A sad case. Drug mule story.

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Apr 21, 2006
Women are wired to be trusting. No matter how intelligent or accomplished there's some man out there who can push all the right buttons to make them behave like puppets. Luckily most women don't meet this fellow or he is benign in regard to their life. He's totally in control, but he has her best intentions in mind. This fellow simply did not give a damn about this woman and this incident is the result. Knowing women the way I do I would not be surprised if she suspected she was being set up and simply let the intuition pass as a test of love.

I know gringas catch a lot of hell on this site for their unexplainable relationships with men that would cause them to defensively clutch their purses when in a shared elevator. But, what gets glossed over here is the amount of mental or emotional illness a large number of domincan women must suffer from. That society is brutal on women with many domincan men treating their wifes and/or girl friend as possessions. Teen age girls or younger are ensnared by older men who abandon them alone with children and without a peso. As I understand it abuse of women borders on a national sport and incest and molestation is far too common. I've known a few successful women here in the states that are an absolute mess emotionally due to molestation or incest issues or abandonment by their fathers. To the world they are problem free, but it's all a facade to hide feelings of low self esteem and self-pity. I can imagine that there are literally thousands of women like this in the DR who are simply a product of their enviorment.

I use a simple guage to understand a person's character. For both men or women I give far more consideration to the contents of the book and very little to the cover.
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I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
I see.....

Miguel, she is not like your friend. She is just not daring enough to do something so dangerous. Remember, she is a woman with good job and money, not some slut from some barrio who is desperate to change her life. She has earned her money the right way and there is no way she was going to jeopardize all that by carrying drugs in suitcase. This is just plane stupid. If she wanted to carry drugs, she would have done in by swallowing huge cocaine filled capsules in her belly. I think she was just too chicken to do all that. She had 2 kids to worry about, no way in hell she would do something so stupid. The woman was too trusting and fell into a trap. Yes, it could be as simple as that, no drama needed here.
People that are "not daring enough, with good jobs and money, not slut from some barrio not desperate to change their lives" have been known to do something like this and worse.

What make her situation different?. Oh, I get it, she is YOUR friend, so we all have to see things YOUR way, they way YOU are "painting it".

Where is the drama?. I and many others have not come out and accused her of anything, even though her "side of the story" is nothing we haven't heard before. But I can assure you that if it was one of our friends, you would had been the first one accusing that person of being a mule. No doubt about it.

Whether she knew what she was doing or not(and maybe she in fact didn't know), she WILL pay the consequences that comes with such act, friend of yours or not.


Jun 2, 2006
does common sense fit into this thread ? i'm just asking not condemning....


Jan 2, 2002
People that are "not daring enough, with good jobs and money, not slut from some barrio not desperate to change their lives" have been known to do something like this and worse.

What make her situation different?. Oh, I get it, she is YOUR friend, so we all have to see things YOUR way, they way YOU are "painting it".

Ok miguel, it has to be the way you see fit. You know everything. You are an expert in women and in dominicans from living in PA. I guess we are all a bunch of fools we don't have any experience in life. why do we even bother to think, all we have to do is read your posts and learn everything on life, people and especially the dominicans.
Sep 19, 2005
AZB. just forget what Miguel writes.....but do take note...of a few pieces of information that you should store for later use....SHOULD being the key element........the story as you told it about this woman , her life style, her personality, and her place in society.... and then how she got caught up with someone after having a previous relationship fall apart( thats two bad relationships).................................

is sooooo much like what these vacationing women get involved in with sankies....or suedo sankies.....

the way you defended this woman was based on your REAL knowledge of her.....but many woman that were in the same exact shoes...got little compassion from you in previous threads......the only thing different seems to be that you didnt know the other women at all............

just remember that, next time some lame brain, manipulated, groin satiated woman posts about being an airhead...and missing her bad boy...


ps Ill give you $500 for the repainted( really hidden defects) toyota......it will go to a good cause



Jan 2, 2002
ps Ill give you $500 for the repainted( really hidden defects) toyota......it will go to a good cause


Ok, make that 500 dollars instead of pesos and its SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob I see your point about airheads with sankies. But you must understand, this woman married the first guy when she was young and inexperienced and then she felt lonely after divorce and fell for the next guy who seemed more elegant and educated. Remember, the 2nd guy was no pimp Daddy, he was rich looking and seemed much better than the first (who was a pure chopo). I agree that she made mistakes in both cases. She is in her early 30's, with 2 kids and desperate for a man. I can see how she got involved with a man who was willing to accept her with 2 kids.

Now the airheads who come looking for sankies are the ones who have no requirements for a mate. Seems like the guy could be a total failure in life, knows nothing about anything, his only talent could be dancing, zero education and a servent to hotel industry, yet these foreign women fall for him as though he is the last man left on earth. These shameless guys make women pay for them, take money from them, make them pay for hotel and vacation when they come to visit DR, ride on motoconchos and eat yaroa in montellano. These women have no standards in men when they come to this country. At least my friend didn't go looking for a guy who was a total loser, yet she fell in a bigger hole (bad luck, lack of good judgement who knows). The guy she was dating was financially well off, drove a nice car and lived in USA for many years. Any woman can confuse him for a good catch in DR.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Ok, got it, because AZB says so......

Ok miguel, it has to be the way you see fit. You know everything. You are an expert in women and in dominicans from living in PA. I guess we are all a bunch of fools we don't have any experience in life. why do we even bother to think, all we have to do is read your posts and learn everything on life, people and especially the dominicans.
Why do I get the idea that YOU think I am the only one saying "things" YOU don't want to hear?.

SOME of the experiences I have, on this site, is people like her being BLASTED by YOU whenever they get caught doing the same thing YOUR friend was caught doing.

But, you know, I am starting to begin to see it your way. She is your friend so she is not guilty, she is from Santiago, the land where all great Dominicans gather, so she is not guilty, she wouldn't do a thing like this because she doesn't have to and AZB says so, since she has a good job and a nice car and AZB says so, she is not to blame, it's ALLL her tiguere boyfriend's fault. Go tell that to the judge and see how fast they kick you out of court!.

Seriously man, don't you read the newspapers or watch the news?. Haven't you heard of people 10,000 times better off than her doing the same exact thing?. Need I remind you of the Costa Rican Doctor (just to name ONE of hundreds if cases)caught a few years ago, who is still claiming that he was framed?.

Maybe she is NOT guilty, maybe she WAS framed, maybe she acted out of love and didn't know, maybe she was too trusting, maybe she was naive, but there's only two people that know that for a fact: She, herself, and God. NOT YOU!.

Btw: you may want to read laurapasini's post, in case you are just waiting for ONLY me to post and missed it. There are some pretty good points there. Well, except the crap about "just forget what Miguel writes", wahahahahahaha!!.

Btw 2: What's a "yaroa"?.
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Btw 2: What's a "yaroa"?.
I was just about to ask...

Seriously, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that if anyone else had posted the same story using the same words AZB would have torn all her credentials apart.


Jan 2, 2002
Btw 2: What's a "yaroa"?.

Hahahah, I knew I would get you on this one; and you call yourself a Dominican. hahahahaha
Yaroa is the ultimate chopo street food. Go ask your chopo friends what it is. Maybe its a santiago chopo thing.
Ok I see it clearly now. Just because she is my friend, then she has to be guilty. If she were your sister then I guess all those newspaper stories wouldn't matter.


New member
Sep 30, 2004
CC, you don't know her type, she is not a puta from a barrio.
There you go again. Now all the sympathy I had for your friend just evaporated.You would have us believe that putas and drug mules only come from barrios.



New member
Sep 30, 2004
I don't think she knew the guy was a drug dealer. This woman works in a professional environment, have several employees under her. She works quite a few hours / week to be spending so much time with him. The drug dealers here are not like back home. The guys are polished looking, not your average pimp dressed thugs from the movies. There are many rich dominicans living in santiago and non of them are drug dealers. She was desperate to have a man in her life, being married for so long and now all of the sudden alone. She was fairly good looking and professionally dressed, a very delicately, elegant looking woman. Its very common for women of her type to get involved with a good looking bad guy. There are so many good professional women in santiago and so few good men. Women have to fight to hold on to their men. This is a common sight here. So naturally she fell in to trap with this guy.
Now there is a difference between this guy and a sankie. The guy in question was not letting her spend the money on him like the shameless sankies do. I am sure the guy had a late model car and was rich and more elegant looking than a zero education sankie from some callejon. No wonder the had confused him for a good catch.
Now I know she will do some time in fed. prison in USA. She will lose her job here and eventually lose everything in life.
Its a shame.

I find all this amusing. You say he was polished, did not dress like a sankie. Did he have a well paying job? Was he a professional? If not what was his source of income? How could he afford the late model car?

These are questions that any sensible person, and you said that your friend is very sensible, would ask. She worked in a bank for heavens sake. You think that she did not have suspicions about many of her clients? Why not her boyfriend?

This is a common problem today. It is seen in the US and in the caribbean. People living a lifestyle way above their means, exotic cars, best clothes etc and when they get arrested there are those who jump to their defense claiming that they were good people. This goes even for parents also who turn a blind eye to their kids activities, even benefiting from them knowing full well that some type of criminal activity is taking place.

There are innocent people who do get duped into carrying something for someone even by their own family members. I sympathize with them.

My advice to all, trust no one. Personally I bluntly refuse to carry anything for anyone unless it is something that I am 100% of its contents, this means almost never.



I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003

Seriously, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that if anyone else had posted the same story using the same words AZB would have torn all her credentials apart.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU....., exactly what SOME of us are trying to say.


You question: "What if it was your sister" is pure nonsense since she is not your sister, just a friend. Now, go and read post 57, paragraph 8, and you will see where I stand on friends.

Have you wondered why your friends are not posting on this thread and backing you up?. Take a wild guess. Let me give you a little hint: someone getting caught and claiming they were framed is NOTHING new. Again, prisons are full of "innocent" people. And again, maybe she didn't know, but is just too late now.

Anyways, Chiri don't worry, although we are saying the same thing, he WILL only reply to my posts. Wait and see.


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
Hypothetical question ...

Again, prisons are full of "innocent" people. And again, maybe she didn't know, but is just too late now.
If the woman were white NA or European with similar credentials, would she be judged the same way? or would she be considered naive and was duped into being the victim of a wily con?

Disclaimer: This is not a race question rather I'm interested in another perspective.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
A "smart" woman who has traveled to other countries by air damn well knows the security she will encounter, and the penalties that come with violating said security.

If she took ANYTHING from her BF without ~precisely~ knowing what it is then she deserves what she got.

Saying she was lonely and emotionally needy is a bad rationalization for her actions and decision.

Prisons are full of folks who say they were framed or are innocent.


Jul 3, 2006
The real victim here....

Let's just say, no matter how far-fetched it may sound, that this woman had no idea what she was carrying. It makes no difference at all. She has become a drug mule. It doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. She has become a part of a huge problem here in the states.

I mean, let's face it. She's not even the real victim here. The real victims are the members of the drug torn communities that her "package" would have been eventually going to. I did a lot of community service back when I was in law school. And I learned that the ultimate victims of this type of crime are the children who have to grow up in destitute homes because their parents are drug users. Or those who are victims of drug violence themselves. Therefore, it is hard for me to have any sympathy for your friend.

And your arguments about her having a good job and being able to make money the "right" way do her no credit. I could almost have sympathy for someone who became a drug mule because they were poor and felt that there was no other way to feed their family. Then it might be understandable to put your family's needs above others. But to intentionally, or unintentionally, commit this type of crime simply for the love of a man is sickening.

I think that your friend, and any other individual who smuggles illegal drugs into this country, should receive the maximum penalty allowed under the law.

This country cannot afford to go easy on those with such bad judgment.


Jan 28, 2004
Let's just say, no matter how far-fetched it may sound, that this woman had no idea what she was carrying. It makes no difference at all.

It makes all the difference. To be guilty under the law of most crimes require a specific intent. These specific intent crimes, which includes drug possession, require a mens rea (a guilty mind) where the criminal intentionally or knowingly committed the act.
Mens rea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jan 2, 2002
You guys sure know how to make a soap opera out of anything, the drama queen miguel has to be director in every episode.
You are all talking after the fact. This could have happened to anyone of us. She just carried things for her boyfriend but it could have been for any friend. I have done this many times and I will do it in the future as well. She just had bad luck with this guy so give her a break. whether she is smart, dumb, poor , rich, chopa etc is non-relevant, she was duped into carrying something which was filled with cociane. Now is that very hard to grasp? Must you all make a damn show out of it?
Now about sankie business: no, this sh1t doesn't apply in santiago and especially in my circle of friends. We don't live in puta towns like sosua or boca chica. Now I know this woman well so give me some credit. I am not from Idaho like some of you folks.
What is this crap about trusting no one? You must be a lonely guy for not trusting anyone. I trust many people and I will continue to carry stuff for my friends. I do trust many people I am proud of it.
Now there is no need to beat on a dead horse, the woman made a mistake and she is in jail. She is not a mule because miguel thinks she is. Miguel doesn't know her at all. All his DR knowledge comes from phone calls, reading internet news papers and talking to relatives who are from DR. Guys like him seem to think they know everything about everything, yet they are the ones who live a lonely life, without real friends around them.
There is not need to write more on this thread. I just wanted to share a story with you folks and now it seems the victim is a drug mule. Why? Simply because she is a dominican. How racist of you folks.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
AZB, I'm only opening this thread to find out what yaroa is. Research purposes, you understand. ;)


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
It makes all the difference. To be guilty under the law of most crimes require a specific intent. These specific intent crimes, which includes drug possession, require a mens rea (a guilty mind) where the criminal intentionally or knowingly committed the act.
Mens rea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ok, internet Johnnie Cochran, F. Lee Bailey, Alan Dershowitz, ... et al, it's relevant evidence that matters ... evidence determines intent, plain and simple. A judge will only allow evidence to support either side's (defence or prosecution) position.
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