What's wrong with being a sanky?? Really.


Jun 28, 2003
Yeah, yeah, I love Tambo too, but guess what, Johne...

I'm the only one who actually did answer your question, but I guess you didn't like the answer and chose to ignore it.

Some people are made up of a different fiber than those who choose to scam for a living, but you don't seem to think so, so let me tell you a little story.
Back in the early 70's I was living in Vancouver, and I was desperate for money, no job, things looking bleak, and I met a dude my age who worked as a gigolo, and he wanted to mentor me into the biz.
Hard to believe that I was a good looking boy, at one time?
Well, I was.
6 Feet tall, muscular, sharp mind, good looking face, acted kool, all that stuff that the ladies like.
Anyhow, to make a long story short, I wouldn't do it.
Not in my nature.

So don't be so sure that everyone turns to scum in the face of adversity.
Some of us have morals, scruples, ethics and all that stuff that sankies do not have.

Marco--I think you're taking some of my questioning out of context. I saw your answer-No you wouldn't do it--but in my second posting I tried to make an anology to what might be similar "sankism" in a different culture.
I too have worked legit for many years to EARN every cent I have and continue to work today although from a money angle don't have too.

I never said I would do it or condone it. My question was and still is--
Under similar circumstances--Would one do it? I am clear on your answer and I'm sure you know my answer but I am still curious on how some other people would react if give the "opportunity" the sankies are faced with.

Late for golf-talk later in the day.


Apr 4, 2002
Marco--I think you're taking some of my questioning out of context. I saw your answer-No you wouldn't do it--but in my second posting I tried to make an anology to what might be similar "sankism" in a different culture.
I too have worked legit for many years to EARN every cent I have and continue to work today although from a money angle don't have too.

I never said I would do it or condone it. My question was and still is--
Under similar circumstances--Would one do it? I am clear on your answer and I'm sure you know my answer but I am still curious on how some other people would react if give the "opportunity" the sankies are faced with.

Late for golf-talk later in the day.
I got the picture, but anyone admitting that they would, is tantamount to saying they have no ethics and morals.
Who's going to want to admit that on the www?

Happy golfing, John.
Remember to only play with your own balls.
Never touch anyone else's balls.
If you do accidentally touch someone else's balls and you notice that your putter is standing on end all by itself, then you have just discovered that you're gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.;)


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
There is a difference between a gigolo and a sankie. A sankie is creating the illusion of a real loving relationship, and conning the woman out of money in the process. As with female prostitutes, with a gigolo the transaction is more transparent, even though part of the deal may involve acting out a genuine relationship.


Apr 4, 2002
There is a difference between a gigolo and a sankie. A sankie is creating the illusion of a real loving relationship, and conning the woman out of money in the process. As with female prostitutes, with a gigolo the transaction is more transparent, even though part of the deal may involve acting out a genuine relationship.
True, but that was the term used in those days in that part of the world, and I can't say that I remember how low he would stoop, but there certainly was some scamming involved.
PS: They hadn't invented the word "sanky" yet.
That was a product of the 80's.


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
It's not always presented in black & white.There are many layers of grey in between which adds to the level of deception, whether it be a male or female working the Gringa(o). You also don't hear about the guys as often, they just chalk it up to, oh well she was a "puta" and took me and move on. For some reason there is and always be a double standard in this game.



Apr 4, 2002
It's not always presented in black & white.There are many layers of grey in between which adds to the level of deception, whether it be a male or female working the Gringa(o). You also don't hear about the guys as often, they just chalk it up to, oh well she was a "puta" and took me and move on. For some reason there is and always be a double standard in this game.

You do not have to be a scam artist to be a puta, but you do have to be one, to be a sanky.
Huge difference.


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
It's not always a BLACK AND WHITE issue!
What about the "novia" whose Grandmother has died 3 times over a year, and requires a Western Union infusion for each funeral?
Is she a puta, novia, or a sankette?



Apr 4, 2002
It's not always a BLACK AND WHITE issue!
What about the "novia" whose Grandmother has died 3 times over a year.
Is she a puta, novia, or a sankette?

She is a puta scam artist.
Sankiette may be the appropriate term, although I'm not familiar enough with the usage of the word.


Jan 2, 2002
It's not always a BLACK AND WHITE issue!
What about the "novia" whose Grandmother has died 3 times over a year, and requires a Western Union infusion for watch funeral?
Is she a puta, novia, or a sankette?


That's a sankiette/scam artist.

A puta is a simple extra of money for sex and most men know ahead of time what they are getting therefore the sob stories may not work.

The real meaning of a sankie/sankiette used in these discussions means someone that works very hard in making a victim believe they are in love with them in order to better their life in any way possible.

It's not an all Dominican people thing nor an all resort worker thing, they are people that decide that instead of sending out 5 million emails a day to get money out of some African bank account they choose to play on naive people's hearts and emotions by making them fall in love.
Last edited:


Jun 2, 2006
You do not have to be a scam artist to be a puta, but you do have to be one, to be a sanky.
Huge difference.

hmmm..interesting comment...is "the goal" the same ? some type of materialistic payoff ?
Sep 19, 2005
if we put what the sankie...or sankiette into perspective as far as con artist and scam victims go.....what level of feeling sorry should we be at.

they have a commercial for some investment house going around on the tv these days...

it involves a computer scam that we read about that comes from over seas and has someone telling us they have a huge amount of money tied up some place and they NEED our generous help to aquire it, but we will be richly rewarded. We only need to start the giving of money ourselves to get this recovery going....but they ACT it out live in person ....the catch being..this type of scam doesnt work very good in person....or at least it shouldnt!!!!

thus we wouldnt feel sorry for someone who is foolish enough to believe the scam in person

isnt the sankie scaming very similar.. at some point we believe that the person should open their eyes.

we fee sorry for someone who is robbed... and we feel sorry for someone who meet an equal partner and is dragged along with the belief that true feeling developed and then they were taken.....but when it is obvious the partners dont match.....and the scam happens....how much is YOU should have known and how much is..gee thats too bad..

if miss america comes up to me and says..wow you are so hot....I have been waiting for you...I really like you....red flags are flying!!

if you ever go to any of thes epersonal sites tons of these hot babes are being paid to hit on middle aged men as if they are hot for them only to get them to come see them on a some web cam sight...THAT YOU NEED TO PAY FOR!!!

who thinks these babes really have the hots for them???



Jan 2, 2002
If people can't tell the difference between and an email scam, going to a site to look at hot chicks for money, and someone that you are convinced loves you, well it's no wonder we have so many victim's in this world.

It's obvious to whom? To the on lookers? It's never obvious to the victims or they wouldn't be victims. The victim had hopes and false dreams that it would work out or at least were willing to give it a shot for however long it lasts.
Sep 19, 2005
you say it isnt obvious to the victim of a sankie....but thats because many close their eyes to the information they recieve and want to believe otherwise.

how many hundreds have come here ..heard the stories and heard the advice and went against it.....

because they chose to close their eyes and believe something else.

same goes for the person reading the internet.. they hear what they want, they see what they want... they believe what they want

I really think that the resort sankie should be easier to realize for the victim.....

the time frames are so short... for the amount of "love" that develops.....



Nov 17, 2004
My next trip I am going to prove a point that even a Gringo can make a living as a Sanky. I will not only donate all of the proceeds to a local childrens Dental clinic, I will match my earnings and double the donation.

Who is my first cliente......

tambo' the sanky

Sorry, I already beat you to this YEARS ago. It was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to doing it again!!!;)

Without the lies and deception, of course-then I wouldn't be a sankie, would I?:paranoid:


Jan 2, 2002
Yes Bob I absolutely agree with you ;)

But getting back to the original question

What's wrong with being a sankie? Really?

So what do you think is wrong with being a sankie if anything?


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
If a Sanky makes his intentions clear to his client, and it is purely PAY for PLAY, then what is wrong?....... nobody is being deceived, and it's a symbiotic relationship.


Jan 2, 2002
If a Sanky makes his intentions clear to his client, and it is purely PAY for PLAY, then what is wrong?....... nobody is being deceived, and it's a symbiotic relationship.

Yes true, if one is looking to have sex with a good looking piece of meat and wants to pay for it who cares, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

He would be called a male prostitute/gigolo. No problema. But a sankie does not make his intentions clear and that is why we have this discussion a thousand times a year.


Jul 25, 2007
I don't think selling one's body for sexual favors is ever justified. There are many, many poor guys and girls here in the DR outside of the tourist areas and few of them if any are starving. It is contrary to Dom. custom to deny food to a neighbor or family in need.

The fact is the majority of these prostitutes and what not do it because they have a mental condition, lazy, greedy, have an expensive drug habit or too proud to go ask for a plate of food for them and their children or (which may require some amount of physical labor if they consistently do it.) With regard to those that have a mental condition, given that this country is so poor their outlook for treatment looks bleak. For the others, they end up paying the price with their bodies not to mention the "education" they are giving their children as they become old enough to be aware. In the end it is a no win situation.

With regard to those being "sankiefied" the deceit and lying I'm sure has shattered many dreams and caused many to catch all sorts of diseases. Pretty ugly in my book.