the best places to hook up in Santiago


Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
In favor of Tamborista;

I can say that tambo knows very well the DR as I've been hired for him many time in the past to be his chauffeur, he always stay at Gran Almirante Hotel the most expensive in town and I've seen him dating some of the most pretty girls of Santiago.



Jan 2, 2002
I can say that tambo knows very well the DR as I've been hired for him many time in the past to be his chauffeur, he always stay at Gran Almirante Hotel the most expensive in town and I've seen him dating some of the most pretty girls of Santiago.


No wonder most cute girls won't give me time of the day after he leaves santiago. I always had a feeling he was spoiling my girls.


Jun 2, 2006
Forget DR, just go to colombia and eat your heart out. You guys want top notch hot girls? armenia, colombia is one stop shopping center. If you know the latin culture and speak good spanish. Have a good sense of humor. You will get this.
My girl in pereira: Oh and yes I was a tourist but sure helps before you step onto foreign land.

here here AZB....let me add Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua to that list bro.
why are these over 50 fossils looking for university girls ? why can't you meet a good 30 - 50 well established working woman ? are there none in Santiago ? and why would they want a dude who's only got about 20 more years to live anyway and they got like 50 more years to live ?
all these 3rd world lovers are funny.
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Oct 21, 2008
here here AZB....let me add Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua to that list bro.
why are these over 50 fossils looking for university girls ? why can't you meet a good 30 - 50 well established working woman ? are there none in Santiago ? and why would they want a dude who's only got about 20 more years to live anyway and they got like 50 more years to live ?
all these 3rd world lovers are funny.

Are you serious Kyle? you are takeing shots at guys for looking for nice girls at universitys,and you are a Sosua prefered gold customer who starts threads on how much you pay for $ Hooker picker uppers are funny.


Jun 2, 2006
i aint trying to fool nobody dude. i pays for it, no sweat. but let's face it santiago is not el flow is it ?
but then you got nerve to walk around a university in santiago broke looking like an old janitor saying "hola". come back to sosua mi amigo....

now that's funny !! :laugh:


Oct 21, 2008
i aint trying to fool nobody dude. i pays for it, no sweat. but let's face it santiago is not el flow is it ?
but then you got nerve to walk around a university in santiago broke looking like an old janitor saying "hola". come back to sosua mi amigo....

now that's funny !! :laugh:

Do i know you Kyle? I am under 40 and far from broke..and why would i go to Sosua and stand outside Elflow with you and those other pay for chica mongers, waiting to see what your overtime money will buy you for the night.:bored:
I never put you or anyone else down for doing what you do, if you want to pay then do it and have fun, but you should not take shots at what other people do..We are all looking and wanting something differant, thats what is so great about the DR, it has something for everyone..


Jun 2, 2006
i think we need to get back on the subject. i'll take shots at you later...


Jan 2, 2002
here here AZB....let me add Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua to that list bro.
why are these over 50 fossils looking for university girls ? why can't you meet a good 30 - 50 well established working woman ? are there none in Santiago ? and why would they want a dude who's only got about 20 more years to live anyway and they got like 50 more years to live ?
all these 3rd world lovers are funny.

Wrong on all counts.
let me give you a hint: not all girls are looking for serious relationships. Even the good girls get horny like guys. The culture in santiago and in many latin countries is very relaxed. Not all Girls are looking to settle down with an older guy. many just get along with us to spend a good time, go out, laugh, get entertained and then in the end, maybe get a little action. Remember, girls are also human beings and they do get horny once in a while.
I used to go to university and yes I have scored with model girls. I can still do it and get great results. I had a wonderful time in colombia and not a single girl was a street puta.
I don't have to prove this to anyone. This is a daily routine for many in DR.
I am more relaxed now and more settled with my focus on work.
Rsg will do just fine in santiago, just like any other guy who are presentable with good manners and knows how to talk properly with a good sense of humor.


Jan 2, 2002
I insist: (Welcome to Badoo! – Main) will produce good results. This is not a puta website, but you can run into some putas there. Just look at pictures and judge for yourselves who is a good girl and who is not.
I tell you, many guys are meeting girls from this medium on daily basis. I don't drink anymore so i do not hang around in bars. yet I am not missing out on action at all. Viva badoo.


Oct 21, 2008
I insist: (Welcome to Badoo! – Main) will produce good results. This is not a puta website, but you can run into some putas there. Just look at pictures and judge for yourselves who is a good girl and who is not.
I tell you, many guys are meeting girls from this medium on daily basis. I don't drink anymore so i do not hang around in bars. yet I am not missing out on action at all. Viva badoo.
read and learn from someone who knows, thanks for the tips AZB,and not the insults everyone else loves to sling..


Jun 2, 2006
my man, AZB is telling you from his own experience, it doesn't work for everyone. he IS a man with good guidance. like someone giving you a loaded gun, it's up to you what you do with it.
now, back to El Flow and Latin Affairs... why does a guy who does these things need AZB's advice ?
insults ? wait until you really understand spanish mi amigo. do you understand "khaki shorts" in spanish ? :laugh:


Jan 2, 2002
I am with kyle: lets stop the insults and get back into the real topic guidelines.
He is right, the given tools do not work for everyone. Some people have the charm and others don't. Its simple as that. However, I think my man rsg will do just fine.
In order to find the real women one must speak proper spanish, dress accordingly and act decent. You can always get lucky with a girl who speaks english as well. girls in pucmm are harder to score with but utesa also has some of the cutest girls from santiago and its far easier to impress them. So i suggest, your best bet would be to stay with utesa girls. Now some guys are also correct in saying that there is little difference between bar putas and some university girls. There are some chica beepers (call girls) who are enrolled in universities (BS courses) in order to get away from home and play. The girls are super cute and are able to charge more because they try to pass for a regular home girls who do side business as hookers. Since they do not work in puta bars, guys tend to think they are cleaner hence, they pay more. No wonder Utesa is also known as "putesa'. So watch out. I have seen many tourists having luck in that university. PUCMM girls are a bit better off so they will not be so easy.
Monumento has almost all putas and barrio hookers. Even ahibar is becoming a hot hooker spot. Many hookers go there to pick up tourists and dominican yorks.
I say, if you want better quality girls, stick to university but not university bars. Go walk in university and talk to regular girls who are standing around cafeteria area. Talk to them, make them laugh. You will be surprised how well you will be received.


Oct 21, 2008
my man, AZB is telling you from his own experience, it doesn't work for everyone. he IS a man with good guidance. like someone giving you a loaded gun, it's up to you what you do with it.
now, back to El Flow and Latin Affairs... why does a guy who does these things need AZB's advice ?
insults ? wait until you really understand spanish mi amigo. do you understand "khaki shorts" in spanish ? :laugh:

Sorry Kyle, but i still dont know who the hell you are talking about. I speak spanish, dont wear Khakis, and have a nice apartment in Santiago. I do business in the Dr. and do not need advice from a tourist, wish i was in the DR type of guy like you.The differance between you and me is that i dont brag about my conquest with women on a public forum.I DONT PICK UP HOOKERS IN sosua like you, and do not need advise from a know it all like you.
And as far as AZB, I am alays willing to take advice from someone who has been in the DR for so long and knows how things work here.


Jun 2, 2006
you do business in the DR, have a nice apartment in santiago, and you can't get laid ? is there a medical problem you want to share with us ? i would suggest the Brugal factory tour :laugh:
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Oct 21, 2008
you do business in the DR, have a nice apartment in santiago, and you can't get laid ? is there a medical problem you want to share with us ? i would suggest the Brugal factory tour :laugh:

You are really a sick man Kyle, unlike you and your Sosua frequent players club members friends, my life dont revolve around having sex with dirty hookers in the DR. Yea, any one can get laid, if they want to pay for it like you do, and have done for many years, and probably will have to do for the rest of your life.You are a disgusting individual that needs some mental help. This forum was not for guys like you to brag about your pay for sex excapades in the DR, the subject was where to meet nice girls, something you know nothing about.
So why dont you get back to work Kyle and wait for your next break so you can get on the computer and dream about your next vacation in the DR..
You are just a hater because i am living the life that you can only dream about..I am makeing money in paradise..think about it kyle, you save your money to come to Sosua to spend it on your hookers :alien:and return to NY to brag about your conquest to all your pathetic listening :eek:gre: friends at work,but me, i get paid to come here. I have a car, a business, a apartment, A non Sosua Kyle type puta girlfriend, what do you have here dude? A dirty Sosua hotel room, to go along with your even more dirty pay by the meter classico chicas.
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Nov 17, 2004
Let me address the undercurrent of antagonism in this thread with a few questions.

According to you fine gentlemen, what is the difference between serial dating and casual whoremongering?

I could be wrong, but from my observation when a guy jumps from one partner to another the end game remains the same. So does it really matter if one does this in Santiago with a fine upstanding university chica or a Sosua whore?

To me the difference is a question of semantics, and an excuse to needlessly chest-bump. We aren't in high school anymore, gentlemen. But sometimes it feels that way when I read some of the posts in this section.

Does the satisfaction lie in the conquest? Is it about bragging rights? A question of status, as in my chica is finer than your chica? Because that's what it sounds like to me.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not interested in taking side in the RSG-Kyle steel cage match here, nor am I trying to be judgmental. Just wanted your viewpoints on this.


Jun 2, 2006
you are absolutely on point with your observation Berzin.
and my observations have always noticed some people in santiago go for university girls. like a university girl looks different from a sosua puta in the dark ? PLEASE !!!
hopefully his medical problem doesn't involve mathematics. then you won't need a university girl because she can count inches :ermm:


Jan 2, 2002
So guys. are we going to get back on the topic?
Apart from walking in university, try to make real dominican friends in santiago. Throw a BBQ for them and let them invite their female friends. You will surely meet a few good looking girls.
stay away from girls who work in betting places like "bancas". They are border-line putas. promotion girls for some products (promotoras) are also party girls and seek guys with cash. Many are hookers for lawyers and businessmen.
Many models are also part-time hookers (notice: not all, just many).
Girls with super long nails are also vagabundas and jobless putas. Any girl with tight red pants is also a barrio trash. Any girl with fake eyebrows is from barrio. Girls with huge tattoos are also putas. Any girl with a tourist is ugly and most likely a barrio trash. Hehehehe.(I know I will get heat on this one).
So seek clean looking girls who speak clearly. Girl who looks decent in her clothing. Utesa is a good place to start. When you guys feel you are ready for a step-up, then take me to colombia with you. I will provide free pimp services. Hehehehe
May 12, 2005
Let me address the undercurrent of antagonism in this thread with a few questions.

According to you fine gentlemen, what is the difference between serial dating and casual whoremongering?

I could be wrong, but from my observation when a guy jumps from one partner to another the end game remains the same. So does it really matter if one does this in Santiago with a fine upstanding university chica or a Sosua whore?

To me the difference is a question of semantics, and an excuse to needlessly chest-bump. We aren't in high school anymore, gentlemen. But sometimes it feels that way when I read some of the posts in this section.

Does the satisfaction lie in the conquest? Is it about bragging rights? A question of status, as in my chica is finer than your chica? Because that's what it sounds like to me.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not interested in taking side in the RSG-Kyle steel cage match here, nor am I trying to be judgmental. Just wanted your viewpoints on this.

Excellent post Berzin my man. I think that as men there is something in our DNA that makes us enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the conquest. The difference between the serial daters and mongers is that the mongers skip the hunt and go straight to the conquest. Some guys I guess find themselves easily bored with one girl after a few months and move on to the next. Either way, at somepoint in your life you realize that no matter how many girlfriends you have or putas you frequent you are alone and a little lonely. That's perhaps the point somebody like RSG is at and they are looking for something serious and longterm.
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