "M-I-L" is a wonderful surrogate "Mami" to the children, and a "Saint" of a woman!
The rest of her 3 daughters are like "Mami" and are always around to love, and teach, the children.
"I, Ain't No "Sock Puppet"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just WISH I WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 9, 2012
If I was a judge I would laugh this guy out of my courtroom. The only way I would grant for custody to a 63 yr old man over the mother.

1. The mother is DEAD

2. The mother is LOCKED UP

I would look you him right in the face and say you are TOO OLD!!! no offense.
Never old as long as you can take care of them till they take care of themselves.....in DR it seems to be 12 or 13 years old...


Jan 3, 2007
Never old as long as you can take care of them till they take care of themselves.....in DR it seems to be 12 or 13 years old...

But the OP, his Wife and Kids are not IN the D.R., they are in the USA where a marriage or other intimate living arrangement between Men and Women with a 30 year age difference is in and of itself "shocking, inappropriate, perverse and detestable", let alone them producing offspring.


New member
Oct 16, 2013
Skynet, thank you for your referral. I received a detailed written answer to my questions from attorney Johanna De Lancer from Guzman law firm. It looks as an annulment in DR would be near to impossible under these specific circumstances.

Children are in the shelter with mother at this time. I filed petition for injunction to get children back. Yes. 63 yo vs 29 yo. But what is preferred option for child: mentally ill, unstable, unpredictable, uneducated young mother who has no love to her children or loving, educated but elderly father? When my wife gave birth to my baby about 5 years ago, I had three choices: to leave baby with mother, to take baby to U.S. without mother (mother would not object), or to marry mother and take both baby and mother to USA. I selected the third option to give my baby a chance to have both parents. Would I select this option again after this bitter experience? I do not know.
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Aug 25, 2013
Glad you made contact!! They are good, but it can be a challenge to get them on the phone or even get their number...reason I provided it for you...And too bad you're in the State you are, if NY?? forget bout it...They would rip her out of that shelter so fast for kidnapping her head would spin! period!! not to mention brought up on charges of endangering the children, being in her state of mind/condition that is..I would try the attorney general's office or even call the Senate of that State, tell them what's going on...A Green Card can be revoked for even a traffic ticket...What She is doing here? there must be something that Immigration would act on, call them asap..

Nothing like throwing stones at somebody while your protected by bulletproof glass..The damn law makers should realize that some laws they pass, can also be used as a weapon...That there is BS!! Although I understand that a Shelter is there for certain reasons, it should not be used to protect a person from persecution in other laws that they may have broken..Let me go Rob a bank then run for cover in a shelter...WTF!!??? Cops cannot enter, can't even serve the person with a court order...Yea, how about Stand Your Ground which turns into a race card..Just Amazing that State is!! Come on, I can use some money too, lets hit a bank and hide in that same shelter..Sorry, this just gets me very angry for you for I too was railroaded not so long ago and to involve your kids on top of it all is BS!

Again, contact immigration asap because you should be worried as you are..She has nothing to lose, and we don't want to hear about another horror story by some twisted idiot with the kids..

Wish I could help more bro~! but if you need me for anything more hit me up


Skynet, thank you for your referral. I received a detailed written answer to my questions from attorney Johanna De Lancer from Guzman law firm. It looks as an annulment in DR would be near to impossible under these specific circumstances.

Children are in the shelter with mother at this time. I filed petition for injunction to get children back. Yes. 63 yo vs 29 yo. But what is preferred option for child: mentally ill, unstable, unpredictable, uneducated young mother who has no love to her children or loving, educated but elderly father? When my wife gave birth to my baby about 5 years ago, I had three choices: to leave baby with mother, to take baby to U.S. without mother (mother would not object), or to marry mother and take both baby and mother to USA. I selected the third option to give my baby a chance to have both parents. Would I select this option again after this bitter experience? I do not know.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I would recommend you to file for divorce and have her served here in the US as soon as possible and ask for full custody of the children.

If you think she is a "flight risk" or a "danger to the children" request an urgent/emergency restraining order hearing in front of a judge and if the court thinks the children are in danger they will take them away from her and if she goes to the DR after being served you might have a slight chance better to get them back however, your greatest "fear" now should not be the divorce but, rather her taking the children to the DR.