Legal FAQ How long does it take to get a residency?
Provisional residencies can be obtained by law firms for clients in 4 to 6 months. Provisional residency is granted for a year and only at the expiration of that year can the application for permanent residency be filed. It takes approx. 2-3 months after filing for the permanent residency to be granted. Therefore, minimum time for a permanent residency = 4 months + 12 months + 2 months = 18 months

Are proxy divorces possible by Dominican law?
No. At least one of the couple needs to travel to the DR for the divorce. The other couple needs to provide written legalized consent to the divorce. US citizens cannot file for divorce by proxy in the Dominican Republic. For more information on divorces, see Divorces

If I extend my stay over the 15 day period tourist card, what happens?
Nothing. You have to pay a penalty. The US$10 tourist cards allow you to stay for 15 days. A scaled charge from RD$150 (for up to 90 days), RD$250 for 3 months to 9 months, up to RD$2,000 for more than seven year longer stays. Keep the tourist card in a safe place, as you will need it when leaving the country.

What kind of businesses can be incorporated?
Dominican law only recognizes three kinds of business forms. These are a corporation of at least seven shareholders and an individually owned company or a partnership.

What is the differece between a compańía por acciones and a sociedad anónima?
Legally they are the same thing.