DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

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Rafael R. Ramírez Ferreira / El Día

Retired Army General Rafael R. Ramirez Ferreira writes in Acento about his disappointment with the Police reform and road improvements. He mentions that those in power resort to reforms to disguise other purposes for their actions.

He writes:

“We have the famous police reform, very similar to the expansion of the Duarte highway, which, more than anything, is cosmetic with returns that will take decades to see any effectiveness, as if the existing ones weren’t doing their job. But the real business lies in the removal of earth, not to mention the use of the material obtained from the mine found where the new toll station is being built.

“That’s what the police reform has become: cosmetics here and there, collecting everything that comes in without any objective criteria, without even carrying out a purge as the situation requires...

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