Is the economy in the DR worse than in the US?

Dec 26, 2011
americans require a lot more to feel happy, stuffed and satisfied, not only because they resemble musashimaru-san in size an appetite but also because wealth is something they got used to. an average american does not know hunger, he eat regularly. average american does not walk anywhere, cars are cheap and teens often have their rides as soon as they can get the license.
but an average dominican... he manages to live on less. a lot less. he's lived on little for as long as he can remember. he will live happily in a wooden shack, ride a moto and eat once a day when necessary.


william webster

Jan 16, 2009
with all due respect, CB, i think that OP, apart from stirring controversy, is looking for less mathematical approach to this matter. let us imagine a sumo wrestler and one of 'em flat chested skinny bitches from catwalks. two human beings with different needs. while musahimaru koyo will require truckload of food a day a lollipop model will possibly munch on an apple and half of an egg.

americans require a lot more to feel happy, stuffed and satisfied, not only because they resemble musashimaru-san in size an appetite but also because wealth is something they got used to. an average american does not know hunger, he eat regularly. average american does not walk anywhere, cars are cheap and teens often have their rides as soon as they can get the license.
but an average dominican... he manages to live on less. a lot less. he's lived on little for as long as he can remember. he will live happily in a wooden shack, ride a moto and eat once a day when necessary.

With all due respect, Deviate........

You should be teaching Economics at some Ivy League school when you can take a complex topic and express it in laymen's terms.

Honestly, even I can understand it.

Hats off to the Polish school system....:classic:

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
It was a contrived,hypothetical,loaded question.
There is no valid comparison between the two countries.
The DR is but a pimple on the world's A$$!
It is one step out of Africa.
He just throws out his loaded question,and then uses it to support his personal agenda.
Total waste of time,and band width!
"Moving On!!!!!!"


Sep 27, 2006
what i am saying here, is that americans have been hit on the head, kicked in the nuts and had their kneecaps cracked with a stick. USA always had a huge middle class. those very same fatsos who had a big house in a suburb, one car per personand despite the lack of savings - they lived in a cloud of comfort and FAITH IN THEIR GOVERNMENT. when the s**t hit the fan they were lots. completely. i worked for an american company, here in DR, and it was there that i heard the same story from so many mouths: most of americans were just one or two paychecks away from living on the street. a crack in the world economy has taken all wind from their lungs and opened an abyss under their feet.

while DR? no such thing as middle class really. small and insignificant part of the population. what did they do when the feces splashed into their faces? they cut down. moved to a smaller apartment (middle class rents rather than owns). let the full time maid go and arrange for twice a week service. sold one of the cars. changed the remaining car from montero to spark. the rich? barely felt their wallets twitch. the poor? they were f**ked from the get go, it could not get much worse for them anyways. they skipped breakfasts and dinners and settled for bigger lunch. they went to shop in la pulga. they invested in la pela and banged old bats to get extra cash.

life here... in many ways it is easier and cheaper than in the USA. for dominicans, that is, because gringos will always miss their foods, their magazines, their clothes, their treats. so is the economy worse? no, but it is dealt with more ease and resignation.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
That's what I told people in Spain when they asked me how 'la crisi' was affecting the DR - only not as eloquently.

::High five for dv8::


Who empowered China's crime against humanity?
Jun 28, 2004
It was a contrived,hypothetical,loaded question.
There is no valid comparison between the two countries.
The DR is but a pimple on the world's A$$!
It is one step out of Africa.
He just throws out his loaded question,and then uses it to support his personal agenda.
Total waste of time,and band width!
"Moving On!!!!!!"

The OP should be in funny Friday. Cobraboy and CC tell it like it is. People on Welfare in the USA eat better and have MEDICAL coverage!! The OP has no clue!


Jun 17, 2012
Comparing the USA to the DR is ridiculous and unfair. Of course the people in DR handle a recession better they are used to having nothing.
DV8 I like your posts but your assessment on the USA is a bit off. Many of us here tightened our belts and make due with less also. Were not all hyperspending people from reality TV.


Sep 27, 2006
ha ha ha, i know, i have never even been to america. but i think you are underestimating your people. i remember my first image of USA, from old american movies like grace. people had houses. actual houses. with rooms for every kid. more than one bathroom. and they had cars. cool cars. even teenagers had cars. it was... unbelievable. unthinkable. i did not understand, how was it possible? and people used planes. i thought? who could afford a plane ticket? how could that be? and coca cola? american diners with free coffee? free? i have never imagined something could be free.

and then came credit cards. i could not understand (i still don't, to be honest, so i don't have my own cc, only the extension of miesposo's card). people were getting things without having to pay for them straight away. how strange! magical. wonderful.

back home we lived in apartment blocks. 40 square meters for a family of 4. to get a car one had to sign up on a waiting list. kids were not allowed even to touch it, let alone drive it. everyone was dressed the same because there was limited choice of clothing in shops. i had my first snickers bar at 15. before that i never knew they even existed....

and all this time, there was no such thing as credit. one started saving for an apartment upon getting married. by the time the kid came along and it reached 18 or 20 years old savings were enough to be able to get another tiny apartment. i was taught to save. not to spend. i was taught never to buy something unless i could afford to pay for it cold hard cash.

i suppose i identify with dominicans here because they had, they still have, tough life. so do not tell me about americans not being hyper spending tv monsters. you still are, very much so. consuming, all the time. used to being able to reach the goal easy way. to get things now and pay later. did you tighten the belt? i believe so, inasmuch as it it possible, with your fat bellies. :) but did the mentality change? tell me, did it?


Jun 17, 2012
There are 300 million people in the US. If they were all hyperspending fat spoiled lazy people we wouldnt be a superpower.
Im sorry but for someone who has never been to the US you have no credibility telling anyone what happens there. I dont want to sound rude I dont insult other peoples countries even if I have been there and I really it offensive when people insult mine.


Sep 27, 2006
i did not insult. i played on stereotype. i know very well not to generalize. i know this because i could swear there are few polaks out there who are not drunken thieves.
but you did not answer. did the mentality change in america, after the crash of the economy?


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
I understand a little bit about economics.. How does national debt figure into the equation?

United States
15,813,740,000,00026 June 2012

Dominican Republic

No you don't. You just think you do.

You brought up which economy is doing better. You get your a$$-once again-handed to you and like a little girly man try to weasel out by a feckless attempt at diversion.

Surrender noted.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
i did not insult. i played on stereotype. i know very well not to generalize. i know this because i could swear there are few polaks out there who are not drunken thieves.
but you did not answer. did the mentality change in america, after the crash of the economy?
The US is STILL doing better than the DR, per capita or by any other economic metric, after the crash. It ain't great and folks are suffering without their double frappe latte's from Starbucks*.

But I understand your point.

Americans need to harden the f@(k up...


*I kid, I kid, but I'm hopeful that a little suffering, just a fraction of the REAL economic suffering my parents and grandparents went through (and YOUR family went through under Communism) will make the fat, slothful, lazy, mentally-entitled crybaby Americans think about "hardening the f@(k up" a little. 'Cuz they need it. The gubmint, even with Messianic "leaders" promising rainbow unicorns pooping free Gummi Bears at somebody else's expense, is incapable of solving their problems. Only each person can do that. As soon as that reality becomes embedded in society progress will begin to be made. But not before.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
How can you compare the two? It would not be equal. How can anyone compare the US to DR? Much difference in land size, population, government, etc...People of the DR have proven they can live a simple life on less but for some of them it may be a choice rather something forced upon them. I never understood how anyone could compare the two countries in economics, crime, etc... Two different places with two totally different infrastructures each with their own distinct problems. There is one thing they both have incommon though..They both are quick to blame someone else for their troubles.


Jul 1, 2009
The premise of the OP is patently absurd and shows a total lack of economic knowledge.

The Per Capita GDP of the U.S. is around $48,000.

The Per Capita GDP of the Dominican Republic is around $9800.

The US is about 5 times as large and more productive, per capita.

I don't know what other metric would show otherwise.

But I also agree with M-D: Dominicans are better prepared to live a primordial existence than Americans are should the world economy collapse. Well, except for survivalists in Montana and Idaho.

Except that in DR $9K goes a long way as compared to 48K in the states.


Jun 17, 2012
i did not insult. i played on stereotype. i know very well not to generalize. i know this because i could swear there are few polaks out there who are not drunken thieves.
but you did not answer. did the mentality change in america, after the crash of the economy?

With less disposable income less jobs and less money is there a choice about mentality change if you are someone who has been effected? Of course. The middle class in the US is shrinking and the opportunities for upward mobility, are becoming slimmer.


Sep 27, 2006
and to sum it up: of course USA is doing better than DR. the only difference is that dominicans with their manana and si dios quiere attitude deal better with a wet towel smacking their arses time and again. and in america there is some government support for the needy. here? nothing.


Sep 27, 2006
The middle class in the US is shrinking and the opportunities for upward mobility, are becoming slimmer.

i think this is true everywhere. lots of talk in polish newspapers too, about the disappearing middle class and the growing gap between the poor and the rich...


Jul 1, 2009
No you don't. You just think you do.

You brought up which economy is doing better. You get your a$$-once again-handed to you and like a little girly man try to weasel out by a feckless attempt at diversion.

Surrender noted.

Besides, the national debt doesn't mean anything for either country. It will never be paid off.


Nov 4, 2011
i did not insult. i played on stereotype. i know very well not to generalize. i know this because i could swear there are few polaks out there who are not drunken thieves.
but you did not answer. did the mentality change in america, after the crash of the economy?
Wait just a second you are from Poland? The number one city in the world with the biggest polish population is Warsaw, care to take a guess what number two is? I know plenty of polish people with credit cards, debit cards, and they are in to fashion and materialistic items just like everyone else. Wow I can't believe you wrote this and your from Poland. I go to this polish bakery every Saturday and if I remember I am going to ask her and her husband have "credit" ever benefitted them and their business.

I grew up around a lot of polish people and one of my aunts had a polish boyfriend for along time and we called him uncle or tio. Wow I did not know you were polish.
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Jul 1, 2009
In the US though you live a comfortable life you surely are heavily in debt; Not just with house, car, credit cards but even a simple cellphone most people don't even "really" own, as they obtained a special price on the device as long as they commit to a 2 year plan.

but the plus side is that there is more work and higher pay in the US.

I guess if you are contempt with the simple things in life; you will consider living in DR more fruitful.

If one is contempt with modest, simple life and let's not forget a modest job, DR would be ideal.

The problem in the states is that even a simple life is very costly. The pace of life is too fast and conducive to stress.

In reality, everyone loves the good life, not just Americans. Poor Dominicans would be a lot happier living the American life.