Yet another chef knife casualty..

Apr 7, 2014
that is because to Dominicans, appearance is everything. so, when you approach a government building, all the buscones have briefcases, even though there isn't even a spider inside. old sneakers make you look poor, and that cannot be good, in their minds.
Guy over here has a 1975 Ford Maverick in his gated marquesina. "He s just a poor old man, he cannot afford a new Land Cruiser." But 20, 30, 40, 50 year old fuddy duddy cars are now experiencing a regenesis of interest in the US.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Guy over here has a 1975 Ford Maverick in his gated marquesina. "He s just a poor old man, he cannot afford a new Land Cruiser." But 20, 30, 40, 50 year old fuddy duddy cars are now experiencing a regenesis of interest in the US.

and he can probably get more for it than for a Prado...


Jun 5, 2011
Just one minute off-topic. An italian guy is leaving and wants to sell his X5 3.0d very cheap. I had three in Europe but thoughts and tips on if buying would be a good choice, it is a 2008. Seems the diesel is very dirty here.


Active member
Sep 24, 2003
I recently got back from a two month visit to the states. When I got back I ask my lovely if she knew where my chef knife was~the one I had had for about ten years. It took about three days for her to fess up that she had accidently destroyed it while trying to crack open a coconut with it! Oops. It took another two days for her to finally show me the remains. I spent six months keeping it out of reach telling them it wasn't like the dollar store knives here. This was a beautifully forged knife made in Korea using Japanese metal and an excellent curve. I used to regularly cut 200- 400 pounds of produce a day with it during my chef days. She must have put a chip in the edge at some point, then took it to be "sharpened" using a bench grinder. This immediately took off the brittle hardened steel core, leaving it no sharper than a butter knife. I would have taken the thing with me, but I got a cheap ticket and couldn't check the thing. It's a hard loss.

Very, very recognizable. My mother in law came to visit us here in Europe for 4 weeks over Christmas. Within two days she broke one of my ceramic knifes trying to open a can. Never mind we do have a can opener and even that wouldn't have been needed since the can had a lip to open manually.
Another two days later she broke the next ceramic knife trying to pry open another can after she opened it with the can opener I explained her about after the first incident.

Then the kicker was both my wife and MIL telling me the knifes were very bad quality for breaking so easily (because, well, mother knows best I guess).
And don't get me started on the teflon frying pans I had to replace after she left.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Very, very recognizable. My mother in law came to visit us here in Europe for 4 weeks over Christmas. Within two days she broke one of my ceramic knifes trying to open a can. Never mind we do have a can opener and even that wouldn't have been needed since the can had a lip to open manually.
Another two days later she broke the next ceramic knife trying to pry open another can after she opened it with the can opener I explained her about after the first incident.

Then the kicker was both my wife and MIL telling me the knifes were very bad quality for breaking so easily (because, well, mother knows best I guess).
And don't get me started on the teflon frying pans I had to replace after she left.

funny, the knives don't break easily when you use them.

you can own a cellphone for a decade, and it will still function. in the DR, people go through at least 2 per year. they fall in toilets, get sat on, fall out of pockets, get stolen, you name it.
Apr 7, 2014
Very, very recognizable. My mother in law came to visit us here in Europe for 4 weeks over Christmas. Within two days she broke one of my ceramic knifes trying to open a can. Never mind we do have a can opener and even that wouldn't have been needed since the can had a lip to open manually.
Another two days later she broke the next ceramic knife trying to pry open another can after she opened it with the can opener I explained her about after the first incident.

Then the kicker was both my wife and MIL telling me the knifes were very bad quality for breaking so easily (because, well, mother knows best I guess).
And don't get me started on the teflon frying pans I had to replace after she left.
You guys are soft. Too much nonsense in your relationships. Not machista at all, its sound eunuch-ish.
"This is is the can opener, use it. Dont touch my knives or use them to open cans, or cut drywall or you ll be sleeping in the bus depot."
Apr 7, 2014
funny, the knives don't break easily when you use them.

you can own a cellphone for a decade, and it will still function. in the DR, people go through at least 2 per year. they fall in toilets, get sat on, fall out of pockets, get stolen, you name it.
Especially when they know someone who will get them another one.
Apr 7, 2014
exactly!! ten chances to one, the phone they just broke was gifted to them by somebody..maybe when they have to lay out the 5 large themselves, a phone will last them a year.

Oh no doubt. My lady friend has been using the same Sony cellphone since 2014. I finally am going to give her one of my BLU dual SIM phones because that old Sony wont let her update Whatsapp , plus mine has a front camera also.
But if its all they have they can make it last.
May 29, 2006
In any case, I gotta get at least one knife for MY use. Mi esposa doesn't mind dollar store knives with no handles, but I do. My chef knife was really too much of a workhorse for what I needed it for down here, which was mostly prepping lechosas for batidas. I'm on the Dominican diet now and found myself inconvenience by the price and availability of tropical produce while I was in the States.

As for smartphones, I brought free five hand me downs with me including one that we got repaired for 200 pesos. Give them things that need to be fixed and they seem to take more care.


Jun 5, 2011
Keep your knife in your bed-side drawer (always convenient), or buy "una vaqueta" and Carry it on you all day.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
In any case, I gotta get at least one knife for MY use. Mi esposa doesn't mind dollar store knives with no handles, but I do. My chef knife was really too much of a workhorse for what I needed it for down here, which was mostly prepping lechosas for batidas. I'm on the Dominican diet now and found myself inconvenience by the price and availability of tropical produce while I was in the States.

As for smartphones, I brought free five hand me downs with me including one that we got repaired for 200 pesos. Give them things that need to be fixed and they seem to take more care.

that is why I suggested a lockable storage for your items that you want nobody to touch.
May 29, 2006
Good idea. I tried to bring down a $5 tool box I got on sale at LOWES, but it ended being too bulky. I already have a pistol safe I use for cash and small stuff that has a security cable.


Feb 20, 2016
Why bring a Chief Knives if you know very well they will eventually be used to open a rotten can ?

Masochism may be ? :cheeky:

Now, if you want to donate them to someone who will take good care of them in the western world, and doesn't even know how to use a knife to open a can, I will be in DR in April. Gracias

.....exactly....every Dominican woman knows what a knife is the cans......Brought from the usa a very good set of german knives, you know the ones in the wood block.... came into the kitchen one day to find mi girl fren using one of those knives to open a LARGE can.........I hide those knives where she will never find.....In the cabinet with the cleaning supplies.........Doc..........


Jan 21, 2006
My Dominican wife will open a can with a knife faster than any electric can opener. I keep waiting for her to cut herself. Been 12 years and not a nick. I gave up waiting. Asked hey why she never cuts herself. She laughed and said I have been doing this all my life. I bled a lot as a kid but there was never a can opener in our home.


Jan 21, 2006
At the risk of venturing off but still in the realm of unexplained Dominican behavior. What is it with eating out of cheap plastic bowls. Many are not microwave safe and leave a nasty greasy residue. Whole famdamily eats off plastic when we have a nice matched set of dishes and bowls. I toss them in the bin at every chance but more magically turn up. Anyone know?