Dominican Cardinal Calls Gay US Official (Wally Brewster) a 'Wife' in Spat


Feb 7, 2013
WHat guy wearing a dress? I was at the reception he had here in Puerto Plata last year, and I found it interesting that he found it necessary 12 times in a 20 minute speech to refer to "my husband Bob", but neither had a dress on.

hey derfish. oh yeah, i remember you mentioning that. no shrimp. nuff said.


Jul 10, 2004
You can thank Bush and Cheney for ISIS, ISIL, and any other terrorist group operating out of Iraq now.

Agreed, certainly the biggest players in that game. But we need the oil and to keep funding the military with huge budgets, what is a person to do?


Oct 4, 2013
However, Wally continues to offer up unsolicited personal opinions stepping outside of his role as Ambassador. This is clearly where the issue arises. The fact that he is a homosexual just makes him an easy target and religion has nothing to do with it. Many countries and many people do not agree on homosexuality. Especially in political circles. So throw the PC label of homophobic on the priest as usual and be done with it..
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Sorry folks, all posts about religion have been deleted. I know because of the subject of the thread it's hard to resist religious commentary, but it's a no-no.


Sep 7, 2012
It is not just this administration. Bush/Cheney were just as bad if not worse.

I was not a Bush fan but Obama is much worse even though he enjoys the support of 90% of the main stream media. The fact is that they both answer to the same puppet masters.


Sep 7, 2012
You can thank Bush and Cheney for ISIS, ISIL, and any other terrorist group operating out of Iraq now.

The U.S. along with Europe (primarily France) entered Libya under false pretenses, destroyed that country, and sent weapons from there to the rebels in Syria / Iraq. Bush entering Iraq destroyed any stability that existing creating the opportunity for what we have today and Obama took over to ensure the disaster would continue.
What are 2 things that Iraq and Libya had in common? No Central banks and both were about to start trading oil in a currency other than the U.S. dollar. THAT in my opinion is why they both were attacked. Once again, Republican or Democrat, they both answer to the same powers to be.


New member
Jul 16, 2014
I was not a Bush fan but Obama is much worse even though he enjoys the support of 90% of the main stream media. The fact is that they both answer to the same puppet masters.

It could be worse you could be stuck with Mr Trudeau like us poor Canadians.


Jul 10, 2004
Ironic that the topic is a Cardinal and certain discussion is not allowed, but so be it. I expected the Spanish Inquisition.


Jul 9, 2010
Dominican Cardinal Calls Gay US Official a 'Wife' in Spat

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DEC. 2, 2015, 2:07 P.M. E.S.T.
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SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic ? A Dominican cardinal upset over comments that the U.S. ambassador made about corruption in his country has said the openly gay diplomat should focus on homemaking.

Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez spoke out against U.S. ambassador James "Wally" Brewster in a meeting with reporters late Tuesday following a Mass.

"That man needs to go back to his embassy," he said. "Let him focus on housework, since he's the wife to a man."

Lopez also accused Brewster of promoting a gay rights agenda on Dominican soil.

The U.S. Embassy declined comment, but said Brewster would appear on a local TV news program on Thursday. Brewster became the seventh U.S. ambassador in history to be openly gay when appointed two years ago.

Lopez's comments come about a week after Brewster criticized corruption in the Dominican Republic and accused police officers of threatening and assaulting several U.S. investors who were attending conference organized by the local government.

"Imagine the horror I felt when I got a call from one of them, telling me they had been stopped by a uniformed police officer, that they had a weapon pointed at them and that they were forced to turn over their wallets," Brewster said last week.

Lopez also criticized Brewster for saying that those who feel the U.S. embassy is too involved in Dominican affairs should return their U.S. visa. He said he would be honored and satisfied to do so.

"I couldn't care less," Lopez said. "I'm not interested in traveling."

I don't agree with the Cardinals comments but I will say that as an American Ambassador in a foreign country you are a guest and your job is to understand the workings of the DR as it relates to the United States. It is not to foster gay rights. Your sexual orientation should not have any effect on how you do your job. If it does, then your in the wrong country or maybe the wrong job. Yes there are gay people in the DR and if you want to hang with them, Wally, that is fine but chill my brother. You seem to think that anyone really gives a **** in the DR if you are gay. They don't as long as you show a little courtesy to the Dominican Culture which is a little different than the typical US one. Wally should enjoy his time in the DR and stop trying so hard to prove a point.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
No ambassador should publicly condemn the country where they are serving. Legit issues relative to corruption you handle in private.
Obama visited Kenya and condemned their government in a speech not too long ago, which is funny considering his track record.

tell us about his track record...