Question for Viagra users

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Nector Del Amor", is poured over the penis, and then licked off by his partner!
I just use honey, it's much cheaper, with the same result!
As far as "Viagra" goes, I break the 100's in half before I take them.
"Vaigra" is "coated" to disolve slowly, and even in the intestines.
"Breakinging" the pill means they desole faster, in the stomach.
As far as time goes, they keep me "Up All Night"!
About 12 to 14 hours.
I take then on an empty stomach, and don't drink alcohol.
The longer lasting effect I see could be due to the small size of mu "Wee Wee", a "PENIS" is much larger!
OR, due to the fact that I usually have two,three, or more, girls spending the night.
Men who say, "I DON"T NEED Viagra"!!!
Are just like the guys who say, "I Never Paid For PU$$Y In My Life,
and guys who claim they NEVER PI$$ in the sink,

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Nector Del Amor", is poured over the penis, and then licked off by his partner!
I just use honey, it's much cheaper, with the same result!
As far as "Viagra" goes, I break the 100's in half before I take them.
"Vaigra" is "coated" to disolve slowly, and even in the intestines.
"Breakinging" the pill means they desolve faster, in the stomach.
As far as time goes, they keep me "Up All Night"!
About 12 to 14 hours.
I take them on an empty stomach, and don't drink alcohol.
The longer lasting effect I see could be due to the small size of mu "Wee Wee", a "PENIS" is much larger!
OR, due to the fact that I usually have two,three, or more, girls spending the night.
One afternoon, I was fortunate to have 3 lovely lesbians in my bed.
After 2 hours of "FUN", "IT" wouldn't go down.
I was getting worried, to say the least!
I finally took a very cold shower, and wrung it out like a Dominican maid!
Men who say, "I DON"T NEED Viagra"!!!
Are just like the guys who say, "I Never Paid For PU$$Y In My Life,
and guys who claim they NEVER PI$$ in the sink,


Nov 17, 2004
Sure this natural stimulant isn't yohimbe root? I'd stay away from that if I were an older gentleman. It raises the heart rate like a racehorse and causes all manner of symptoms that are akin to drinking about 50 cups of coffee, only worse.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
If I were in the "game" - which I'm not btw - I think I'd save a fortune on pills by buying a brown paper bag, cut a mouth-hole & put it over her head.

If I need a pill to rise to the occasion, she must be a fugly cow lol


Aug 26, 2012
If I were in the "game" - which I'm not btw - I think I'd save a fortune on pills by buying a brown paper bag, cut a mouth-hole & put it over her head.

If I need a pill to rise to the occasion, she must be a fugly cow lol

You've got some nerve......
What are you anyway?
Some kind of misogynist?


Sep 27, 2006
If I were in the "game" - which I'm not btw - I think I'd save a fortune on pills by buying a brown paper bag, cut a mouth-hole & put it over her head.

sankies would need a full body bag with few holes in strategic places for their ages sugar mamas...

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
Chris I never ****ed in the sink I can not reach it I am only 5.2 I have payed for pussey with our a dought and for viagra no not me may be it has something to do with bing 5.2 also jjjjjjjj


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Nectar del Amor is sold in colmados. But fairly hard to find ... there is another brand out there, but this is best. The listing of ingredients is on the bottle, and all vitamins. It's a bitter-tasting liquid, so it's best drunk with juice. I was so impressed by this, that I brought a bunch with me to Canada, to give to all my married friends! We had to go to about 6 or 7 places before we found someone who carried it.

La Mariposa

Jun 4, 2004
How does that work then?

What are nitro tablets? Trade names would be appreciated

Purely for personal reference you understand ;)

Nitroglycerin spray and tablets are used to treat episodes of angina (chest pain) in people who have coronary artery disease (narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart). The spray and tablets may also be taken just before activities that may cause episodes of angina in order to prevent the angina from occurring. Nitroglycerin extended-release (long-acting) capsules are used to prevent episodes of angina in people who have coronary artery disease. The extended-release capsules can only be used to prevent angina attacks; they cannot be used to treat an attack once it has begun. Nitroglycerin is in a class of medications called vasodilators. It works by relaxing the blood vessels so the heart does not need to work as hard and therefore does not need as much oxygen.
May 29, 2006
About ten years back, at least 88 kids died in Haiti from being given counterfeit cough medicine made with anti-freeze. That's the kind of people who fake drugs. Think they care about what they put in boner pills for American tourists?

I would trust a generic version sold in a pharmacy over anything that looked like name brand Viagra in the DR. The market for counterfeits is HUGE. Most are produced in China and some can be impossible for anyone to tell from the real product without lab work. They can even fake holograms on the foil packs.

The fake labs use ANYTHING to make the pills blue, including toilet bowl cleaner and paint. Sometimes there is less of the active ingredient and sometimes much more, which can be very dangerous.

Do some online research. Real Viagra isn't going to be cheaper on the street than it is in the pharmacies ~even with small pharmacies, you might be taking a risk.

The Dangers of Counterfeit VIAGRA

It's not just Viagra either. The fake Malaria pills sold in Africa do just enough to stop the symptoms but not kill the protozoa. This is causing strains of the disease to become resistant. They'll fake cancer meds, anything. 60 Minutes did an episode on it. These guys are killing thousands of people a year and getting away with it. It's very much like The Third Man, but on an industrial scale.

The Fatal Consequences of Counterfeit Drugs | People & Places | Smithsonian Magazine


Sep 27, 2006
you are correct. which is why it is crucial to use a trusted business. buy in a good, large pharmacy where you know the owners and know the sources of the medicine. fill your supply in your home country if you have doubts. don't buy meds in a bar or a colmado.