Why do all the threads here get closed?

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New member
Nov 5, 2015
I'm just curious why the moderators are so seemingly desirous of stifling and ending discussion on a discussion board. I realize it's someone else's sandbox and they can do what they want but I don't understand why so many quality threads here get locked. I read the rules about posting in this forum and I've noticed a number of threads that were closed that didn't violate any of the rules written therein. Hence, I can only surmise that there are some unwritten rules about certain topics being taboo and which may not be discussed. How is it better for this community to be so censored? If one member is uncomfortable with what another posts, they can use the "ignore" function, correct? This is a GREAT forum, no doubt, but I think it would be even better if we adults could communicate more freely.

The Rules copied and pasted:

Before posting know that the name of the country is " The Dominican Republic" or the DR for short.

1. While debate and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or inflammatory posts with no purpose.
2. Posters should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing other posters in any way will lead to your posts being deleted.
3. Please stay in line with the topic being discussed and remember religion and race is off limits.
4. Spam posts will be deleted as well as asking where to play for pay.
5. If you are not sure of anything, feel free to ask the moderator first via a private message.
6. While these rules cover most common situations, we cannot anticipate everything. We reserve the right to change our minds about anything to ensure that these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.
7. Treat others how you wish to be treated yourself. Show respect to others and you will be respected.
8. Keep it Dominican Republic related.
9. Posting other people's horror stories never helps anyone, so don't bother unless it's your own and you can pm the OP with that.

10. Don't ever take it personally. It is only a board and not life and death.

11. And finally, threads asking or discussing resorts, resort workers or anyone by name (in order to gain info about a person) will be deleted.

We have plenty of info here on DR1 to determine for yourself what kind of person you are involved with.

Thanks to Chris for most of these rules

threads asking where to find working girls and how much they charge will be deleted.
Last edited by AnnaC; 08-04-2009 at 11:43 AM.


Nov 20, 2013
probably close mine because they "like:" to...could be wrong but it seems alot of mine do get closed...not ignored like a 1000 others to die
but locked....
they probably dont want to crosss the line....as i do...
and i think it is enjoyable...to them... but ive been wrong b 4
i read other threads and very few locked downs....
many a few others have noticed....
imo a mod. should be a mod...postings should be severely limited...
it would free them up to have their own mods section...their own threads...stuff that we cant read until 2055...


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
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