Marcha Verde: the day of wearing green


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
My admiration and great respect for those who marched today.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
It was impressive.

I'm sure that Reuters' Dominican contributor Jorge Pineda knows it is not an environmental movement - that must have been an assumption made by the subbers.

SANTO DOMINGO (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of protesters flooded the streets of the capital of the Dominican Republic on Sunday in the biggest demonstration of anger over corruption in decades following a landmark bribery case against top officials.

Demonstrators, mostly young and dressed in the green color of the country's environmental movement, overflowed across a six-lane thoroughfare in Santo Domingo, waving the red, blue and white Dominican flag as they chanted demands for the president and other top officials to resign.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
It was impressive.

I'm sure that Reuters' Dominican contributor Jorge Pineda knows it is not an environmental movement - that must have been an assumption made by the subbers.
Corruption is a shadow over the environmental movement.

I was once invited to a meeting of a group of "connected" Dominicans soliciting investors for a golf course project (which will go unnamed.) The purpose of the meeting was an update to give potential investors assurances that all was well. There were some familiar "public" faces at this meeting.

At a prior meeting, the issue was that the environment ministry had put a stop order on the project over some large areas of wetlands crucial to the course. If these wetlands couldn't be filled in the project was dead.

So the latest meeting was an "I Have Good News and Bad News" announcement. The Good News was that permits had been issued by the environment ministry, and construction could proceed. The bad news was the cost of the project rose US$400,000 due to "taking care" of certain people that signed off on the project.

We hear about this constantly.

So "green" and "corruption" often share the same bed.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Yes. As someone who has been involved in environmental campaigning for several decades I can provide many comparable examples. There are indeed strong environmental elements to the Movimiento Verde so choice of green as a colour may not have been random. For example, Punta Catalina is being opposed because of the corruption involved and because it is a coal-fired plant, but it is still a mistake to call the Movimiento Verde an environmental movement. It describes itself as an anti-corruption movement.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Yes. As someone who has been involved in environmental campaigning for several decades I can provide many comparable examples. There are indeed strong environmental elements to the Movimiento Verde so choice of green as a colour may not have been random. For example, Punta Catalina is being opposed because of the corruption involved and because it is a coal-fired plant, but it is still a mistake to call the Movimiento Verde an environmental movement. It describes itself as an anti-corruption movement.
I see the current Oderbrecht dealio as the straw that broke the camel's back causing huge numbers to don green.

Almost everyone I know who is a part of the green movement is an environmentalist. I don't know any in green who are not. But that's just our circle of acquaintances.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
I see the current Oderbrecht dealio as the straw that broke the camel's back causing huge numbers to don green.

Almost everyone I know who is a part of the green movement is an environmentalist. I don't know any in green who are not. But that's just our circle of acquaintances.

I would say so too. Come to think of it, I don't know anyone who would not call themselves an environmentalist!


Jan 12, 2010
Moreno ,who can never obtain more than 3 % of the presidential vote is definitely the green man and he displays ,in my opinion, total disregard for the truth and dwells in generalisations and half baked accusations as well as total lies..anything to stir the lower classes on to more ridiculous slogans and screaming . It is something out of a Graham Greene novel 50 years ago .
Just to give an example Moreno insists there is corruption when civil construction contracts come in way over the original quote...not for a moment thinking that there may have been great variations such as two lane road being made a four lane road or a route changed because of geographical problems .
There is not a lither of evidence that the president Danilo is corrupt ,in fact there is much evidence that he is hardworking ,humble and rather spendthrift.. he has not undertaken lavish tours overseas and travels around the DR with minimal security or expense.Yet the mob want him accuse him of being corrupt ..but do not state case.
The green mob marches have some very nasty undertones that will surely being frightening all investors or potential investors in the DR ,,they are in my opinion an uneducated rabble who could not debate for a moment anything ...What is just as bad ,they have no plans


Sep 3, 2013
Moreno ,who can never obtain more than 3 % of the presidential vote is definitely the green man and he displays ,in my opinion, total disregard for the truth and dwells in generalisations and half baked accusations as well as total lies..anything to stir the lower classes on to more ridiculous slogans and screaming . It is something out of a Graham Greene novel 50 years ago .
Just to give an example Moreno insists there is corruption when civil construction contracts come in way over the original quote...not for a moment thinking that there may have been great variations such as two lane road being made a four lane road or a route changed because of geographical problems .
There is not a lither of evidence that the president Danilo is corrupt ,in fact there is much evidence that he is hardworking ,humble and rather spendthrift.. he has not undertaken lavish tours overseas and travels around the DR with minimal security or expense.Yet the mob want him accuse him of being corrupt ..but do not state case.
The green mob marches have some very nasty undertones that will surely being frightening all investors or potential investors in the DR ,,they are in my opinion an uneducated rabble who could not debate for a moment anything ...What is just as bad ,they have no plans

I find it hard to believe that there is an honest politician in d.r.....and I would hazard to say any friend of sr. felix bautista is far from honest lie down with fleas you wake up with fleas......what happened to the big clean up ? the way I have a biased opinion about politicians ...I think they all are a bunch of lying thieving scum regardless of country


Jan 12, 2010
It depends how you describe the word honest ,,,I think it is dishonest to take such large salaries and allowances such as new cars duty free etc..maybe the rules and salaries were put in place to attract better quality political candidates ..If so, this idea has failed.because most are of low educational standard. But if honesty is not taking money that you are not entitled to , then I think that painting with a very broad brush is quite unfair ... Felix Bautista has never been a friend of Danilo ,,,it was the Danilo Government who tried to imprison him but the prosecution could not even follow court rules so the case was dismissed although the evidence as far as the public can see was most damning . But the standard of politicians as a whole is poorer now world wide...I agree


Sep 3, 2013
maybe someone will step up to the plate and turn felixs car into a tea bag while he is in it ...that might slow the corruption down a bit for awhile


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
The organizers of the Marcha Verde that simultaneously took place in New York apparently were 'allowed' to march if they kept the anti-illegal immigration worry out of it. While many people were made aware of this before the march started, some people were updated on the spot.

The way it looks to me, there's ground for some sort of lawsuit alleging violation of the right of free speech that's supposedly guaranteed to everyone in the USA.



Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast

Computer translated:

NEWS| 23 JUL 2017, 12:00 AM |

The Green March will coordinate new actions

SANTO DOMINGO. The Green March announced that it will hold a second Green Meeting that will bring together all organizations and independent citizens that form the movement to plan and coordinate new actions.

In a statement made public through its social networking accounts, the Green March indicates that "local activities will continue to be carried out within the framework of the #BarrioVerdes initiative, and in social networks the incidence coordinated from the @CeroImpunidadRD accounts in Facebook and Twitter ".

Following the successful march on July 16 and entering the Odebrecht case in a passive stage, the move is expected to move to a time of internal planning.

However, people who support the Green March have begun to question the possibility of it becoming a political party.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
However, people who support the Green March have begun to question the possibility of it becoming a political party.
The subtle difference between cuestionar and cuestionarse illustrates the inadequacies of automatic translation and crappy writing - both are the bane of a human translator's life. The English translation it churns out is ambiguous. Does it mean "to question" as in "to challenge" or "to discuss"?


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
The subtle difference between cuestionar and cuestionarse illustrates the inadequacies of automatic translation and crappy writing - both are the bane of a human translator's life. The English translation it churns out is ambiguous. Does it mean "to question" as in "to challenge" or "to discuss"?

Excellent question....I took it to mean 'discuss the possibility', but now I see I was hasty.


Sep 27, 2006
i read it to miesposo and he took it as "contemplate the possibility". and i think it corresponds better with a previous sentence stating that some sort of a move is expected. but then my spanish is merely adequate.


Oct 29, 2010
By bringing the Haitian immigration issue into it, they are severely diluting their good message about corruption. The two issues are completely separate.