So, I ordered a tablet.


May 4, 2023
I don’t know how it’s with android tablets, but with the iPad Pro you do need the stylus of you will be typing a lot. For whatever reason, if a word needs to have a letter corrected or added, the cursor may never go to the exact spot with the finger. The entire word has be re-typed. With the stylus the cursor go to exactly where you tap it on the screen.

For newer iPads the stylus is able to stick to the iPad (magnets), but with the older iPads you will need to get a case with a pencil holder. Otherwise, that stylus could very well get lost. That simple thing is US$100 The pencil holder is in such a way the stylus’ battery begins to automatically be recharged as long that it’s there and requires it.

It’s probably the same with android tablets, it never gets hot nor has the fan that many laptops have (hence that buzzing sound is simply not there.) It’s also extremely light.

If I go by my own experience, for whatever reason the iPad lends itself to more typos than the laptop. Have no idea why.
Three iPads. own. good experience. Last one with keyboard and pen. good experience. Newest one: Fire 11. Waiting for delivery. Tablets are inexpensive. Even middle class ex-pats in the Domincan Republlic should be able to afford multiple ones. My desk looks like one in a captains ready room in Star Trek. Great devices! Star Trek predicted the future.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
I had a couple of the Fire tablets and gave them away. No play store so really limited app availability.

I have no personal knowledge of this, but folks on the WYZE forum complained about not being able to run the WYZE camera app either.


May 4, 2023
My Fire 11 is my third one of the series. I buy my tablets for specific uses and the Fire will be for reading and accessing internet content. They have all served me will. This one will have a larger screen and that is something need and my old eyes appreciate.

The only thing I would do with android tablet would be to take my sobrinos; goto a place on high; let them throw it order over the edge. It would be a educational experience. It would provide a real life physics demonstration. Then Tio would take them to the Apple store and buy them all iPads.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Three iPads. own. good experience. Last one with keyboard and pen. good experience. Newest one: Fire 11. Waiting for delivery. Tablets are inexpensive. Even middle class ex-pats in the Domincan Republlic should be able to afford multiple ones. My desk looks like one in a captains ready room in Star Trek. Great devices! Star Trek predicted the future.
I use more the iPad because it weights less than the laptop, it doesn’t gets hot, and mostly to surf the net or, like here, participate in forums. Got the Pro version simply because it has the biggest screen. I tried for a while the whole reading ebooks and that doesn’t work. If I don’t feel the pages, I don’t feel I’m reading a book at all. In fact, when I think of what books I read, I never take into account the ebooks.

However, most people don’t really have a need to use an iPad or tablet. All my brothers got iPads and they are busy in the art of dust collection. That is quite normal for most people that get one.


May 4, 2023
I prefer a physical books. 📚

When I changed my lifestyle and started to spend as much time as i do on the move ✈️. Fire tablet was, well 🔥, for me. I keep books at my bases. They are preferable when I am stationary. But I always order a copy of the book and e-book. Anyone tried to put more than one book into a carry-on?

I can only speak on my personal experience. No link:ROFLMAO:

Never been one to think for others in order to know what most people don't need or how they spend their money or use the items they purchase. In my opinion, if someone buys a iPad and find they don't have any desire to use it, that is very very sad. Give it to a teenager or a child. They will put it to very good use, quick, fast, and in a hurry. I do not have a single young person in my life that asks me for a android tablet. They all want iPads and iPhones. You know what? I buy them for them. 🤑 Because I think it is important for young people to have technology in their hands and have access to the internet.

In my ENTIRE life I only know one person that did not like the iPad. That was because they were trying to use it as a laptop replacement. Trying to do that is like putting plant based meat substitute into a hamburger. It simply does not work at any level!
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JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Fire tablets (which are based on Android) are a great way to keep kids away from all the crap on Google Play.
Having said that, the kid next door here has one, and he said it's easy to sideload google Play and run those apps as well.


Jun 28, 2003
Fire tablets (which are based on Android) are a great way to keep kids away from all the crap on Google Play.
Having said that, the kid next door here has one, and he said it's easy to sideload google Play and run those apps as well.
learning ALL about the internet is easy.Any kid can teach you. lol
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Fire tablets (which are based on Android) are a great way to keep kids away from all the crap on Google Play.
Having said that, the kid next door here has one, and he said it's easy to sideload google Play and run those apps as well.
Every tablet regardless the brand is based on Android except iPads.
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JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
So, after using the new tablet for a while, I noticed my cameras don't stream quite as well as I would like. My setup is a Vysync repeater that gets wi-fi from my fiber optic router which is in a weird spot. I had it in my middle bathroom and it was doing much better than I expected.
So I looked into a Wyze mesh router. I saw an ad where they were on sale for something like 85 bucks for two, so I decided what the heck and bought a pair. (A mesh router greatly expands your Fiber Optic wi-fi signal area, while a repeater is a "bridge" your wi-fi signal has to cross going back and forth between model and equipment, much slower)
I got them a couple of days ago and set them up. I think there's a way I could install them and the cameras would connect automatically, but I finally gave up on that happening and decided to reinstall each of the cameras.
Before, I had to wait for the cameras to connect and give me a life feed. Now, I click on a camera and it's instantaneous.
4 live cameras at once? Piece of cake. Instantaneous. Stupid fast.
Even better, my smart TV with it's Firestick informed me there was a new wi-fi source that was faster. Say what??
I connected them to the Wyze router, and now the speed on my TV through the Wyze router is close to 300 Mbps. Unreal.
Years ago I used to tell Greg my channels seem to take a few seconds. Not now. Now I click on a channel, and BAM, it there.
I even get 230 Mbps going through my free VPN (PROTON)
Well worth it to get yourself a mesh router if you want faster speeds.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
So, after using the new tablet for a while, I noticed my cameras don't stream quite as well as I would like. My setup is a Vysync repeater that gets wi-fi from my fiber optic router which is in a weird spot. I had it in my middle bathroom and it was doing much better than I expected.
So I looked into a Wyze mesh router. I saw an ad where they were on sale for something like 85 bucks for two, so I decided what the heck and bought a pair. (A mesh router greatly expands your Fiber Optic wi-fi signal area, while a repeater is a "bridge" your wi-fi signal has to cross going back and forth between model and equipment, much slower)
I got them a couple of days ago and set them up. I think there's a way I could install them and the cameras would connect automatically, but I finally gave up on that happening and decided to reinstall each of the cameras.
Before, I had to wait for the cameras to connect and give me a life feed. Now, I click on a camera and it's instantaneous.
4 live cameras at once? Piece of cake. Instantaneous. Stupid fast.
Even better, my smart TV with it's Firestick informed me there was a new wi-fi source that was faster. Say what??
I connected them to the Wyze router, and now the speed on my TV through the Wyze router is close to 300 Mbps. Unreal.
Years ago I used to tell Greg my channels seem to take a few seconds. Not now. Now I click on a channel, and BAM, it there.
I even get 230 Mbps going through my free VPN (PROTON)
Well worth it to get yourself a mesh router if you want faster speeds.

I wish I understood all that. 😂


Oct 26, 2005
I even get 230 Mbps going through my free VPN (PROTON)

Good tip about Proton VPN, I was a bit intrigued about the speed on a free VPN, it's so high...!

So I install and tested it, on my WiFi I get 22 Mbps without anything, with this free VPN get 12 Mbps, this is good for a free service, even my paid ExpressVPN gives the same speed to a Seatle, USA server. But 230 Mbps is quite something else...!?

Father Guido

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2022
Sort of an experiment to see how it goes.

It's a Lenovo P12 2024 with a 12.5' screen. 335 bucks. I want to see if it makes it through ADUANA without paying the tax.

I've had a Lenovo tablet running my WYZE cameras for a few years ago and no complaints, but I'd like to see them on a bigger screen.

Bonus: Here's a Haitian who borrowed my chairs for his 4th of July celebration. I'm still waiting for him to bring them back.


JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
BTW, that video was at 360 mbps, Now they're running at 2.5 with the new cameras.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
It's ok folks, if we're going to be posting in the English language, we can go ahead and use "customs". For those that wish to use one solitary word in espany, we can use "aduanas". Grassy ass!