Nacional at Old La Cadena (SDE)


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
For all I know you are a sock and do not live in Eastside.
I have not seen you ask where anyone else lives.
Your focus on learning about where I live is "creepy".
I have asked which sector on two occasions and you have replied with "a residencial suitable..."
Why do you need to know in what sector of Santo Domingo este I live?
Is this in order to continue your "creepy" focus on my life and activities in the Dominican Republic.
trust me, I would not go into any such opinion posting if I did have significant experience in the area.
If you live in Santo Domingo este and do not like it then you should move.
You tell me in which sector of Eastside you live. Quid pro quo.
I have not seen you post exactly where you live.
Send me a private message with your information and I will send you my information.
Cause I am not going to post that in a public forum.

Your serve 🎾

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Where do you live in the Dominican Republic?

It is most certainly true that a wide swath of opinions are useful.
I actually would not suggest that anyone new to the Dominican Republic move to Santo Domingo este.
It is not soft like taking baby formula from a bottle and living up in the North Coast expat enclaves.

That being said you have an uncanny way of projecting your negativity about a place onto people.
Reference is made to your posts numbered #7, #10, #14, #18
We are not talking about anyone's baby up in here.

We are talking about a National supermarket chain opening a store on a major street in Santo Domingo este.
Have you ever been in a National store?
This chain tends to put their stores in areas where people are higher on the Socio economic scale.
Something for others to think about (since you have already made up your mind).
Oh there're bags of cash in SDE. There are many households with high financial capacity, no doubt. All you need to do is look at many of the private homes and the fleet of range rovers behind the 8 foot walls. These are not banking executives, however. There is that one famous business man in Lucerna, I forget what he owns, but his piece of land and assets are substantial.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
There are many households with high financial capacity, no doubt.
Exactly. We have a point of agreement.
Below is a link to the Nacional website.

They make a store branded lemonade that is excellent.

The new national at the old La Cadena (Santo Domingo este) is the topic of the thread.
But continue to thread jack all you like me hijo


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Nacional has carried Brangus for a looong's not bad meat, just not bad -OK
The opportunity for me and others to try it has greatly improved with the location of the new Nacional.
I am looking forward to having a store closer to me.
But the problem I see is that the parking lot of the old La Cadena for fine for that store.
I am willing to bet is not going to be sufficient for the popularity of this new Nacional.
Give it a try
Well, thank you Señor Webster for your permission to try it.
But I have direct source for farm fresh meat that is of good quality and I know exactly how the animals are raised.
Not everyone has that sort of source.
Thank you for your information.

Nacional sells a store branded lemonade that is excellent.