Why Is It

Feb 15, 2005
Why is it, that many Dominican women in a long distance relationship have to be either ignored or put in place, in order to feel comfortable and respect the man they are seeing.

It see this all the time.


Apr 11, 2004
Why is it, that many Dominican women in a long distance relationship have to be either ignored or put in place, in order to feel comfortable and respect the man they are seeing.

It see this all the time.

Whether it is long distance or short distance, you need to put them in place to get respect.
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Nov 22, 2009
Why is it, that many Dominican women in a long distance relationship have to be either ignored or put in place, in order to feel comfortable and respect the man they are seeing.

It see this all the time.

Please explain...cant offer a response with out more information.
And I dont think they have to be ignored. I d say they are trying to play you for a sucker and you gotta set the limits. "I m willing to terminate this relationship if you dont slow down."
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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I don't have the need nor the desire to put my wife in her place. If your relationship is with someone that is your intellectual equal there are better ways to communicate, that or move on.
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Nov 22, 2009
I don't have the need nor the desire to put my wife in her place. If your relationship is with someone that is your intellectual equal there are better ways to communicate, that or move on.

So uh Bob, your wife is not your intellectual equal? Say it aint so?????

But seriously to the OP, I think there was maybe cultural differences also. I stand by my earlier points from yesterday but also that they may not know how it is to be in a relationship with an American dude. Their expectations may be from other Dominican women who have met American dudes and married them and moved overseas or from television. Also put into consideration that her eyes may now be wider than her stomach with respect to material things. Blowing $40 for you on whatever may not be an issue but for many dudes here it is. So she may be trying to manipulate you to compensate for the things she doesnt have but wants OR in an attempt to make her other female friends envious. Its a safe bet to think of all these things as options.
I dont know what you mean by comfortable nor respect. If you dont speak the language with the same proficiency then you two are never really comfortable. And if she is trying to play you then there isnt much respect neither.
In my experience it is much easier to get them to exercise the most humility when they know that I am not speaking to one solely. My take on things...I keep trying to give an example but every time I get to the computer I forget what to write.
And dont send her any money man, just save yourself the trouble and give it to your mom or something. At least your mom gave birth to you so you will be indebted forever versus the chick you spent a week with who blew your mind but complains to much.

And remind me to tell you about the dude who sat behind me on the plane.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
So uh Bob, your wife is not your intellectual equal? Say it aint so?????

I'm not sure how you gleaned that out of what I wrote. We each have our own strengths. When it comes to math or language she is certainly my academic superior. When it comes to common sense I'm not even in the same planet as her.
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Nov 22, 2009
if you can't handle a confrontation with a woman, how da heck will you repsond in a confrontation with a man ?

MAN UP !!!!!

This is why I never understood the reason for lying to the people. I dont need to subjugate anyone just speak my mind.
Sep 22, 2009
if you can't handle a confrontation with a woman, how da heck will you repsond in a confrontation with a man ?

MAN UP !!!!!

The "tools" you need use for a confrontation with a man are very different than those you need with a woman. Different psychology, body language, verbal tactics, etc. Furthermore, all confrontations are not mitigated with force. I believe that was 20,000 years ago.

Where the difference lies, or rather, where the level of "creativity" need be augmented in mitigating a confrontation is in the level of education, social class and degree of "sanity" of each party.

As a former NYC attorney, I simply do not understand how you are concluding that the poster would not be able to handle a confrontation with a man if, in fact, he is incapable of handling a confrontation with a woman.


Aug 22, 2008
Seems strange to be in a relationship where you have to think about how to handle confrontation!!

Confrontation should come naturally.;)

Maybe find a girl that you get on with and that you can trust?


Jan 3, 2007
I disagree...there is no such thing as a loveable brute

if you can't handle a confrontation with a woman, how da heck will you repsond in a confrontation with a man ?

MAN UP !!!!!

This statement doesn't take into consideration the fact that there is usually an emotional attachment between a Man and the Woman with whom the confrontation exists. This is not usually the case between Men. I'm hoping that you are still with me here because I'm not ready to try to figure out the interpersonal discourse between Men who might be emotionally attached to one another.

With his Woman, a man has to treat differences of opinion very delicately, taking care not to say something which might lead to a total breakdown in communication altogether. Women argue differently than Men. A Woman is more prone to be the aggressor in an argument with her Man and when angered she is prone to use any emotional arrow in her quiver to "win" the argument when in fact nobody ever "wins" an argument. Women are far more likely to be the first one to make a statement in the heat of "battle" which will leave a permanent scar on her relationship with a Man.

Being "tough" in a disagreement with another Man is a World away from being "tough" in a disagreement with his Woman. Standing your ground and being physically threatening does not work with Women. Being understanding and most importantly listening to what she has to say when she speaks to you even if you have to swallow your pride a little to do it or completely disagree with what she's saying will diffuse her need to scream it at you at a later time and act all out of character. The more excited she gets, the calmer her Man should become. This calm will have a soothing effect and pretty soon the two will be communicating successfully and probably sharing their affection for one another.

If all that fails...leave the house.


Feb 10, 2010
Maybe she's not that into you?

Oprah's always preaching to women that if a man doesn't give us respect that he's not that "he's not that into you" ...From a woman's perspective, maybe she's not that into you? If she was, respect is a given... maybe not in the same standard you are used to if you are comparing to relationships with women from wherever you are from...but universally, a certain level of respect comes when a woman is truly into her man and vice versa. And darlings, any intelligent classy woman does not appreciate or require being "put in her place".

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
This statement doesn't take into consideration the fact that there is usually an emotional attachment between a Man and the Woman with whom the confrontation exists. This is not usually the case between Men. I'm hoping that you are still with me here because I'm not ready to try to figure out the interpersonal discourse between Men who might be emotionally attached to one another.

With his Woman, a man has to treat differences of opinion very delicately, taking care not to say something which might lead to a total breakdown in communication altogether. Women argue differently than Men. A Woman is more prone to be the aggressor in an argument with her Man and when angered she is prone to use any emotional arrow in her quiver to "win" the argument when in fact nobody ever "wins" an argument. Women are far more likely to be the first one to make a statement in the heat of "battle" which will leave a permanent scar on her relationship with a Man.

Being "tough" in a disagreement with another Man is a World away from being "tough" in a disagreement with his Woman. Standing your ground and being physically threatening does not work with Women. Being understanding and most importantly listening to what she has to say when she speaks to you even if you have to swallow your pride a little to do it or completely disagree with what she's saying will diffuse her need to scream it at you at a later time and act all out of character. The more excited she gets, the calmer her Man should become. This calm will have a soothing effect and pretty soon the two will be communicating successfully and probably sharing their affection for one another.

If all that fails...leave the house.

Well said. Women are far meaner with words that any man could hope to be.


Jun 2, 2006
ok, so i guess i'm the only one who has seen the destructive force when a dominican woman goes on the rampage. :ermm:

but then again i don't expect you old geezers in here to MAN UP on a dominican woman...:laugh: