Why some NA women think they can change their DR man?

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Oct 29, 2010
Ecoman, you definitely know what time it is, just like that guy jd. It truly never ceases to amaze me that guys bring back these fine young chicas believing they will live in marital bliss. Never mind there education level prevents them from understanding that consuming massive amounts of carbohydrates and fatty foods in their late twenties strips away that cute little figure pronto. Further that sharp dialect and scorpion attitude might seem cute and feisty here, but back home it's a passport to a job at a fast food restaurant. Wine and dine them when you are in the D.R and enjoy them.Trying to change them is as difficult as trying to change middle Eastern woman into wearing high heels and a thong.

That last sentence is not so difficult.


Dec 12, 2009
I agree with the Tourist Visa concept posted before ... If she cant or wont even try to go through the process of getting a Tourist Visa.. (and its NOT that hard) , anyone who is reasonably stable with a JOB can get it ... Of course they have to pass the interview.. But if she cant even do that, so she can come and visit you freely ( on your $ dime of course, because we are not savages after all , an airline ticket is not cheap)
Then you are wasting your time .. Do NOT fall for the K1 Visa bs, that is for Chumps who are begging to be marks .


Active member
Aug 30, 2008
A change of subject somewhat, but after 2 short marriages in Canada, I swore never to get married again. Well, almost 10 years ago I met my wife...on a bus....on a bad day. Little did I know that 10 years later, we would both still be happy with the decision we made. Perhaps I am a 10 percenter, but it worked out fine for me!


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
Why try to change them. If you want a blue pen buy a blue pen. But please don't whine, bitch, or moan if buy a red pen and try to make it blue. It just does not work that way.


Oct 4, 2013

there is no way that they might change. FORGET ABOUT IT !!! Before they even set foot there, they already know with whom of their countryman(women) they will hook up there. You are only their ticket out of here. How many Dominicans you know that grow up in a "normal" family !?
(Biol. Father, Mother and kids living together). I am here 9 years and meet 2 (T W O ). Cheating and lying is to them as common as for you snow in the winter. If you can't help your self and really want to take the risk, try to have them come on a tourist Visa, so at least they can't screw you if they decide to leave you and stay in your country.
Believe me, US and Canada requirements for a tourist visa are based on years of experience and common sense !!! These guys now what they are doing !!! ten's of thousand Dominicans get US or Canada tourist visas every year. If they are not "good enough" to get a tourist visa... they are certainly not "good enough" for you.

So what about the Dominicans that are good enough to get a tourist visa? Or what about the ones that live on one of the many other Caribbean islands?. Does the same attitude of cheating and lying hold true for them as well? Are all Dominicans to be put into this same mold that has been outlined?


Dec 12, 2009
And if you met her in a Cat house ....
your chances are even lower..
but who knows ..some guys have magical abilities to turn her into a Haus Frau...
in fact i know several guys who doing that exact thing.. amazing ..
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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2009
Exeptions only confirm the rule

So what about the Dominicans that are good enough to get a tourist visa? Or what about the ones that live on one of the many other Caribbean islands?. Does the same attitude of cheating and lying hold true for them as well? Are all Dominicans to be put into this same mold that has been outlined?

Let us be realistic !...
First of all; "Dominicans don't need to be saved by anyone" and/or being grateful
until the rest of their live for "being rescued". According to a recent international study, they are one of the most happy people on earth. That said, i do not now if you live here for a long time or even if you are a Dominican,. hurt by my comments !? Fact is that compared to Europe, US or Canada, Dominicans have a totally different culture and values. According to my humble opinion and experience; Dominicans like to cheat and lie a lot. All of them ???...of course not ! but almost all of them ! Why ??? because they do not know anything else ! That's what they picked up from their surrounding and parents. Ask any of your Dominican friends if they grow up in an intact family !? The changes that they were, are closed to Z E R O !!! To answer your next question in mind...why the f... i am still here ??? because i am 50 yr. old and have beautiful girlfriends at around 20-25 max.Why they are with me ? ...because i am a copy of Brad Pitt ! Yeah right !!! I will end this message by a quote from somebody that picked me up from the airport more than 10 years ago; " If you look for true love in the DR, get your self a Dog"


Jun 5, 2011

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010


Jun 5, 2011
Well Gorgon when you walk on a  dominican street do you see many happy faces? They are kind ok but happy....
Why does "el noventa porciento" of the dominicans leave the country...because of happiness? 1+1=2.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas

It's a shame that many of you live in the DR but only associate with riff raff. Many of you live in whore towns or the only women you know are hookers. You don't associate with educated typical Dominicans.

That's like me going to the South Bronx during the 80's crack epidemic and living among crack heads and then saying every New Yorker is a crack head.

I am happy that some of you can come to the DR and pick up many women. I know you are going to pay because most typical educated Dominican women would not be hanging out with any of you. We also know you can't pick up a girl in the states so come on down and enjoy.

Newsflash: The Dominican Republic life that some of you live is not living in your small apartment, picking up hookers and eating platos del dia.

I would say some of you need to expand your network but most Dominicans won't want to have anything to do with some of you.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
WoW Carlito is angry and knows everybody here ...:laugh::laugh:

I guess you know me since you are assuming I am angry.

not angry. My comments were based on what I read, not sure if you did the same thing before giving me a dislike.

If I don't hang out with riff-raff in my country of origin then why do it here and then paint the whole country based on the experience you have with those individuals. All Dominicans lie and cheat? All Dominicans don't come from a family with a mom and dad?

If your experience is playing Dominoes in the corner colmado with local hustlers and eventually they get you, then all Dominicans are thieves?


Jun 5, 2011
It's just rude to write here you, you and you when only some write as you describe. Do you really think all of us live in "whore towns" and don't know any aducated dominicans? 


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
It's just rude to write here you, you and you when only some write as you describe. Do you really think all of us live in "whore towns" and don't know any aducated dominicans? 

I don't want to turn this into a back and forth and hijack the thread.

again, I encourage you to go back and read what was posted. If this does not apply to you simply ignore it. Then I encourage you to re-read my reply where I said " many" and "some".

I personally know people on this board and know where they live.

I find assumptions to be rude

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Well Gorgon when you walk on a  dominican street do you see many happy faces? They are kind ok but happy....
Why does "el noventa porciento" of the dominicans leave the country...because of happiness? 1+1=2.

well, happiness is different thing to different people. your idea of what happiness is, and my idea of it, might very well be two different things. i cannot look at a persons face and tell what is going on in his life, but i do know that when i walk along a street in the DR, and i pass by a Dominican, he gives me a smile and a greeting. the foreigner walks by with his head held straight ahead, with no chance of saying hello.

Dominicans who leave the country usually leave for financial reasons. no wealthy Dominican leaves the country to go and shovel snow in Massachussetts.

please dont use the fact that Dominicans migrate as an indication of happiness. if that is your yardstick, then you must be unhappy, because you left your country to go somewhere else.
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