Why Dominicans are hated by Americans

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New member
May 23, 2006
I personally respect everyones opinion on this matter, but let's not fool ourselfs, who are we kidding ?, these two groups been at each other's throat since I can remember, whether this conflict comes directly from PR or wherever, history books may be irrelavant in this case, for some mysterious reason, these groups rub each other the wrong way since they first met, we may be acting like we get along fine now, but dont turn your back to either one just yet, resentment on all levels still flows between these factions. Could it be that Dominicans in general dont give a rats ass about Puerto Ricans, lets face it, if Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, The Virgin Islands, etc. were a Commonwealth of the US, do you really believe this would be an issue or that they care much about visiting or migrating to PR ?? In the Dominican Community this is an issue of pure Economics, not Patriotism. Even when you look at this issue from the States point of view (Meaning the US) the issue is Money, Dominicans feel that PR doesn't take full advantage of the so called "American Pie" while he has the chance by being a US Citizen, in turn, Dominicans are completely the opposite, they tends to be very business oriented by nature even in DR, you can see this trend in the states, but political corruption in their country prevents them from excersicing that option, therefore, are force to migrate like other Europeans migrated to "America" in search of a better life for their families. The other side of the coin is that, in general, Dominicans feel they better off being a sovereign nation than a puppet of the US, Puerto Ricans have been dealing with this particular problem since the US decided to adopt them in 1952, for Dominicans, is all about the Dollar Bill not Puerto Ricans themselves. I'm Domiinican American born in the states myself, but dont get it twisted, in this day in age, if Bush wakes up one day and orders a War with either one of these idiot countries, i'll be the first one in the front lines putting a bullet in their ass. That's how politics works. In Conclusion, both parties should get a life instead, educate and learn about yourselfs and each other more, Is the only way to peace and understanding.


New member
May 23, 2006
Im very respectful of your comments posted here, but white Americans hating Dominicans is ridiculous, I never witness such thing, white Americans hate everybody thats not white, i have to agree with Scandall, whites hate un-educated individuals regardless, coupled with the English language barriers hispanics face in the US, for the most part, I been treated fairly well by them in the corporate world and i'm a young man handling my business, maybe that's the real reason.

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Americans DO have HATE!!!

But, Dominicans---NO!
Hispanics (Latins)_NO!
Muslims---------- NO!

Disclaimer: The use of the term "American" refers to those who are US Citizens or permanent residants of the USA>

What Americans HATE is that person that gives the impression of freeloading, of laziness, of disrespect, of lawlessness, of non-patriotism and all the other negative occurrances one can think of.
When an American sees people demostrate the characteristics listed above it incites a tremendous displeasure which is oftimes described as "Hate".
Since Americans will frequently (out of an emotional impulse) generalize, in conversation, these characteristics and assign them to an entire group based on a single or perceived observation they are frequently understood to "Hate" the entire group.
That is kinda muddled, but you get the idea I'm tryingto convey here.
These generalizations are common throughout the world.
Dominicans do that to Haitians; Chinese do that to Occidentals; muslims do that to Christians and Jews; Turks do that to Greeks; Spaniards do that to Africans; Frenchmen do that to Everyone; Etc., Etc.
Bigotry and racism are rampant throughout the world, as perceived by those who are on the receiving end of those definitions.
So, should we confine it to just the US and the DR??

I think a lot of people are just venting their frustrations against perceived violations of their preception of themselves with reference to a particular group and that is a normal reaction of human nature.
There are all sorts of books that have been written about national and tribal self perception in the fields of anthropology and sociology; I suggest some of you take time to read and digest some of them.

I rest my case.

Texas Bill
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New member
Sep 2, 2005
"The Asians particularly Filipinos get unfair treatment from Americans (white) so it is also possible that Dominicans get that kind of treatment."

Kerby, quick note F.Y.I .. Filipinos are not considered Asians.
They are considered Pacific Islanders... My brother's girlfriend who is a from the Filipines confirmed that..


New member
Jun 27, 2005
Nyeden said:
"The Asians particularly Filipinos get unfair treatment from Americans (white) so it is also possible that Dominicans get that kind of treatment."

Kerby, quick note F.Y.I .. Filipinos are not considered Asians.
They are considered Pacific Islanders... My brother's girlfriend who is a from the Filipines confirmed that..

But many Filipinos still do consider themselves asian. One filipino (your brother's girlfriend) does not speak for the whole filipino community. In los angeles, where i'm from there is a large filipino population--a lot of my school buddies were filipino and they identified as both pacific islander and asian.

P.S. not trying to sound like a jack ass, i just wanted to clarify.


New member
Aug 28, 2004
This whole thread needs to be trashed. The US is one of the least racist countries in the world. I spent a whole long year traveling throughout the southeast states with my colored Dominican wife of 22 years. All we saw were the finest people in the world of all classes and races, which is what America is after all. Never an awkward moment, though we've had some in PR, Virgin Islands and elsewhere in the Caribbean.
This thread is a soap box for race-hustlers and people with inferiority complexes who need to get over it and join the world.


New member
Mar 20, 2006
Just another opinion on the subject. Most of the American population feel they are superior to all people outside of the USA. They are sometimes ignorant about other nationalities and cultures and don't wish to or care to learn about others who are not like them. Next time you speak to an American ask them where Canada is. We are there neighbours and they know little about us. It's funny to hear that most think we live in igloos and hunt for our food. Maybe if they took a little time to learn about others there would be less animosity toward the Americans.


Jul 12, 2004
curlyq said:
Just another opinion on the subject. Most of the American population feel they are superior to all people outside of the USA. They are sometimes ignorant about other nationalities and cultures and don't wish to or care to learn about others who are not like them. Next time you speak to an American ask them where Canada is. We are there neighbours and they know little about us. It's funny to hear that most think we live in igloos and hunt for our food. Maybe if they took a little time to learn about others there would be less animosity toward the Americans.
What part of Canada are you from?


New member
Mar 20, 2006
I'm fromToronto. I have travelled extensively throughout the US and have experienced both sides of how Americans in general feel. Don't get me wrong, I have met many nice Americans, but the overall assumption is they don't know Canada exists until they visit and realise what a friendly country we are. When they open their minds to other places it makes for a more informed person.


Jul 12, 2004
curlyq said:
I'm fromToronto. I have travelled extensively throughout the US and have experienced both sides of how Americans in general feel. Don't get me wrong, I have met many nice Americans, but the overall assumption is they don't know Canada exists until they visit and realise what a friendly country we are. When they open their minds to other places it makes for a more informed person.
Americans do have the reputation of being self-absorbed and many americans probably can't tell you who's the President of Canada is? Canada is most likely a nice country, except for Quebec:laugh:

Top 10 Reasons to Live in Ontario:
You live in the centre of the universe
Your $400,000 Toronto home is actually a dump
You and you alone decide who will win the federal election
There's no such thing as an Ontario Separatist
Your grandparents sold booze to the States during Prohibition
Lots of tourists come to Toronto because they mistakenly believe it's a cool city
The only province with hard-core American style crime
MuchMusic's Speaker's Corner - rant and rave on national TV for a dollar
Baseball fans park on your front lawn and pee on the side of your house


Feb 18, 2006
Ricardo900 said:
Americans do have the reputation of being self-absorbed and many americans probably can't tell you who's the President of Canada is? Canada is most likely a nice country, except for Quebec:laugh:

Top 10 Reasons to Live in Ontario:
You live in the centre of the universe
Your $400,000 Toronto home is actually a dump
You and you alone decide who will win the federal election
There's no such thing as an Ontario Separatist
Your grandparents sold booze to the States during Prohibition
Lots of tourists come to Toronto because they mistakenly believe it's a cool city
The only province with hard-core American style crime
MuchMusic's Speaker's Corner - rant and rave on national TV for a dollar
Baseball fans park on your front lawn and pee on the side of your house

Who is the president of Canada??? :)

I've heard canadians are soooo friendly is shocking to americans when they visit there.


New member
Mar 20, 2006
Canada does'nt have a president, we have a Prime Minister. Quebec does not want to be considered part of Canada anymore, as they made that decision many years ago to sever all ties. They are now a sepratist country. Funny you should say that Toronto is the centre of the universe, many New Yorkers would argue that fact. Yes Canadians are very friendly, polite (you will hear please and thankyou a lot) and warm and welcoming people. Toronto is also the largest multi-cultural city in North America with over sixty different languages spoken. Most tourists are suprised when a stranger appologizes for bumping into you on the street, that is just how we are. It is ashame though that we are being plagued with hard-core crime like most large cities around the world. Our Government needs to wake up.
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New member
Jan 12, 2006
Most (notice I said most) Americans generally only like other Americans and then that depends on what part of America you are from. So I don't think that Americans only hate Dominicans, it depends on which way the wind is blowing at the time, who they may or may not dislike.(My Opinion)

I still can't believe how many Americans don't know where Canada is(even though it is in North America) Have you seen Rick Mercer?

When did Quebec become a separate country( I know they would like to be, but they are still part of Canada)


New member
Sep 2, 2005
Larry said:
Many NY'ers associate Dominicans with kind of an uptown ghetto culture. They feel that Washington Heights is a drug haven and that is considered to be "the" Dominican community.

When I was waiting for my flight at JFK the other day, the scene was a typical one. About 85% of the Dominicans waiting to board the plane were well dressed, respectable looking people. The other 15% or so wore baggy clothes, crooked baseball caps, huge gold chains, etc. This small percentage were making all the noise. They were acting like idiots and you could see how the rest of the Dominican people looked upon these hip hop types with disdain.

Unfortunately, this small percentage is what is most visable to most New Yorkers and gives Dominicans in NY a bad name.

I agree with you Larry.. Now that I've read most of this post. and as A Dominican myself even though I was born & raised in NY. I am sometimes ashamed of what I see of the youngsters in Washington Heights. I think the problem is with the youth as they reach adolescences and their teen years. It is the choices they make that influence them you wear the baggy clothes. etc, etc.. I don't mean to sound racist but I will be sincere .. the problem is that the Dominican youth copy or will often imitate the lives of the some African American "ghetto" life. I think until they think more like the " white man" they will be more successful in school, career goals. etc.. I just want to see Us the Dominican really become more successful in our lives. Only then will we be highly looked upon. I just hate what youth in places like Washington heights are being influenced by? I apologize if I offended some with my sincerity .


New member
May 11, 2006

I'am white American man and I absolutely adore Dominicans .The dominicans I encountered were very nice.But even if I encountered bad dominicans I would have never made a preconception about the whole nation. You are either good or "bad". skin or nationality means zero,nulch,nutta,absolutely nothing.


New member
Sep 24, 2003
curlyq said:
Canada does'nt have a president, we have a Prime Minister. Quebec does not want to be considered part of Canada anymore, as they made that decision many years ago to sever all ties. They are now a sepratist country.

are you sure you are from canada because you will know that Quebec are still in Canada . I am sure of that because I come from of Quebec


New member
Mar 20, 2006
Yes, I am from Canada and what I meant to say was that Quebec wishes to become separate from Canada as they have been wanting this for a couple of years now. Sorry for the mistake.


On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
Why Dominicans are hated by Americans? Americans hate us because of our freedom.... because of our way of life. Then why do Americans leave their godforsaken country to live in this branch of heaven?...


bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
curlyq said:
Yes, I am from Canada and what I meant to say was that Quebec wishes to become separate from Canada as they have been wanting this for a couple of years now. Sorry for the mistake.
Get it right, a small percentage actually want to separate, many play the separate card to get more from the fedreal government, and more than 50% don't want to separate. At least, this is what the referendums have proven. I have many French Canadian friends, and have spend considerable time in La Belle Province.
On the subject. Do you really think American hate Dominicans? Most Americans only know about Dominican Baseball players. Why would they hate Dominicans.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
tarrantino said:
When did Quebec become a separate country( I know they would like to be, but they are still part of Canada)
Yes indeed, Quebecois are very serious about their separation from the rest of Canada.

In fact, the primary reason why Quebec is still part of Canada is due to the fact that Quebec is where the most industrialized and economic activity of that country occurs, the only exception outside of Quebec province being Ontario, mostly due to Toronto, it's suburbs and it's relation to the Great Lakes Megalopolis in the United States side of the border.

It appears that Quebec can survive without Canada, but Canada can't survive without Quebec.

At least, that's what I have been told.

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