Once again, and with all due respect for each and every member of our wonderful DR1 community, innocent people do not tell the police 3 different stories of the same incident, nor do they wait 2 days to come forward.
One may exaggerate or embellish for their friends, but no way is an innocent person going to lie to corrupt 3rd world police detectives. An innocent person would be like yes sir no sir here's what happened, and it's a one time deal. Now a career grifter may be innocent and just lie because that's all he knows, but this 22/24 yr old potato picker has no savviness about him.
As a freshman in college way back at this little known hick school tucked away in the western mountains of South Carolina, I was assigned a roommate who was going to become a national champion, but you would have never known it because he was dumber than a stump and definitely had some carnal knowledge of his female cousins. Built like a brick sh*thouse however.