Corrupt Immigration Officer at Puerto Plata Airport

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Jul 2, 2007
I once overstayed the time allowed on the tourist card entry to the DR. I thought the tourist card allowed 90 days, not 30 days. The immigration officer pointed out the sign listing the overstay fees. I was charged the right amount, however, I thought it was rather odd that she had to go into her purse to give me change for a larger bill. Where I live, there is a separate cashier window, away from customs and immigration and they give you a government issued receipt for any payments made.

Did my overstay support the local economy? You bet it did, as I spent extra money on food, shopping, transportation etc.......


Jun 4, 2008
I once overstayed the time allowed on the tourist card entry to the DR. I thought the tourist card allowed 90 days, not 30 days. The immigration officer pointed out the sign listing the overstay fees. I was charged the right amount, however, I thought it was rather odd that she had to go into her purse to give me change for a larger bill. Where I live, there is a separate cashier window, away from customs and immigration and they give you a government issued receipt for any payments made.

Did my overstay support the local economy? You bet it did, as I spent extra money on food, shopping, transportation etc.......

Illegals in the United States support the local economy, they spend money on food, shopping, transportion, let give them all citizenship !!!!HURRAY!!!!!

I should go to Canada or the Uk and overstay my visa, because i'm going to support the local economy buying food, clothes, but that's not the point, the point is, the law of the land was broken.


Apr 4, 2002
Illegals in the United States support the local economy, they spend money on food, shopping, transportion, let give them all citizenship !!!!HURRAY!!!!!

I should go to Canada or the Uk and overstay my visa, because i'm going to support the local economy buying food, clothes, but that's not the point, the point is, the law of the land was broken.
Give it a break, Ezequiel.
I understand how insulted you were, listening to all the crap coming out of Manigault's mouth, and you are probably of the belief that the best defense is an offense, but attacking other posters for what Manigault says and does is like kicking the dog syndrome.
You know damn well that the DR government has the tourist overstay fine system, because it suits them and they fully realize that it's a money maker in two ways, as you exit and pay the fine, and during your stay, as the money you spend does stimulate the economy.
Comparing this situation to the US immigration problems is ridiculous and so is arguing that those who overstay are criminals and that..
You are contributing to the lawlessness, you are fueling corruption.
Nobody will take your posts seriously if you come up with absurd stuff like that.


Nov 1, 2007
Thank you, Rocky, for your intelligent comment. I live in the DR and am in the process of applying for my residency, so in the meantime I pay the fee for overstaying. Does that make me a law-breaking criminal? I think not!!!

My original post was meant to help others to bring to their attention that this type of thing happens at the POP airport so that unsuspecting visitors do not get taken advantage of by corrupt figures of authority, who most North Americans feel they should trust.

From most of the comments above, I feel that I wasted my time posting it, so I know just to keep this type of info for myself next time.


Aug 16, 2006
Thank you, Rocky, for your intelligent comment. I live in the DR and am in the process of applying for my residency, so in the meantime I pay the fee for overstaying. Does that make me a law-breaking criminal? I think not!!!

My original post was meant to help others to bring to their attention that this type of thing happens at the POP airport so that unsuspecting visitors do not get taken advantage of by corrupt figures of authority, who most North Americans feel they should trust.

From most of the comments above, I feel that I wasted my time posting it, so I know just to keep this type of info for myself next time.

Hi canuckgirl,
I have kept out of this until now but please don't stop posting stuff like this (or anything at all) just because of the "negatives". Info like this is invaluable and if some people don't like the truth - tough!
I too have paid different "fines" at the airport - it is something I accept about the DR - similar to the police - it is something you live with.
It is nice to read posts from people who can string a sentence together as well....;)

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
I hate corruption, but i also hate law breakers, which one is worst?
You wouldn't have to face corrupt immigrantion officers if you wouldn't had broken the law in the first place, if i would you i thank God, you just paid little fine of less than 60 USD.

Just imagen if you overstayed your visa in the U.S., what would it happen to you?
On your next trip, you get stop, refused entry and got deported.

God bless the DR.

It is my opinion that "canuckgirl" did NOT break any immigration law, neither did she really OVER stay or stay "illegally" in the country.

If you take a look at the ::::Direcci?n General de Migraci?n::: Rep?blica Dominicana page and click on "Impuestos de estadia", you will find that the amounts to be paid for stays are a TAX, not a fine. Actually there is no such thing clearly defined as "overstay". The longer you stay the more you pay. If you only stay up to 15 days you pay 300 Pesos (which you pay at entry, aprox. USD 10.oo). So, "canuckgirl" would have had to pay TAX for the EXTENDED stay (unless she was a legal RESIDENT).

Most other countries, like the US will let you stay for either 90 days on a visa free (US=visa waiver program) entrance or 180 days on a tourist visa (which bears a cost, call it a tax, fee...).

... J-D.


Jun 4, 2008
Give it a break, Ezequiel.
I understand how insulted you were, listening to all the crap coming out of Manigault's mouth, and you are probably of the belief that the best defense is an offense, but attacking other posters for what Manigault says and does is like kicking the dog syndrome.
You know damn well that the DR government has the tourist overstay fine system, because it suits them and they fully realize that it's a money maker in two ways, as you exit and pay the fine, and during your stay, as the money you spend does stimulate the economy.
Comparing this situation to the US immigration problems is ridiculous and so is arguing that those who overstay are criminals and that..

Nobody will take your posts seriously if you come up with absurd stuff like that.

I agree with most points, i just hate when some people come to this forum to criticize, trash, and insult the Dominican way of life, and how Dominican don't follow the laws and blah blah blah, and they do the same thing, i guess they think it's ok for them, because they are tourist but not for Dominican.

If the population see tourist breaking the laws, they will do the same as they are in their country. The government can't demand the native population to follow the Law if it allow foreigners to break it.

Maybe few of my posts were kind of offensive to some, but i was extremely fed up at people coming here to tell us Dominican how bad we run our country.


Apr 4, 2002
I agree with most points, i just hate when some people come to this forum to criticize, trash, and insult the Dominican way of life, and how Dominican don't follow the laws and blah blah blah, and they do the same thing, i guess they think it's ok for them, because they are tourist but not for Dominican.

If the population see tourist breaking the laws, they will do the same as they are in their country. The government can't demand the native population to follow the Law if it allow foreigners to break it.

Maybe few of my posts were kind of offensive to some, but i was extremely fed up at people coming here to tell us Dominican how bad we run our country.
I'm with you, 100%.
Some of the stuff he said was absolutely disgusting, and it made me want to go on the attack too, but I felt that anyone that far gone, was in greater need of medical help than being blasted by me.
I believe that you are a fairly new member here and you will soon discover that most DR1 members , Dominican & Gringo alike, feel just like you do about fools who badmouth the country and it's inhabitants.


Aug 16, 2006
I'm with you, 100%.
Some of the stuff he said was absolutely disgusting, and it made me want to go on the attack too, but I felt that anyone that far gone, was in greater need of medical help than being blasted by me.
I believe that you are a fairly new member here and you will soon discover that most DR1 members , Dominican & Gringo alike, feel just like you do about fools who badmouth the country and it's inhabitants.

I agree - and you will also find that some of us non-Dom DR1 ers defend the Dominicans more than the Dominicans themselves!!


Rio - number 1 fan


May 23, 2005
Thank you, Rocky, for your intelligent comment. I live in the DR and am in the process of applying for my residency, so in the meantime I pay the fee for overstaying. Does that make me a law-breaking criminal? I think not!!!

My original post was meant to help others to bring to their attention that this type of thing happens at the POP airport so that unsuspecting visitors do not get taken advantage of by corrupt figures of authority, who most North Americans feel they should trust.

From most of the comments above, I feel that I wasted my time posting it, so I know just to keep this type of info for myself next time.

I agree with rocky too and also as rio put it please don't let the odd few who who leave ridiculous and hateful posts put you off, most of us here will try and help in a friendly and curteous way.


New member
May 30, 2008
Dear Canuckgirl
I'm glad to hear you did something about it. I don't know how much I paid for my children. Usually is a different amount every time we go there. I'll keep myself alert



New member
Oct 29, 2004
Hi Canuckgirl,

It is always good to know in advance what kind of fees/penalties you have to pay when you leave the DR. The RD$ 2000 per person was the correct amount you paid for staying 10 months.
However, if the immigration person asked to meet you upstairs, it was absolutely inappropriate. That meant skimming RD$ 1000 per person for herself.
My husband and I have been overstaying our legal welcome for 8 years now. We know that we have to pay RD$ 500 per person when we are leaving.
We always paid our "fine" to the immigration officer at the booth.
This time, when we left May 2nd, there was a supervisor?, who asked how long we stayed and escorted us to an office where we paid our fee and got an official receipt.
There will always be people at the airport who will try to get money out of you if you look and act like they can squeeze you. Just know the facts by research.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
Law and order

we will have to pay a lot of money for overstaying

Why do you speak out about corruption?
I?m foreigner in DR just like you, they call me gringo, and no hard feelings, but you where the first who break the immigration law by overstaying. And you did that by staying here illegally with children!
Actually I have just one question for you: what will happen with me if I come to Canada and overstay illegally with my kid?
I understand your frustration, but do it right and gain right to judge.
Best regards.

La Mariposa

Jun 4, 2004
Why do you speak out about corruption?
I?m foreigner in DR just like you, they call me gringo, and no hard feelings, but you where the first who break the immigration law by overstaying. And you did that by staying here illegally with children!
Actually I have just one question for you: what will happen with me if I come to Canada and overstay illegally with my kid?
I understand your frustration, but do it right and gain right to judge.
Best regards.

There is a difference between a tourist card (tax purpose) and a visa. If you need a visa to enter a country and overstay it yes you are illegal.

There is no such tourist card to enter Canada. As a tourist, depending your citizenship, you may need a visa.

As Canadian I may enter the USA as a tourist and stay there 6 months, 9 months.. without a visa. Of course I won't be allowed to work.


Mar 4, 2004
I live in the DR and am in the process of applying for my residency, so in the meantime I pay the fee for overstaying. Does that make me a law-breaking criminal? I think not!!!

With this latest info I'm wondering if you should have paid anything at all. The numbered receipt form you get after lodging your residency application is acceptable as being 'as good as residency' in all sorts of ways. I'm just wondering if Immigration should be/is one of them? If you're still in the same position the next time you exit it might be worth showing them the form with the body language & facial expression of one who knows she isn't due to pay :cheeky:?


Aug 16, 2006
Don't stop the flow of info.....

Why do you speak out about corruption?
I?m foreigner in DR just like you, they call me gringo, and no hard feelings, but you where the first who break the immigration law by overstaying. And you did that by staying here illegally with children!
Actually I have just one question for you: what will happen with me if I come to Canada and overstay illegally with my kid?
I understand your frustration, but do it right and gain right to judge.
Best regards.

This is typical of the sort of post that is wrong on a number of levels......

To speak out about corruption and to give examples is absolutely the RIGHT thing to do on this forum. Advice and opinions and lessons can all be gained from doing so. To be negative and unhelpful in reply will only mean that people do not post and are driven away from the board - but the "corruption" will continue. Forewarned is forearmed...... knowledge is a powerful ally.

To accuse someone of breaking the law is a little heavy handed. The tourist card as has been pointed out many times is NOT a visa. Lambada has even sugested that no fine should perhaps have been levied in this case.

There are quite clearly amounts to pay for overstaying its time limit. It should be a straightforward procedure but as with a lot of cases in the DR - when oficialdom and uniforms are involved - a number of other "systems" can be and often are used, for the individual gain of the person/s involved.

Please choose your words carefully if you do want to disagree or criticise - we really don't need to lose valuable new members, do we?




Apr 4, 2002
Apples & Oranges

This is typical of the sort of post that is wrong on a number of levels......

Maybe mvisnja69 just didn't understand. We could give him/her the benefit of the doubt for now.
La Mariposa certainly cleared the issue up.

you did that by staying here illegally with children!
Actually I have just one question for you: what will happen with me if I come to Canada and overstay illegally with my kid?

There is a difference between a tourist card (tax purpose) and a visa. If you need a visa to enter a country and overstay it yes you are illegal.

There is no such tourist card to enter Canada. As a tourist, depending your citizenship, you may need a visa.


New member
Dec 26, 2006
I agree with most points, i just hate when some people come to this forum to criticize, trash, and insult the Dominican way of life, and how Dominican don't follow the laws and blah blah blah, and they do the same thing, i guess they think it's ok for them, because they are tourist but not for Dominican.

If the population see tourist breaking the laws, they will do the same as they are in their country. The government can't demand the native population to follow the Law if it allow foreigners to break it.

Maybe few of my posts were kind of offensive to some, but i was extremely fed up at people coming here to tell us Dominican how bad we run our country.

Abuse of Public Resources, Joblessness, Undereducation, and Flesh Rentals are the Dominican contribution to the world.

If you don't like people that break the law, then you don't like the essence of the Dominican species. The dominican way is to abuse/get over/take advantage at all costs.

When I get stopped by the police in the DR, I just throw 100 pesos in there faces and pull off.


New member
Dec 26, 2006
On a recent trip, I overstayed my visa by 6 months, I knew that I would probably have to pay a huge fine.

Now mind you all over the immigration officer's desks it states that they are NOT allowed to take money.

But he tells me that if I paid him 20 usd all would be ok. I handed him a 50 and he gave me my change.

Viva the DR!
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