DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

DR1.com is the leading English news source in the Dominican Republic for over 30 years.

Showing articles from the past 7 days. To read past articles, visit our DR1.com Daily News Forum.

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The pictures and videos of the detainment of a young Haitian woman and her infant child circulated over every social media platform and every news outlet in the Dominican Republic. The drama of the event was the fact that the infant was not in the vehicle, but rather, was held outside the cage by the mother. The uproar was nationwide, and the Director General of Migration, Venancio Alcantara announced almost immediately that an investigation would be held, and agents involved suspended. He said that under no circumstances would such actions be tolerated.

The following day, the national press reported that the agent involved had, indeed, been fired from his position. The supervisors at Ave. Charles de Gaulle, in East Santo Domingo, had ordered the release of the undocumented woman.

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