Trigger Alert!!!


Apr 11, 2004
As far as contacting the person goes. Does anyone believe that she would say it did not happen after posting this rubbish?

To me this is a crock of ****. To not go to the Police after something like this is a bunch of crap.


Apr 29, 2005
A friend of mine, US citizen, was robbed of $2800 pesos in a guagua as well. He didn't report it, but I suggested that he should. Now do I call him a liar, or believe his story.....

To Charlise, pauleast, dv8, and anyone else than don't believe, why don't you go on facebook, the link is there and call this person a liar. There is a retired Quebec police officer that believes her story and many more, but you people don't.......instead of hiding behind some handle, use your real name and call her on her story.....lets see how far you get on that on........

Like I thought you don't have the guts.....

ps many of those people that have replied to her story actually LIVE AND TAKE GUAGUAS have been challenged....


Apr 11, 2004
Getting robbed is one thing, but her story is a horse of a different color. You can choose to believe this or not. I choose NOT.

And for going on Facebook. I never did and never will go on Facebook for any reason. Just me I guess.


Sep 27, 2006
ps many of those people that have replied to her story actually LIVE AND TAKE GUAGUAS have been challenged....

i live here full time and used guaguas frequently. believe her story? i am asking why she did not go to the police. i do not use FB and i would not comment on her post for one reason: there is no evidence to her story. and now i am being called for siding with evil because god help if you do not believe the victim. the victim should go to the police and not rant on FB.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Tried the FB, but u need to join a group to be able to read the posts.......

Also, because someone posts on FB, u assume it his real name ?..?? My FB is not under my real name.........

But if harley knows the gal, than it must be true....... just seemed far fetched at first........


New member
Aug 5, 2011
i live here full time and used guaguas frequently. believe her story? i am asking why she did not go to the police. i do not use FB and i would not comment on her post for one reason: there is no evidence to her story. and now i am being called for siding with evil because god help if you do not believe the victim. the victim should go to the police and not rant on FB.

What kind of evidence could she submit?


Apr 11, 2004
What kind of evidence could she submit?

She could have went to the Police when it happened. Not wait to go home and report it to Facebook.

Also if she was in a hotel and told anyone, I am sure they would have called the Police. Guess it is better to keep it secret and then let 5,000 people know about it on Facebook. Anyone that believes all the crap posted on these social media sites should have their head examined.


Apr 29, 2005
There are lots of people that DON'T report rapes in Canada and the US for one reason or another........just because she didn't go to the police right away shouldn't discredit her story.....people feel embarrassed, feel its their own fault, don't want to relive the experience etc etc....

dv8 although I don't agree with you on this one, you did suggest a very good point in that she should go to the media as well, and I hope she does......

my thoughts not yours......


Sep 27, 2006
this is exactly what i am talking about. without reporting and raising the voice such people suffer more. being loud and clear helps a lot more and saves other people. without reporting the story straight away there is no evidence that can be presented in court.

before i check out of this thread: this woman should go to sindicalista de transporte who is ruling this ruta. those folks do not joke. they are even known for killing people who illegally use their rutas. transport is a big business here and such events are bad for business. sindicalistas will be faster and more effective in tracking down illegal guagua and/or curbing their own drivers, especially if the story makes it to local media.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005
This sounds like stories from India where women are raped on buses. I'm not saying it isn't true but I think the telling of events by the victim is over the top. Partly true is where I'm at.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
no. this is why people do not believe women like her. why not go straight to the police? there is no way to prove any kind of sexual assault without immediate medical examination. a crime should not be announced on the FB, it needs to be reported directly to the authorities. these guys could have been cruising the road waiting for the next victim for the rest of the day. easy find for the police.

Let me put it the ugly way - you dv8 have been raped by 5 guys continuesly for couple of hours. in dv8's all intimate places has been inserted fingers, sticks and other stuff. dv8 has been hurt fisically and mentally ... and now ask your self - would you like to go to the police (raped, dirty, with liqiuds inside you, clothes teared) or you want go home, lie down and ask yourself only one question - why?
More than 50% of women don't report rape. You will not understand it ...dv8.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Let me put it the ugly way - you dv8 have been raped by 5 guys continuesly for couple of hours. in dv8's all intimate places has been inserted fingers, sticks and other stuff. dv8 has been hurt fisically and mentally ... and now ask your self - would you like to go to the police (raped, dirty, with liqiuds inside you, clothes teared) or you want go home, lie down and ask yourself only one question - why?
More than 50% of women don't report rape. You will not understand it ...dv8.

Generalisation, I would think.......

Some woman would report it, others not........ if it was me ( but I am not female ), I d be hell bent on revenge........
Also I can understand not reporting it ( shame, confuse.....), but then why ppst on FB ????


Apr 11, 2004
Does this story have a place where she was actually staying? An AI, or where? Do you think she went back to her hotel, took a shower and went swimming without contacting anyone? Give me a break.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Generalisation, I would think.......

Some woman would report it, others not........ if it was me ( but I am not female ), I d be hell bent on revenge........
Also I can understand not reporting it ( shame, confuse.....), but then why ppst on FB ????

I agree with you on revenge thing but this is why we are both men ... women are different in such critical situations. They are not warriors at all.

Why she posted it - well, may be it is her way of revenge or just simple - "please, all others beware of the fact".