Why Do you dislike the Semana Santa Death Pool Thread??


Jan 21, 2006
Some of YOU take yourselves very seriously. Luckily there are more of US than YOU. Publicizing the insane aspects of a supposedly religious holiday just might reduce the behaviors. Probably not but its certainly better than lets ignore it and maybe it will go away. No one is forcing you to read it or participate, meanwhile, GO DEATH POOL.


Jul 27, 2011
The typical gringo wants to impose rules that he can't follow himself. The moment I mention gringo deaths, the same people that crack jokes at the expense of Dominican deaths and lecture others about taking things seriously, get serious or offended.

They have this big chip on their shoulders, but only God knows what trailer park some of these people come from. Some users have turned out to be criminals: pedophiles, stalkers, fraudsters, you name it!


Feb 11, 2005
Thank you for posting this message. Delighted to that others share my view that it is morally wrong to wager on death tolls.

Will the winner want the families if the dead to congratulate them?

People in my country (Ireland) cannot believe the original thread.


Oct 4, 2013
"Semana Drunko" has little to no "Religious Importance" in the DR!!!!!!!
The churches are empty, the highways, hotels,and beaches are full of drunk Dominicans behaving, WELL, like Drunk Dominicans!!!!!
As per the Catholic tradition first comes Ash Wednesday/ Mi?rcoles de ceniza. Holy Week starts on Palm Sunday / Domingo de Ramos. On Holy Thursday/ Jueves Santo morning is the Chrism Mass/ Misa Crismal and in the evening is the Mass of the Lord's Supper, accompanied by the washing of feet and a procession. At noon on Good Friday/ Viernes Santo is the Sermon on the Seven Words. Holy Saturday/ Sabado Santo an Easter Vigil is held from around 11pm until dawn. Then on Easter Sunday/ Domingo de Resurrecci?n or Domingo de Pascua there is an Easter Mass at noon.

If Dominicans respected themselves, and more important, Each Other, there would be no reason to have our "Death Pool"!!! Speaking "Darwinian", This is exactly the post I would expect from you Criss.

The point of the "POOL" is to bring attention to the Drunken Moronic actions of a GREAT number of Dominicans in what Should be a time of quiet religious introspection. If this is the case, then maybe DR1 should start a Tourist Pool to bring attention to all of the "Drunken, Moronic actions of a GREAT number of tourists acting the fool and bitching about "Vierne Santo" in what should be a day of quiet.

Besides there IS a benefit to their drunken frenzy, it increases the IQ of the country!
"Darwinianly Speaking"!!!! Now if we could just figure out how to raise the IQ of some expats.

And the "POOL" gives some of our "Agenda Driven DR Spin Doctors" the opportunity to spout their "Holier Than Thou" hypocritical Dogma"! Hypocritical like how people live in a foreign country even though they have absolutely NOTHING positive to say about the country in which they are living outside of how easy it is to get laid there??

Right chip???? Even trying to get Chip's motor started on this thread I see.. Impressive Criss!


As always, Thanks for the reply Criss!


Jul 27, 2011
Little town in Costa Rica with a town plaza and a church. Traditional town with farming people. Up in the mountains. National Geographic wrote once that it had the best climate in the world. The gringos went in droves. Today? A little mountain town full of drugs, prostitution and homosexuality. Little town in the Dominican with great climate. Gringos went in droves. Today full of prostitution, drugs and homosexuals and to boot pedafiles. Sosua. See a trend here? Your statement is not only arrogant, it's downright stupidity. Hay buenos gringos pero muchos malos. Muchos. By the way, Dominicans could care less what you think, most of them only care about what you have and unfortunately too many willing to sell their souls to get some of it.

Don't be so serious! We could really learn from the gringo education, such classy people. For example, if you have a problem with someone, instead of hurting them, go to a public place and shoot everyone. Then blame it on Batman!!!
And also, What is up wih all these single mothers? Let's do it gringo style: drown all your kids and then give a press conference saying a black man did it.....or blame it on PP depresion+ hearing voices.
IF you like young girls and you have no money to travel to poor countries, get duck tape and a chain, and lock them up in your attic or basemet. It'll be years before someone finds out!

We have so much to learn from gringos,OMG! I am humbled to have the HUGE priviledge to be a part of this forum.
May 12, 2005
Thank you for posting this message. Delighted to that others share my view that it is morally wrong to wager on death tolls.

Will the winner want the families if the dead to congratulate them?

People in my country (Ireland) cannot believe the original thread.

Nobody wins anything and no money is wagered


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
A thread with lots of frustrated people........ maybe not reading the death pool thread would help..... who knows.....

We all understand that dominicans deceide to get pi$$ed and then drive their car off the road, just to accomodate us dr1ers....... dr1 is Sooooo EVIL !!!!!!

I think I will have a tantrum, scream and jump up and down.......maybe even pull my hair out and scratch my face....... that should stop people acting idiotically during semena santa........


Oct 4, 2013
The Semana Santa over/under fatality count thread has been on DR1 for years now. Apparently for some reason this year it got a bunch of sensitive sallies all worked up. No one is celebrating the deaths of Dominicans. Quite frankly we'd all be happy if there were zero but unfortunately that is not the case. Take it as a commentary on the behavior of a large segment of the population. Perhaps this outrage would be better directed at the lack of self control of a large portion of Dominicans during this week.

Ya know something Frank, Had the thread used the term fatality count and not made a "pool" out of it complete with picking numbers for the amount of deaths, I doubt you would be having an issue with it this year. Something about people guessing how many people are going to die in a set period of time and setting up rules as they go along about what kind of deaths are and are not going to be counted in the "Pool" just doesn't sit well with me. Reporting the amount of unfortunate people that died during the holiday week would have been totally different than what it is now.


Jul 10, 2004
With all due respect many gringos here reject science, are drunks, chase after prostitutes that could be their great grandkids and promote homosexuality. Unfortunately, some here are so clueless they think these are positive traits.

What gringos do outside of the death toll poll is not the subject of this thread. Your misguided personal agenda is also not the topic of this thread.


Dec 12, 2009
Did you guys ever think that some of the Victims will be innocent Kids, who did not have anything to do with the drinking and over indulging.... This dead pool is also no skin off my nose, but I find the manner in which this is done to be way more than insensitive and tasteless beyond words.. but my prev post was also deleted.. so thank you Mods for opening up this thread for people to speak on it.. Thats is very much appreciated.
Maybe I am more sensitive to this than others, you see I lost 2 of my close friends at an early age, to a drink driving incident. Those girls deaths will forever haunt me. Its not a matter for amusememt to me.. And yes all of us are guilty or sometimes drinking, no matter who we are... But Dominicans are no less HUMAN than us, and sometimes I feel the comments Im reading think of them as less than human beings just because of the circumastances they were born into.
If you guys want to continue the death pool, please continue.. but I do wonder how Dominicans, who lose a loved one this Holy weekend would think of some of you if they read this and if you could look them in the face if you met them ..
again, thank you to the Mods for allowing us to express our thoughts on this.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Did you guys ever think that some of the Victims will be innocent Kids, who did not have anything to do with the drinking and over indulging.... This dead pool is also no skin off my nose, but I find the manner in which this is done to be way more than insensitive and tasteless beyond words.. but my prev post was also deleted.. so thank you Mods for opening up this thread for people to speak on it.. Thats is very much appreciated.
Maybe I am more sensitive to this than others, you see I lost 2 of my close friends at an early age, to a drink driving incident. Those girls deaths will forever haunt me. Its not a matter for amusememt to me.. And yes all of us are guilty or sometimes drinking, no matter who we are... But Dominicans are no less HUMAN than us, and sometimes I feel the comments Im reading think of them as less than human beings just because of the circumastances they were born into.
If you guys want to continue the death pool, please continue.. but I do wonder how Dominicans, who lose a loved one this Holy weekend would think of some of you if they read this and if you could look them in the face if you met them ..
again, thank you to the Mods for allowing us to express our thoughts on this.

You said it. To some Dominicans are inferior and in their comments it shows their dislike of the people
and the country.


Feb 3, 2009
Well, this is the problem with religion. YOU have a day or occassion that is of significance, to YOU. You want to tell the rest of mankind that this time is significant, when infact it is not significant in the slightest to anyone else. You can't tell me to respect something I do jot believe in, no more than I can tell you not to go about your celebrations, of drinking excessively, or mourning or the salon, or the disco or whichever you choose to do at this time of significance.
We who follow life live with tolerance to everything, we see things daily that upset us, annoy us, make us cringe, but as adult considerate humans we learn to deal with it. Religion seems to claim an exclussive possession on how EVERYONE should feel, when in reality that is stupid.
You think that it is distasteful that this whole silly thing happens on DR1, as if we really think about our posts, we really want to get close to the number.. To even think that anyone really cares or considers what they are writing is moronic. To think that it is a Dominican thing, is moronic. If we are unable to mock this event, or unable to laugh at religion, unable to make jokes about events we find ironic, stupid, crazy then this us where all the problems in the world begin. Where dictatorships are created and fundamentalists are born. We have to learn to accept each other, even if it insults us infuriates us, goes against everything we stand for or believe in. You don't need to care that we don't care, you just keep caring, I'll care about what I find important.
The line doesn't even exist, when no malace is intended then the only people responsible for any bad feeling or state of anger are those who feel hard done by. You want to feel upset, you need to feel upset, you don't want to comprehend that those you point the finger at don't even care either way. We do not need to care because you do, that is our option, you must live with that as being upset will change nothing.
SS is not even important enough to most of us, most of us barely consider it, yet alone the BS we write down in stupid banter when there is noghing else going on. No one is dropping everything to get online on DR1 to get our figures down on the sweep. Don't be stupid, putting spin on something to another level.
I dislike the people who get their panties in a knot and freak out about the pool. No one wants anyone to get hurt but most People on here admit they don't go out during SS, why?!?! BC it is so dangerous!

I will gladly do a pool of gringo deaths on North America1. Like I know when the Canucks are in the finals there will be riots in Vancouver people will die and get injured etc... Do I wish anyone hurt there either? NO but i know it Will happen!

Some idiot already ran into the back of my suv while my wife was stopped in Cab traffic, he was going 30 and looking behind him!!! I m sure he was gearing up for SS!

How this country can claim to be so religious is amazing to me.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
Now this is a true Dr1 family fallout!
Does anyone remember the last 3 year winners?

I won last year. I will hopefully pass the honors to somebody next week. Then they can have bragging rights and the disrespect of all of those with higher morals.
Aug 6, 2006
How this country can claim to be so religious is amazing to me.

It is the only country that has a picture of of a book on its flag.
The book on the DR flag is none other than the Santa Biblia.

There is that. That seems to indicate some degree of religious devotion.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"jd426", the fact that many victims who die will be innocent children, AND adults, is the whole point of the "Death POOL"!!!
Not that it would do any good, but maybe 2 or 3 out of the 4 million drunks on the roads this week would "GET IT"!!!!!
"Don't Drive, if you DRINK"!!!!!

HOW ABOUT A "sub pool",..."How many Dominican children will die this week as a result of alcohol poisonlng",,,???????????
I say 3!!!!!!!!!!!
The other 200 will be treated and released!!!!

Go read "The Onion" you might "GET" the premise of the "POOL"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Black Humor",....is NOT jokes about "African Americans"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets see how chump can turn this into an "Anti Abortion" thread!!!!!!????


THE OTHERS WHO ARE Soooooooooooooooooo offended, can just continue with their self agrandizing,.."OMG, I would NEVER make fun of the DEAD, I'm so much a better person than "THAT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!