The upgraded software and the new DR1 format are a work in progress. We have launched the new site and are in the process of “iterating” it, or testing, getting feedback and improving.
DR1 is about curating news, not translating news or “reprinting stories from Dominican newspapers.” By curating, we mean that we browse lots of local and international sources, including social media, radio and TV interviews and talk shows, and do a selection of stories that we feel may be useful for our readers. And then, we write them up, pack the story with details from many sources and angles covering the same story.
That is the advantage we have over Dominican media. The multiple sources turn out a more credible story. By canvassing the news and information, we make it easier for our readers to keep up with the Dominican Republic.
Many other media print press releases as if they had generated the news. Or they print stories published by other media as if they were theirs. We almost always share at least one link so our readers can read more. Or we may have made a mistake, and the link is a way readers can ascertain something that doesn’t sound right. We see this as adding to the credibility of DR1 News. The new software now enables forum readers to share feedback that adds even more to the credibility of the stories.
I learned the journalism craft from pros. I specialized in newsweekly and economic writing when studying for my master's degree at the Columbia University Journalism School in New York City. I've been writing for DR1 since 1985. I am always learning, but you could say you get your news from a Dominican specialist.
Because we have a broad readership for the email of the DR1 Daily News we send out many news stories. People can pick and choose what they want to read. The new software makes it possible to customize how you get the news.
The idea is that if you read DR1 News you will be well informed.