Words used in Dominican Spanish

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Nov 19, 2004
macocael said:
Stodgord, I thought azaroso meant "risky" and "tu si azaras" would be like, "you sure run risks," or "you are about to cross the line." Is this a case of Dominican adaptation, or are you really just saying to the "bitch" that by being bitchy she is taking chances?

I always thought "perra," the literal translation (which you always see in subtitles) carried more or less the same metaphorical meaning as well here. Is that really not the case? I wouldnt think to use cuero in the same context, and I dont think the "b's" that I know would understand me if I did -- they would certainly be more deeply insulted, though, that much I am sure of.
From: MrMike
Many times I want to call someone a b!tch because the are just being agressively disagreeable or a general a pain in the @ss in a uniquely femenine way, but the only way that occurs to me to express this involves accusing them of being a prostitute which has nothing to do with it.

From the example that MrMike gives above I don't think perra is the correct word. Perra I would use in a fight/argument. When my wife is nagging me for no reason I just tell her "tu si azara con esa vaina, or no me azare mas". She really gets ofended when I say it, but it stops her nagging.


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Jan 5, 2006
Tu eres muy jediondon y delicagao = hard to please
Un ladron me dio tremendo tumbe = stripped of one's possesions
Ella e' jodonisima = difficult person
Mieeerrrrda! guess what this one means
Se fue Encojonao = angry

vividor= male sankie
vividora= female sankie
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