Anti Gay Marriage March

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Jan 28, 2012
Actually you sound as if you have been brainwashed by the lame stream media who wants to tell everyone how normal homosexuals are, and if someone objects to gay marriage, etc you are the one that has an issue. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid!!!!


Sep 27, 2011
Actually you sound as if you have been brainwashed by the lame stream media who wants to tell everyone how normal homosexuals are, and if someone objects to gay marriage, etc you are the one that has an issue. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid!!!!

Are you against people who would like to live their life in solitude or actually not enjoy or find sex enduring. These people do not initiate new life, and so why would you find someone who has found a life equal to that none 'normal'. Why does anyone find it offensive people choose to do with their given right to live as they please so offensive that they even raise an eyebrow?
Please people, if you don't agree with something then fine, but what gave you the right to decide what I, him, or her does with their lives?

I am well known on here for disliking the nancy prance fairy boys. Gay man I have no issues, gay women I have no issues. I never ever would make such a mockery of our human rights as to tell anyone that what they choose to do with their lives is incorrect. Who the KFC do you think you are?

You are the same guys that throw up tables when you hear an American soldier has been beheaded, because he is American and CHOSE to join the army. What is the difference? It's a choice to be away from your women, your men, your children, to me that is not a great idea, but I respect it.

FFS, no, you ain't more manly because of your opinion, just a little less developed
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Jul 10, 2004
Actually you sound as if you have been brainwashed by the lame stream media who wants to tell everyone how normal homosexuals are, and if someone objects to gay marriage, etc you are the one that has an issue. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid!!!!

I beg to differ. I do not take my cues from the media. You are a homophobe.


Jul 25, 2007
Speaking of "rights" for individuals, why is it that countries with a strong religious tradition are considered backwards because they resist the advances of the homosexual lobby who want them to force them to accept what is considered a perversion??? Whatever happened to respect of other people's opinions?? I don't suppose anyone who supports the gay lobby can understand how offensive it is to see how the homosexual parades are to most normal people nor how the majority of these activists exxagerate to the nth extreme to be noticed nor see the homosexual sex education classes that are being pushed on to chiuldren in supposed "advanced countries".

It is hypocritical to talk about homosexual rights without considering the rights of cultures to keep their religious traditions.


Jul 10, 2004
Speaking of "rights" for individuals, why is it that countries with a strong religious tradition are considered backwards because they resist the advances of the homosexual lobby who want them to force them to accept what is considered a perversion??? Whatever happened to respect of other people's opinions?? I don't suppose anyone who supports the gay lobby can understand how offensive it is to see how the homosexual parades are to most normal people nor how the majority of these activists exxagerate to the nth extreme to be noticed nor see the homosexual sex education classes that are being pushed on to chiuldren in supposed "advanced countries".

It is hypocritical to talk about homosexual rights without considering the rights of cultures to keep their religious traditions.

I suspect you would have been best born in a country run completely by its religion, such as under Sharia law.

You have every right not to marry someone of your same sex. You have every right not to attend a parade you don't like or protest that parade peacefully.

I disagree that it is hypocritical to have an opinion different from those who would be against human rights regardless of their motivation (i.e. religious or personal) . Equality should be for everyone, and one should not turn a blind eye to those that have a religious reason to be prejudiced. In that situation, the religion is just wrong.


Sep 10, 2008
dear chip - homosexuals are here and they arent going anywhere,deal with it- do you think they should have no rights.


Jul 25, 2007
I suspect you would have been best born in a country run completely by its religion, such as under Sharia law.

The last I remembered Sharia Law imposed their beliefs on people by force. Sounds similar to the homosexual movement.

At any rate I'm Catholic, we have a different concept.

You have every right not to marry someone of your same sex. You have every right not to attend a parade you don't like or protest that parade peacefully.

I disagree that it is hypocritical to have an opinion different from those who would be against human rights regardless of their motivation (i.e. religious or personal) . Equality should be for everyone, and one should not turn a blind eye to those that have a religious reason to be prejudiced. In that situation, the religion is just wrong.

You atheists spend half the time telling us how morals are antiquated and how religion is just a front for an agenda to control people and the other time telling us about how your anti-morals are somehow "better" and how your "religion" is not an thinly veiled agenda to control people - yet your actions prove otherwise.



Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
dear chip - homosexuals are here and they arent going anywhere,deal with it- do you think they should have no rights.

I like your attitude JR.

We throw a few jokes, here and there, but you are a great sport!!!

Just like the few gays I knew growing up, your sense of humor is refreshing. :)


Jul 25, 2007
dear chip - homosexuals are here and they arent going anywhere,deal with it- do you think they should have no rights.

You are confused. Homosexuality and depravity have existed since the beginning.

As far as them having "rights", what they do in the privacy of their own home is between them and God, what they do in public to our children is another thing altogether. Try to discern the difference.


Jul 10, 2004
The last I remembered Sharia Law imposed their beliefs on people by force. Sounds similar to the homosexual movement.

At any rate I'm Catholic, we have a different concept.

You atheists spend half the time telling us how morals are antiquated and how religion is just a front for an agenda to control people and the other time telling us about how your anti-morals are somehow "better" and how your "religion" is not an thinly veiled agenda to control people - yet your actions prove otherwise.


The "homosexual movement" imposes its will upon people by force? In what world do you live?
If laws are created for equal rights and you don't like them, then that is life, but to say homosexual's impose their will is like saying Catholics impose their will on others.

We atheists have a religion and want to control people? You are both clueless and comical at that same time CHIP.

I know you still have a problem with the word hypocrite. I can assure that my actions and words are the same and there is no hipocricy in that. Try to come up with a better explanation for your problems.


Jul 25, 2007
The "homosexual movement" imposes its will upon people by force?

What do you call it when homosexuals demand to have certain rights in countries that do not accept this way of living?

What do you call it when homosexuals push to allow the teaching of gay sex to children?

What do you call it when homosexuals demand the right to parade around in next to nothing in front of children?

You either have serious comprehension issues or your agenda is causing you to ignore the truth.


May 29, 2004
What do you call it when homosexuals demand to have certain rights in countries that do not accept this way of living?

What do you call it when blacks or women or any minority group demands to have certain rights in countries where a majority do not place value on their existence?

What do you call it when homosexuals push to allow the teaching of gay sex to children?
Improper. In general I wouldn't be a proponent of 'teaching any sex' to children until mid-late teens.
Who the heck teaches gay sex to children?

What do you call it when homosexuals demand the right to parade around in next to nothing in front of children?
I don't know that anyone demands a right to expose themselves beyond standards of public decency. In the context of fights for human rights, some have always gone to extremes. Women burning bras or taking off their shirts during women's rights protests for example. It's simply attention getting by the ones doing so, not a demand to go topless by women (for example).


Jul 10, 2004
What do you call it when homosexuals demand to have certain rights in countries that do not accept this way of living?

What do you call it when homosexuals push to allow the teaching of gay sex to children?

What do you call it when homosexuals demand the right to parade around in next to nothing in front of children?

You either have serious comprehension issues or your agenda is causing you to ignore the truth.

Comprehension issues on my part? You have posted nothing to demonstrate that. But you have continued to post about your lack of understanding about how life works in a democracy.

Homosexuals, or any other group can "demand" things, but if the law is not on their side, they do not have their demands met. If they do things against the law, they should be arrested. Then they have to work to change the laws. If they fail, then they do not get what they want. I am trying to keep this simple so you can understand, CHIP. If homosexuals succeed in getting laws changed in ways you do not like, I am sure you, as a homophobe, would be outraged. But that is life in a democracy.

If you mean to say that simply by demanding something, that a groups needs are met? If so you are clueless about life.


May 29, 2004

What do you call it when homosexuals demand the right to parade around in next to nothing in front of children?

By the way, Chip, have you ever been to a Dominican beach or river and seen the local guys coming out of the water in their underwear? That's VERY much a family environment. Is that acceptable?


Jul 25, 2007
What do you call it when blacks or women or any minority group demands to have certain rights in countries where a majority do not place value on their existence?

You are confused, homosexuality is not genetic - that is science, whereas blacks and women are born that way. In fact, until 1973 homosexuality was considered to be a disorder by psychologists.

Improper. In general I wouldn't be a proponent of 'teaching any sex' to children until mid-late teens.
Who the heck teaches gay sex to children?

I don't know that anyone demands a right to expose themselves beyond standards of public decency. In the context of fights for human rights, some have always gone to extremes. Women burning bras or taking off their shirts during women's rights protests for example. It's simply attention getting by the ones doing so, not a demand to go topless by women (for example).

You need to research school education and gay parades my fren before you opine in the future
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