Why cant Dominican people see their golden oppertunity?

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Feb 27, 2004
I have to say that living in the Dominican is not such a bad idea as an Dominican/American I recently moved there with my wife and three children, let me tell the Island has changed, I like to say I am an expert in my people but Dominican's in the Island are a whole different animal, Dominicans have become up-tight, rude, they swindle and con for money, everyone is interested in your money,customer service is horrible, police are a non-factor, and most important education is very exspensive and not all that!! in order to attract Americans into this Island they must change alot of the problems that has this paradise hostage, Americans are to civilized and will not stand for half of the things that occur there on a daily basis, I like living in DR because I do my own thing and I always find people like me everywhere I go, but let's face it this is not a place for traditional born in North Carolina suburbs type of people we will never attract a large number of civilized living American's


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
daddy1 said:
I have to say that living in the Dominican is not such a bad idea as an Dominican/American I recently moved there with my wife and three children, let me tell the Island has changed, I like to say I am an expert in my people but Dominican's in the Island are a whole different animal, Dominicans have become up-tight, rude, they swindle and con for money, everyone is interested in your money,customer service is horrible, police are a non-factor, and most important education is very exspensive and not all that!! in order to attract Americans into this Island they must change alot of the problems that has this paradise hostage, Americans are to civilized and will not stand for half of the things that occur there on a daily basis, I like living in DR because I do my own thing and I always find people like me everywhere I go, but let's face it this is not a place for traditional born in North Carolina suburbs type of people we will never attract a large number of civilized living American's

So your living here now?


New member
Mar 6, 2004
Obviously you never been to Tijuana Mexico

daddy1 said:
I have to say that living in the Dominican is not such a bad idea as an Dominican/American I recently moved there with my wife and three children, let me tell the Island has changed, I like to say I am an expert in my people but Dominican's in the Island are a whole different animal, Dominicans have become up-tight, rude, they swindle and con for money, everyone is interested in your money,customer service is horrible, police are a non-factor, and most important education is very exspensive and not all that!! in order to attract Americans into this Island they must change alot of the problems that has this paradise hostage, Americans are to civilized and will not stand for half of the things that occur there on a daily basis, I like living in DR because I do my own thing and I always find people like me everywhere I go, but let's face it this is not a place for traditional born in North Carolina suburbs type of people we will never attract a large number of civilized living American's

Tell the man in the middle of the ocean Never. Never say never. Don't you know that? How funny. That's just what the east coast of the U.S. used to say about the old west in the 1800,s. They said those savages could never mix with the rest of the U.S. They said the wall in Berlin would never come down. They said Russia would always be comunist. They said a man could never walk on the moon. 200 years ago they said the U.S. would never servive. Let me tell you my friend I have been to over 20 countries.
I am very civilized, business motivated and I know what it takes. You think the U.S. was always rich? It took people from all over the world to make us what we are today.
The Dominican people that start to make it happen will set the example. The others will follow. Oh yes there will always be the ones looking for a hand out. Oh by the way being born and raised in the U.S. and knowing this country like the back of my hand. I can tell you this. Most people living in the suburbs of South Carolina not only can't afford to travel out of the country, they are country. We call them Red Necks.
You say Never...That was pretty funny I got to admit.
John :smoke:


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Nal0whs said:
I am also a dominican who have been to NYC, Connecticut, Mass, Florida, Jersey, Washinton DC, California, Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado. I've also been to Europe and several Latin Countries besides my country, the Dominican Republic. So, why did I generalized? Because the bulk of dominicans that leave for the USA are headed towards NYC, hence NYC has the second largest concentration of dominicans in the World. Not every dominican that leaves the island will end up in a nice apartment in Washington.

All true because the bulk of those Dominicans who choose to leave their homeland and break for the promise of a better future are mostly made up of the part of the population whom can't keep up with the rising cost living and the burden of not having had a proper education to rely on, others do so simply because someone in their family already made the trip and naturally requested their siblings to obtain an immigrant status since it's the only way they'll ever achieve to be able to visit him or her in the country this member of the family emigrated to, the vast majority of Dominicans would return to their country in a heartbeat if the conditions for it to happen are in place, not to own a vast fortune, luxury cars etc but the means to support themselves with a respectable wage and overall proper living conditions vacant in many social classes today in RD.

I myself came to this country (USA) to shop for clothes and a new car for college yet here I find myself several years later, I lived in a nice Co-op when I arrived here which belonged to a friend of mine, later moved to a unit I rented from an aging couple with more than ample space and modern facilities to say the least, it all boils down to your power of acquisition no more no less, and as you pointed out the bulk does lives under extreme conditions because it's common knowledge NY boroughs own some nasty huts and landlords.

It's a question of economics against the backdrop of social relations, Dominican newcomers to the city of NY flock to the centers where Dominicans are known to concentrate, language and cultural barriers make it much more harder for these newcomers to disperse ever rapidly to other corners of the States, yet nowadays we can see that many families are doing just that packing their bags and daring to go west.

I must admit that when I came to the States the rent on my first apt. was $309.00 and today it has more than grown to $1,700.00 and it would represent an even more daunting challenge for Dominican families to overcome as they make way here and other parts of the world, like in London, where I can clearly remember flats rent are paid fortnight or even weekly instead of monthly like here and other cities in the world.
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New member
Feb 3, 2004
Mr_AmericanMan said:
Do you know that the Dominican Republic was a stopping point for slaves back in the slaves days before they came to America?
You might. Do you know that there are so many Rich black Americans who don't? They would love to come and see their roots. They work their butts off and have no idea that paridise and a vacation home is so close and so affordable. They complain how they hate living in the States. Not all but so many do. We are for example brothers and sisters who have grown apart. Well it's time to come together and reunite. Let show the world how to SALSA!
John :smoke:

Most American blacks probably don't know that black slaves were brought to the Dominican Republic just as they were to America and they don't care. The typical Black American is not going to be interested in trying to connect with "their roots" in DR. The only thing blacks in the US know and care about is the Dominican Republic is a spanish speaking country and there's no difference to them if your Dominican or Puerto Rican your all the same.A lot of black people I know won't even eat in spanish restaurants because they think spanish people are not clean.If you go on the premise that rich black Americans should be inclined to travel to DR because of their relation to the slaves that were brought there then what would be so special to them about DR. They can travel to Cuba,Italy and dozens of other countries where slaves were brought and eventually mixed with the natives.

In order for DR to have this boom of American tourism or colonization that you are describing the engish language is going to have to be more widely used there.Americans are accustomed to be free to roam where ever, whenever. No one is going to want to be confined to an AI type area on a long term basis.Then there's the apparent lack of order in the country. There's terrible traffic regulations if they exist at all.No one can tell you how much any thing is going to cost you.There's always a long process to getting anything done.You always have to "know someone".It's always hard to find what you need. Half the time there's no electricity the other half of the time there's no fuel to be found.DR is not a very convenient country to live in.And the Redneck's in the US that are too poor to travel are still living better than a lot of the people in DR.Most people with money looking to retire in paradise would opt for Florida before they would DR.


New member
Mar 10, 2004
The discussion is tourism, not relocating to DR. Most tourists are interested in sun, beaches, beer, and a good nightlife. As long as costs remain low enough to be attractive to tourists (in dollar terms), tourism will continue to flourish.
Of course, targeted marketing is always welcome to remind potential tourists that the island is there.


New member
Mar 6, 2004
Too bad you feel that way

pati said:
Most American blacks probably don't know that black slaves were brought to the Dominican Republic just as they were to America and they don't care. The typical Black American is not going to be interested in trying to connect with "their roots" in DR. The only thing blacks in the US know and care about is the Dominican Republic is a spanish speaking country and there's no difference to them if your Dominican or Puerto Rican your all the same.A lot of black people I know won't even eat in spanish restaurants because they think spanish people are not clean.If you go on the premise that rich black Americans should be inclined to travel to DR because of their relation to the slaves that were brought there then what would be so special to them about DR. They can travel to Cuba,Italy and dozens of other countries where slaves were brought and eventually mixed with the natives.

In order for DR to have this boom of American tourism or colonization that you are describing the engish language is going to have to be more widely used there.Americans are accustomed to be free to roam where ever, whenever. No one is going to want to be confined to an AI type area on a long term basis.Then there's the apparent lack of order in the country. There's terrible traffic regulations if they exist at all.No one can tell you how much any thing is going to cost you.There's always a long process to getting anything done.You always have to "know someone".It's always hard to find what you need. Half the time there's no electricity the other half of the time there's no fuel to be found.DR is not a very convenient country to live in.And the Redneck's in the US that are too poor to travel are still living better than a lot of the people in DR.Most people with money looking to retire in paradise would opt for Florida before they would DR.

Hello my friend how are you.
First of all I live in Atlanta. I am a Black American who had an opportunity to come to The Dominican Republic because I work for the U.S. Coast Guard stationed in Puerto Rico. Atlanta is Americas largest black metopolitain city. The city's nick name is Chocolate City for the amount of well to do Black Americans. Second Americans are always searching for their roots. Americans schools do not carry the history of Black Americans. An this is a problem Black Americans are fighting in the court systems. Look it up please.
Third Like you said Black Americans don't know much about Dominican Republic. They speak Spanish like Puerto Rico. That was funny. Most don't even know that. Most don't even know where the Country is let alone what language is spoken. Fourth you say blacks don't go into Spanish Resturant because they think there dirty. My goodness where did you come up with that! Myself and many friends go into Spanish Resturant all the time and see many Black people. That was an uneducated remark by you. No offence! But you obviously don't get around the States much. I'm Black and travel the country all the time. I go to Spanish places and see many Black Americans. These places are in the finest parts of the city through out the country.
5th Americans are not allowed to travel to Cuba because it is against the law.
I wonder where you are getting your information. Please look that one up also. In Tijuana Mexico 90% speak spanish. The traffic is horrible and life threatening, yet it is the busiest boarder in the world in reguards to tourist traffic. Please look this one up also. This city is also a very dirty place. Americans do not care because of the power of the dollar. I grew up going there all the time because I lived in San Diego California. Do you know where this city is?
Well that's about it. Too many corrections to your statements to go on.
I suggest you do some reasearch on what you have said. I also suggest the readers who read your statement and believe what you say to do the same.
No offence to you my friend. You either don't know or you are prejudice against the Dominican people. I choose to hope the first.
OH I had to comment on your Florida retirement statement.
ONLY THE RICH CAN RETIRE IN FLORIDA MY FRIEND. Please do some research. A average three bedroom house in a retirement area of florida goes for over $200,000 USD! and there is no yard to go with it. What can a person buy with $200,000 in the Dominican Republic, with about $2000 USD every month?
Now that was funny. More power to the people who educate themselves.
This is a good example.
John :smoke:


New member
Feb 3, 2004
no corrections, no research needed

It's illegal to travel to Cuba? HMMM I would have never known if you hadn't told me. I guess those Americans travelling to Cuba and not getting their passports stamped should have talked to you first.

I am not prejudice and nor do I need to tell people that I'm 5 different nationalities to prove it.I don't know anyone of any nationality that doesn't know that Dominicans speak spanish so I don't know where you get that. I will agree that they don't know where the Dominican Republic is that's why they group them in with Puerto Ricans. I never said that no black people eat in spanish restaurants. I said the black people I know will not eat in spanish restaurants (Dominican or Puerto Rican owned). I frequent spanish restaurants a lot and I never see black people in them.

You must be real full of yourself to think that you're the only one who has ever travelled anywhere.Yes I have been to San Diego,San Jose and Cupertino. So what?People travel to Tijuana to go shopping. I don't think people are going to be running to DR to buy a pair of nike's anytime soon.

You consider Florida expensive? Lord what are we paying our soliders.I have been to Florida many times.I know people who own homes in Florida and in New York.My friend is a mortgage broker in Florida and yes you can get a house for $200,000 with a backyard and I consider that a steal.$2000 a month for a pension in Florida. You'll be bringing home more than the average worker.

Anyway if all these black people in Atlanta and all over the world that you know are so interested in their Dominican "brothers and sisters" why aren't they jumping to partner up with you to start a business in DR?Why are you trying to solicit people you don't even know from this forum?

I stand by what I wrote.


New member
Mar 6, 2004
Thats just it.

Way too many American people of All nationalites don't have a clue about the Dominican Republic. Yes Americans traveling to Cuba are breaking U.S Fereral Law! Just call any Air Port in the UNITED STATES and ask how much to fly to Cuba. They will tell you they don't fly there. They have to go through another country in order to do that, and the U.S. can't find out or the F.B.I will talk to them. That airfair ticket can not have any connection with an American flight. Full of myself. No my friend I just know what I'm talking about. I at least do some research before I talk.
U.S. Soliders start out getting paid just a little over $1000 a month starting.
That's to put their life on the line and live in the dirt for a month or two at a time.
You made my point when you said $200,000 for a home in Florida is a steal.
What can a person buy on the Caribbean Island of the Dominican Republic for $200,000 USD? With year around sun, green blue seas and tropical forest, world class fishing and diving, nice beautiful people and a relaxing atmosphere?
It cost much more to live and retire in America! If more of these people knew about the untapped beauty of the Dominican Republic they would come by the plane load, soon by the Ship load. Rent in American in a retirement area is going to be lets be conservitive. $800 USD a month for only a two bedroom apartment and there is no room service. Food $100 USD Gas $60USD utilities $50 a month easy. Medical Insurance $100 USD call toll free
1-800-571-5887. They are called Health Insurance and Programs for senior citizens. Most can't afford to buy a new car. That would be at least $300 USD a month not including insurance. That's a quick quote just for renting. This does not include a mortgage on a home. Very few people retiring in the States Have a house paid off. Health care is so expensive that many don't have any. This comes to $1110 a month =$53,280 peso just to survive living in an apartment, not owning a home per month!
Why aren't more black Americans jumping over with me to the Dominican Republic? I told you my friend they just don't know the about this country or the beautiful opportunities that exist. There is nothing on our T.V about the country and there isn't any advertisment anywhere either! That is why. I been telling you. The ones who don't know me but who I tell don't believe this could be possible. What do I mean by possible. Well I mean a place that in the Caribbean. The word living in the Caribbean alone make the eyes of Americans open with a smile. A land where a person can buy property for as little as $50,000 USD for a house and lots of land. Where the peso is 48 to 1 on the dollar! If you don't understand this well there is no use to going any further with you. That's ok you have your reason and right to feel any way you choose. I'm not mad at YA :)
I would love nothing more than to go into business or work for a company in The Dominican Republic who wants to tap into this market just hire me. We would make a lot of money not only for ourselves , but for the taxi man or woman, the stores, eating places even the dirty ones, the Hotels and cooks and the venders on the street, deep sea fishing business, camping business, travel guide business. I'm sure they can find a nice place to see. There is so much! I have a lot passion and excitment for the Dominican people and I see this opportunity for them. I desire to be a part of this! I hope someday soon I am. This is why I am soliciting.
15 years ago Tijuana Mexico was not only a dump! it was a city where the U.S. informed it's people not to go because of health reason in parts of the city. Because of the power of the U.S.$ not the beauty, because it's still dirty. Tijuana is a booming city now. Dominican Republic is very close to the U.S. and they would come not for shoes but for a
And Spend Money!
Enough of beating a dead horse. Time to move on.
If you feel I misstated something about the way or cost of living in America let me know I'll send you the web site.
Living in American is Stressful for us! Too much crime. 480 people killed in Chicago alone last year. Terrorist will hit again, this a problem. We need a beautiful place to get away to and relax that is close by.
Well take care of yourself. Hope you one day see that change and opportunity is possible in Dom Rep.
John :smoke:


New member
Feb 3, 2004
I don't know where you're doing all this so called research but you can buy a house in the states for $50,000. It may not be in the most prosperous areas but then again $50,000 for a house in DR is not going to land you in a wealthy area either.

You shouldn't be so quick to say that most people who are at retirement age do not have their houses paid off. Most people I know who have retired have either paid their house off or sold their house and relocated. You talk about health insurance and buying a new car for retirees. Have you ever bought a car in DR. What do you think your gonna get a BMW for half price. Some things in DR cost more than they do in the states. Healthcare, people of retirement age have medicare to assist them with their medical bills. Have you ever sat down with a retired Dominican and spoken to them about their medical options. I don't think that would look to good in a brochure. You are right about one thing this is a dead horse.You sit there thinking your gonna be the one to change the lives of the Domincan people and open the country to the rest of the world and lead Black Americans to their roots.Our hero.
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New member
Mar 6, 2004
Everyone should learn from negitive People.

Lets take pati for instance. People there are always two ways to take things. You can be like pati. All negitive and thinking there is no hope. Or you can think like the poor imigrents did when they sailed into the States many years ago with no money or anyone to help. America too was a very poor nation. The only thing negitivity will do is keep right where you are. Not so good at the moment.
Lets take a look at what pati has to say.
To buy a house in the States for $50,000? Go to www.remax.com or any Real Estate company on the net that sells homes in the states. Then look up that price $50,000. You will be lucky to find a house any place. If you do find out what the crime is like there. Now you just might remember how I said never say Never! If you do the place will be in a neighbor hood full of very bad and I mean very bad crime. Drugs, and murder. That's all I will say about that. Do the checking it's very easy! You will not be able to go out at night. Then do the simple thing and compare it to what $50,000 will get an American in Dominican Republic. End of that story :smoke:
Now let me tell you why a person would even sell their house in the States when they retire. Because they need all the money they can get to survive retirement in the states. You can find this out by contacting on the net Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York Life or any of those big companies that help all Americans try to retire in peace.
They will tell you the tragedy that our Senior Citizens are going through. There is no cost to contact them and ask. They are also on the Net.
Listen to our People running for President and one of the MAIN issues are health care for Seniors! If they use the American dollars in Dom Rep Medcal would be much more easy. NexT Subject :cool:
Next funny thing pati said. Buying a car. you can't buy a car that will last a year in the States for $2,000 USD = $96,000 peso. Go to www.carmax.com and try to find one. If you can't, ask them on line to find one for you. Americans love a good laugh :laugh:
When a person is so negitive they don't see the forest through the trees.
Pati goes on to say ask the people of the Dominican Republic about their health care. No one said it was a good situation for them. I said retired American earning the money they make on retirement can afford it much easier there than in the States. :dead:
Dominican People, DON'T! let anyone tell you, you can't be someone! Negitive people love company. Think of it as a fly on your shoulder. Swat it off or smash it! Then move on!
Well you see what she said and I think it's pretty cool. To bring more American people to your country would make me a HERO! :cool:
Do you know my friends over 40,000 Americans a year die from Murder in the U.S?
Everything I say I can back up. It's on the WEB!
"crime in america dot com"
Look close at our Country, very close. You are better off where you are.
Well now that was fun. Now I'm really motivate. No more Pati. No more dead horses. Don't feel hopless my friends. Don't let negitive people bring you down or keep you from reaching your dreams because right now it's hard.
All that is needed is to step outside the box and think a little different.
Anyone else? :smoke:
John :smoke:


New member
Feb 3, 2004
Again you missed the point

I never said there wasn't any hope for DR. As for buying a house for $50,000 in the US I think I made it clear that it would not be in a nice area but then again if you think $50,000 for a house is going to put you in a nice crime free area in DR, you keep selling those pipe dreams. I'm sure someone will buy them. $2,000 US for a car in any country just wouldn't cut it for my taste. My aunt is retired and ownes both of her homes in Florida and NY outright. My mother not retired but her house is paid for. I know more people than not who will have no problems surviving in the states come time for retirement. Maybe you don't get what I'm saying because the only people you're around can't afford anything in the states.

I'm not negative I'm realistic. How many neighborhoods in DR have you driven around looking for houses. Sorry but $50,000 in DR or the US won't cut it for me but then again I'm not coming out of a slum in the US maybe that's the difference between you and me.

As far as me telling the Dominican people they can't make anything of themselves. I NEVER IMPLIED THAT. As a matter of fact I'm saying they don't need you to tell them what they need to do to make their country better.The Dominican people don't feel hopeless and they're sure not waiting around for you to exploit them.

I don't need to read on the web about the crime rate in the US or in DR. I've been to both places and I know what there like.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
People please, everyone gets the point which is...

you two will never agree on something, so stop trying. Each of you have put forth valid issues and have justified them quite well. This will go on forever if it's not stoped at sometime because neither of you are showing signs of giving up your ideals. So, please, keep the thread close to it's topic and stop trying to change each others mindset, because you won't. At least, among both of you.


New member
Mar 6, 2004
You are right, I agree.

Your right.
It was fun, time to move on.
I have some great sites for sites for People wanting to move to the
United States:
1. http://crime-free.org/ talks about the seriousness of crime in the States

2. http://wnamerica.com/ this site will tell you what is going on in all 50
states. Good and Bad and much more.

The best search enging on the web you may find is called www.dogpile.com
Just ask for what you want to look for and it brings it up.
For instance in the window search for : medical problems in america.
Take care everyone. Stay positive about your country. The more you learn about my country the more you will think about not coming here. You will see why tourism is a good thing. Remeber persistance wears down resistance. "Always"
John :smoke:

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
Mr. AMerican Man.

Just a few tidbits of information.

The richest Age group in the US is people 65 and older. While some retirees are struggling the vast majority are living the Good life. Don't believe me? take a trip around Florida or Arizona. Where do you think all those old people come from?

If you think that there is no crime in the DR you are in for a BIG SURPRISE!!!! The Only difference between the Crime in the US and the DR is that the US does a better job keeping statistics! Many crimes in the DR go unreported just because the Police are basically useless.

40,000 murders in the US? So what? there are over 265,000,000 people in the USA. Go back to your search engine and find how many murders were commited in the DR last year. Of course the DR numbers will be lower do to undereporting. Do you think that the DR has anywhere near the Crime investigation capability as the US does.

I can buy a Car in the US for $2000 that will last for more than a year(Not that I would want to) $2000 US for a Car in the DR will just buy you a shell of a car to park in front of your residence.

$50K can buy you a modest condo in a lower middle class neigborhood in Fla. I wouldn't set foot in a $50K US home in the DR. $200K US would get you a small condo in a "nice" area of Santo Domingo not a REALLY Nice area.

"world class fishing and diving" Nope Not even close. I have fished the entire Island. Inshore, Offshore, and fresh Water. Some places are good but world class? Hardly! Diving? I can list dozens of better dive spots in the Caribbean and Florida better than the DR.

"relaxing atmosphere?" Wait till you do business there!

I have had a relationship with the DR since the 70's. I have lived there. I have had various businesses there. I have family there. I speak the Language fluently. I know the culture. I am of latin ancestry. I have forgotten more about the DR than you will probobly ever know. Relax and take it slow. Right now you are ridding a "Gringo High"! For you it is magical. Cheap booze, great weather, easy women. The novelty will wear off sooner than you think. You think your the 1st American to go to the DR and think they found paradise? Join the club. Now the question is which Club will you join next? Will you be in the Majority that leave after 1 or 2 years from frustration because you can't adapt to the Dominican Mentality or will you be one of the Minority that have really found their Home?


New member
Mar 6, 2004
Oh yes I shall take it slow

Tony C said:
Mr. AMerican Man.

Just a few tidbits of information.

The richest Age group in the US is people 65 and older. While some retirees are struggling the vast majority are living the Good life. Don't believe me? take a trip around Florida or Arizona. Where do you think all those old people come from?

If you think that there is no crime in the DR you are in for a BIG SURPRISE!!!! The Only difference between the Crime in the US and the DR is that the US does a better job keeping statistics! Many crimes in the DR go unreported just because the Police are basically useless.

40,000 murders in the US? So what? there are over 265,000,000 people in the USA. Go back to your search engine and find how many murders were commited in the DR last year. Of course the DR numbers will be lower do to undereporting. Do you think that the DR has anywhere near the Crime investigation capability as the US does.

I can buy a Car in the US for $2000 that will last for more than a year(Not that I would want to) $2000 US for a Car in the DR will just buy you a shell of a car to park in front of your residence.

$50K can buy you a modest condo in a lower middle class neigborhood in Fla. I wouldn't set foot in a $50K US home in the DR. $200K US would get you a small condo in a "nice" area of Santo Domingo not a REALLY Nice area.

"world class fishing and diving" Nope Not even close. I have fished the entire Island. Inshore, Offshore, and fresh Water. Some places are good but world class? Hardly! Diving? I can list dozens of better dive spots in the Caribbean and Florida better than the DR.

"relaxing atmosphere?" Wait till you do business there!

I have had a relationship with the DR since the 70's. I have lived there. I have had various businesses there. I have family there. I speak the Language fluently. I know the culture. I am of latin ancestry. I have forgotten more about the DR than you will probobly ever know. Relax and take it slow. Right now you are ridding a "Gringo High"! For you it is magical. Cheap booze, great weather, easy women. The novelty will wear off sooner than you think. You think your the 1st American to go to the DR and think they found paradise? Join the club. Now the question is which Club will you join next? Will you be in the Majority that leave after 1 or 2 years from frustration because you can't adapt to the Dominican Mentality or will you be one of the Minority that have really found their Home?

No doubt I will take it slow.
Oh yes it will be hard you are right. I say all I do to get feed back from all of you. To see where your mind set is. Man have faith it will get better. Gringo High, you can say that. I have been there so many times I love the feeling I get. Sorry about one thing. The vast majority of Seniors are in bad shape. Watch our boring race for President. One of the main campain issues will be taking care of our Seniors. Do you know that our Social Security as it stands right now is about to Bankrupt the Nation. Do they talk about that over there? Allen Green Span made his report last week about this. There was a issue about it on CBS news tonight with Dan Rather. Seniors selling their homes to pay for medical bills. Only 2% of the nation are very rich but pay the most taxes. 20% earn up to $200,000 a year, 50% are middle class and the rest are poor to our standards. Senior Citizen spreading out their medicine by cutting their pills in half so that one day dose is now two.. Haven't you heard this before.
I worked for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company here in Atlanta for 5 years. This is why I am so passionate about what I say. I helped people try to retire. This is not an arguement. This is a fact. This Nation U.S.A has a VERY serious problem taking care of it's seniors. Look it up on the search engine. www.dogpile.com
Then look under senior citizens in America. I helped people consolidate everything they own at times and sell most of it just to afford Retirement.
It makes me so mad and so sad that in this country everyone is going to get old and it's not right that our Seniors are loosing everything they worked for just to provide medicine. We wouldn't be who we are today if it wasn't for them. I know three seniors living in Dom Rep right now in Sosua. They love it so much. I visit about every year.
www.remax.com let the people find anything for $50,000 in the States. My friend they are the largest real estate company in the world and I can tell you if you do your going to have to find a dirt hole town that no American in their right mind would want to live. The place will be in the deep south with the red necks. Do you know what a red neck is.
www.carmax.com they have over 15,000 car on their web sit. Find one for $2000. I bought a Nissan and it's in Sosua. Nissan sentra. 1990 for
$400 =$19,200 peso two years ago. It's not pretty but in great shape. I use it when ever I go to Sosua. This can't be found in the States.
Anyway if I have made it sound like Dominican don't have it rough. I am truly sorry. My goodness they do. Power to your people and may they one day, one day be able to say things are getting better. They will. The tourist dollar is on the way. It will take time, much time but it's coming and so am I.
Taking my time of course. Taking it slow.
John :smoke:

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
If you even think that seniors in the US have it worse than the typical Senior in the DR then you are in for a big let down.

Check out this article:
According to USA Today households headed by people age 65-74 have the highest median net worth of any age group in the country ? $146,500. The average net worth for this age group, $465,500. So how are "The vast majority of Seniors are in bad shape?"
In the DR there is no effective functioning security Blanket like SS or Medicare/medicade.
Remember that you worked for a company that made its money by preying of the fear of seniors.

BTW Want to find cars under $2000 in the US? Try Autotrader.com
Carmax specializes in only Late-Model used cars so they won't have many cars at lower prices. I just purchased a 94 Miata in great shape that I will be prepping to race the SCCA Spec Miata series. 80K miles. Excellent shape. $1,600.


New member
Mar 6, 2004
I recomend to go to my first Post

Listen my friends.
This fourm is not to compare poor people with poor people.
You need to go back to my first fourm to understand what this is supposed to be about. Too many people here a very negitive on themselves and others.
Of course your people have it much worse than we do. That's a no brainer! I will not debate about the price of a car or a house any more. There are plenty of web sites to look this up. What I say about this country is fact! I can't say fact about your country because I don't know the details. I do know there is opportunity for people who are in the business of bringing people to your country to retire or just to be a tourist and relax.
Making money preying of fears of Seniors by working for a Life Insurance Company? My goodness. A negitive come back. Way too much negitive. There is only one guarantee in Life on this planet. That is you my friend are one day going to Die. I worked for a company the largest in the Nation that helped the families go on with life after the head of the house hold past away. They called me to come and sit down with their families. You had two choises to make about this and you choose the negitive way. Oh well more power to you.
I'm glad you enjoy your car. That's fantastic. Thats's not what this fourm is all about. Go back to the first post I made. Don't get me wrong I think this whole thing is fun. I love being a positive person. 15 years ago I was in a shelter with no place to live and no job. My apartment burned down. I didn't have insurance. I lost everything except the clothing I could grab. My car burned up also. I could have thought there was no hope. No need to compare to who you know that might have had it worse. I started by washing windows on cars at the street corner. Then got enough money to buy some nice clothing to go on a job interview at Burger King. The rest is history. I find it interesting a lot of you try to compare how you have it worse. You do I know this.
This fourm is for people with hope. If you don't have it. I'm sorry my friend I sure can't help ya. I wish you the best. Back to the reason I made this Fourm. If there is anyone In Dom Rep in the tourist business who would like a motivated person to work with them as a partner or employee let me know. I can help you make money. The American tourist will come. The majority of us don't know about the beauty of your Wonderful Country. I got to say this is fun. What else ya got for me?
Have a beautiful day my friend. Don't worry be happy :classic:

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Dear "Mister America",how many hours have you actually spent in the DR???

I have been visiting here since 1984,and living and working here 24/7 for the last eight plus years.You really don't have a clue! Thats all that needs to be said!!!"Not A Fukking Clue"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cris Colon
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