Going to Haiti


New member
Dec 4, 2004
Why stop there?

Maybe he should go to Iraq, Afghanistan and Mumbai and forge his own opinion also!
Sometimes one should listen to others. Especially now with the world wide economic crisis, people are more desperate. Now is not a good time for an American to stand out like a sore thumb. Perhaps if one looked like Rambo it would be better.

Don - SantiagoDR

An opinion from a single white male of English background with no experience or preconceived ideas of this Island (Hispaniola) prior to arriving and having spent 3 years in both the DR and Haiti.

Santiago DR, I don't know if you have visited or lived in Haiti but I suspect not. Your comments reminded me of so many that I heard about Haiti in the 3 years I lived in the DR.

During my 3 years in the DR all of my Domo friends had me convinced Haiti was the most dangerous place on earth. Then I walked across the border at Dharbon into Haiti with a back pack on my back to have a look myself and I've been here for 3 years now. I've traveled and worked all over the country, no security needed, I don't speak Creole or French and I have been earning a very comfortable living since arriving in Haiti (Project Management).

I have never been shaken down by the police or anyone in that matter. I have imported over 80 containers through the Port in Haiti and unlike the DR it is a consistent process without the corruption. I have had many expats working here for me in Haiti as well as a lot of contractors and local staff. In contrast I found the Port in the DR to be very corrupt and administratively cumbersome and local DR employees to be lazy and the contractors to be less than adequate. My dealings with municipalities in the DR on simple or complex issues were equally corrupt and those dealings were expensive and inconsistent. I found the DR to be a very dangerous country to live in and I have lived and worked in the Middle East, Sth East Asia and Central America and I rate the DR at the bottom of that list! You only have to check out the news on DR1 for the last 12 months to see that the DR is a dangerous and increasingly corrupt country to live in.

Having lived in both countries for the same amount of time it is my opinion that Haiti is dangerous in some locations and you need to be sensible about where and when you travel but this risk can be self managed. However in the DR it was my experience that if you have some money or assets or you are simply conducting business then you are at risk all of the time because of the corrupt police, lawyers, fiscals, municipalities and authorities (and I have not even mentioned any of the so call real bandits). Its my opinion based on equal time in both countries that the security in the DR is more difficult to manage due to the constant nature of the corruption and the deep level to which the drug trade has permeated the Armed forces, Police, Legal profession, Judicial system and the Government.

It should be noted that having the UN in Haiti keeping things on an even keel and supervising and training the institutions has created an uneven playing field with respect to this comparison and my experiences in Haiti are therefore of a system that is not fully controlled and run by Haitians. I would go further to note that I believe if Haiti were left to its own devices (UN to leave - perhaps to go over the border to fix the DR) then I have no doubt that the corruption would creep if not flood into the institutions just as it has in the DR.

I hope this is taken for what its worth - an unbiased view from someone who has lived and worked in both countries for the same amount of time.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
An opinion from a single white male of English background with no experience or preconceived ideas of this Island (Hispaniola) prior to arriving and having spent 3 years in both the DR and Haiti.

Santiago DR, I don't know if you have visited or lived in Haiti but I suspect not. Your comments reminded me of so many that I heard about Haiti in the 3 years I lived in the DR.

During my 3 years in the DR all of my Domo friends had me convinced Haiti was the most dangerous place on earth. Then I walked across the border at Dharbon into Haiti with a back pack on my back to have a look myself and I've been here for 3 years now. I've traveled and worked all over the country, no security needed, I don't speak Creole or French and I have been earning a very comfortable living since arriving in Haiti (Project Management).

I have never been shaken down by the police or anyone in that matter. I have imported over 80 containers through the Port in Haiti and unlike the DR it is a consistent process without the corruption. I have had many expats working here for me in Haiti as well as a lot of contractors and local staff. In contrast I found the Port in the DR to be very corrupt and administratively cumbersome and local DR employees to be lazy and the contractors to be less than adequate. My dealings with municipalities in the DR on simple or complex issues were equally corrupt and those dealings were expensive and inconsistent. I found the DR to be a very dangerous country to live in and I have lived and worked in the Middle East, Sth East Asia and Central America and I rate the DR at the bottom of that list! You only have to check out the news on DR1 for the last 12 months to see that the DR is a dangerous and increasingly corrupt country to live in.

Having lived in both countries for the same amount of time it is my opinion that Haiti is dangerous in some locations and you need to be sensible about where and when you travel but this risk can be self managed. However in the DR it was my experience that if you have some money or assets or you are simply conducting business then you are at risk all of the time because of the corrupt police, lawyers, fiscals, municipalities and authorities (and I have not even mentioned any of the so call real bandits). Its my opinion based on equal time in both countries that the security in the DR is more difficult to manage due to the constant nature of the corruption and the deep level to which the drug trade has permeated the Armed forces, Police, Legal profession, Judicial system and the Government.

It should be noted that having the UN in Haiti keeping things on an even keel and supervising and training the institutions has created an uneven playing field with respect to this comparison and my experiences in Haiti are therefore of a system that is not fully controlled and run by Haitians. I would go further to note that I believe if Haiti were left to its own devices (UN to leave - perhaps to go over the border to fix the DR) then I have no doubt that the corruption would creep if not flood into the institutions just as it has in the DR.

I hope this is taken for what its worth - an unbiased view from someone who has lived and worked in both countries for the same amount of time.

Guess I should go back and do business in Haiti again, I was there in 2002-2004 and everytime I had a container coming, it was so easy to give money to the authority and have the container come in free of tax, there's alot of corruption in Haiti too, just less organize then in DR. As for the security down there I agree with you, just dont walk anywhere (cite soleil example) and you'll be fine. There so many beautiful place in Haiti, people would be surprise.


Aug 22, 2008
Corruption, corruption everywhere, but not to make a stink!

In my opinion, the main difference between corruption in Haiti and in D.R. (whilst dealing with the Aduana and other government officers) seems to be this -
In Haiti, the corruption is consistent - I pay the same baksheesh for the same thing day in day out.
In Dominican Republic the propina changes day to day depending on how much the recipient thinks he can screw me for.
This makes it very difficult to plan and execute business in he D.R. as compared to Haiti.
I am not judging corruption as being good or bad - it is a fact of life in both countries. It just seems that the Dominicans have no shame when it comes to trying to rip people off.
Besides, it is their country - they can do what they like - good luck to them!
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The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Nice post Collingwood,

...... sometimes it takes a controversial post such as mine to get some to post more educated responses. Which seems evident after my post.

I live in Santiago and have no problems.

But I would not want a friend to come here totally on his own and roam around until he gets to know the in's and out's. Especially if the friend does not speak Spanish or Creole in this case.

Knowing a little about what is going on around you is important.

Don - SantiagoDR
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Sep 4, 2008
I don?t have any idea of corruption that is happening in Haiti because we only visited that place for vacation. We stayed In Wahoo Bay Beach Hotel last June this year with my friends. It?s a nice quiet resort; they have excellent foods to choose from. The staffs were really accommodating. All in all, I definitely enjoyed our stay there and hopefully I could get back next year.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
I don?t have any idea of corruption that is happening in Haiti because we only visited that place for vacation. We stayed In Wahoo Bay Beach Hotel last June this year with my friends. It?s a nice quiet resort; they have excellent foods to choose from. The staffs were really accommodating. All in all, I definitely enjoyed our stay there and hopefully I could get back next year.

Next time try Kaliko beach resort. You wont regret.


New member
Nov 30, 2008
It looks like I'm fortunate to get a new project and it happens to be a resort in Haiti located an hour east of the capital.

I plan on travelling there in a week or so with a Dominican friend and a Haitain pastor via Montecristi in the pastor's jeep.

I was just wondering if anybody had any insight or tips they wanted to add, like food to eat, etc.

Do not believe this guys it seem they do not know Haiti. I am a Dominican from New York out S.F. Macoris. I have gone to Haiti often and it is Dantes Inferno, hell. I do not know how this people live the way they do, and how can the landscape be so different between two countries in the same island. You drive in DR and everything is green everywhere, where are the trees of Haiti or forgot, cooking fuel. With the exception of the U.S. Marines there is not one institution that works. Dude do not get out of the resort.


Aug 22, 2008
A Dominican from New york out S.F. Macoris???
I am a Ukrainian Eskimo from Ethiopia - how do you do - you plonker!

The Dominicans are right though - do not go to Haiti or they will put you in a cooking pit and eat you - honestly!!


Aug 22, 2008
A Dominican from New york out S.F. Macoris???
I am a Ukrainian Eskimo from Ethiopia - how do you do - you plonker!

The Dominicans are right though - do not go to Haiti or they will put you in a cooking pot and eat you - honestly!!


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Do not believe this guys it seem they do not know Haiti. I am a Dominican from New York out S.F. Macoris. I have gone to Haiti often and it is Dantes Inferno, hell. I do not know how this people live the way they do, and how can the landscape be so different between two countries in the same island. You drive in DR and everything is green everywhere, where are the trees of Haiti or forgot, cooking fuel. With the exception of the U.S. Marines there is not one institution that works. Dude do not get out of the resort.

Maybe you were in a resort in CITE SOLEIL lol... YEs it is dangerous but not like you see on TV. As for trees your right, but it doesnt mean Haiti doesnt have beautiful place to visit, go to Jacmel, and you'll change your mind.


Aug 22, 2008
Oh and by the way, the Marines left years ago.
They have nice young men in blue hats from Brazil and Sri Lanka keeping the peace now.
May 12, 2005
Post pictures, let's see current fotos of Haiti, both city and campo. Let's see how bad it is. With the exception of a few isolated spots, I have heard it's a wasteland.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Post pictures, let's see current fotos of Haiti, both city and campo. Let's see how bad it is. With the exception of a few isolated spots, I have heard it's a wasteland.

Last time I was there it was in 2007, let me try and find some picture for you.
Sep 19, 2005
the more desperate the people are to just live, the more dangerous the place can be.

we know it isnt Irag dangerous....but many white people get kidnapped because someone thingk they can get money out of them or their family.

My co-worker is going in feb to visit his friend who has a fortress for a compound. armored cars and body guards for each of his children full time. They never go out with out at least 2 vehicles.

wonder why?

they live there and dont think it is safe...wonder why?

good luck Chip

bad bob


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Here's some picture from Jacmel area for you






This is Cap Haitian Area, Labadee city









New member
Aug 25, 2008
the more desperate the people are to just live, the more dangerous the place can be.

we know it isnt Irag dangerous....but many white people get kidnapped because someone thingk they can get money out of them or their family.

My co-worker is going in feb to visit his friend who has a fortress for a compound. armored cars and body guards for each of his children full time. They never go out with out at least 2 vehicles.

wonder why?

they live there and dont think it is safe...wonder why?

good luck Chip

bad bob

Yes living in Port Au Prince can be dangerous, but does Santo Domingo represent DR ? Why Haitian capital would represent Haiti?


New member
Nov 30, 2008
A Dominican from New york out S.F. Macoris???
I am a Ukrainian Eskimo from Ethiopia - how do you do - you plonker!

The Dominicans are right though - do not go to Haiti or they will put you in a cooking pot and eat you - honestly!!

Marines, Brazilian UN, or aliens from out of space the point is that they can not rule themselves. Think of it as visiting a house were the kids and parents alike behave so bad that they have to be babysat by an outsider and fed by the next door neighbor.


Aug 22, 2008
Marines, Brazilian UN, or aliens from out of space the point is that they can not rule themselves. Think of it as visiting a house were the kids and parents alike behave so bad that they have to be babysat by an outsider and fed by the next door neighbor.

Well you certainly don't seem to let the facts get in the way of your opinions, Pepehany.
Everyone can see from your "marines" comment that you are totally out of date.
There is risk involved in living in Port au Prince as there is everywhere.
You have to manage that risk - as people do with no problem.

And as for being fed by the next door neighbor??
Tell me my uninformed exiled friend, is the D.R. a net giver or receiver of aid?

Do not beleive everything you see on Fox news....