Ick - Sosua Beach


May 29, 2004
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/uotOjOWegNc&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/uotOjOWegNc&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


May 29, 2004
Perhaps CORAAPPLATA should change their logo to to show the reverse side of the statue?

Mar 2, 2008

This was obviously caused by those who are trenching for the fiber optic conduit, but where are the workers?

It looks like they hit the water main and snuck off, much like Bill Murray did in Caddy Shack, after he blew up the golf course.

mike l

Sep 4, 2007
Ugh. Glad I saw this. Will not be heading out to Sosua Beach for a good while.

This was in Sosua news and i doubt i will ever swim there again unless there are conclusive studies done that it is safe to swim there

13 December 2009
Fishermen complain about pollution
The hut belonging to the fishermen's association (Associaci?n de pescadores) stands along the mouth of the river Sos?a, in Charamicos, where the fishermen moor up their boats. The fresh fish that they catch is prepared for the market - to be sold to private citizens, but mostly to the restaurants and hotels. However, the chairman of the association, William Arvedo (better known as 'Col?n') is complaining about the lack of government support. The river runs through several villages, and villagers use it as an open sewer. Eventually it flows into the bay where the fishermen keep their boats and process their fish. The suburb known as La Piedra also discharges its wastewater directly into the bay. Another problem is that the fishermen are finding it harder to moor up their boats, because the dying coral reef is a hindrance. The boats have to be towed over the reef whenever they enter or leave the bay. Many fishermen are complaining about back problems, even hernia, caused by this daily towing action. The environmental organisation, SOMONCA, led by Milo Mart?nez, has tried to reduce the river pollution.
Asociaci?n de pescadores
He has offered to set up a small fishing harbour, with financial support from donors. However, the implementation of this idea is apparently hindered by the lack of political will, because property developers want to develop a large bungalow park and yacht marina. Some real estate websites are already publishing drawings of these plans. But if this pollution problem is not resolved quickly, even the beautiful waters of the adjacent Sosua bay will make swimming hazardous. If that happens, this will be a disaster for the town, because tourists will not dream of swimming in polluted water! blip.tv (since 2005)

please don't plant me in the sugar cane fields
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Jul 27, 2009
Mike L, agreed. I dont think Sosua Beach will see me, period. A similar problem occurred in Waikiki, Hawaii, when I was living there and though it was on local news, the tourists never heard about it. The fact that someone got a flesh eating virus and died from swimming at the beach didnt make the local tourism boards conscience flinch. I never stepped foot in there again but millions have since then.

I dont doubt something similar will occur in DR where theyre already suffering from lack of patronage. Chances are, few will ever even know it. I weep for the current state of our waters in general.

mike l

Sep 4, 2007
Mike L, agreed. I dont think Sosua Beach will see me, period. A similar problem occurred in Waikiki, Hawaii, when I was living there and though it was on local news, the tourists never heard about it. The fact that someone got a flesh eating virus and died from swimming at the beach didnt make the local tourism boards conscience flinch. I never stepped foot in there again but millions have since then.

I dont doubt something similar will occur in DR where theyre already suffering from lack of patronage. Chances are, few will ever even know it. I weep for the current state of our waters in general.

I lived in Waikiki for a couple of years and did not think that could exist there.

The rain run off from the ala wai canal could be the reason.

It's a shame but the babes on the beach are still worth the visit.

Swimming in Sosua Bay I did notice what looked like fecal matter and then said to myself it couldn't be but i was wrong.


May 29, 2004
well, to me...

a 'water' leak connotates a relatively pure source which would only be contaminated by whatever it ran over/through.

a 'sewage leak' (aguas negras) would connotate dirty water containing human waste, etc. this is how the leak is referred to in the video & online sources (http://www.sosuaonline.net/DetailPost.aspx?postId=7327 for example )

i stand to be corrected if i've interpreted something incorrectly.


May 29, 2004
Well, personally, I won't drink either one, but each to their own.

right... but if a clean source of water is washing into the bay is one thing... if the beach/bay is contaminated with a high concentration of human waste, i'd hesitate to walk barefoot, swim, or eat the fish caught there


Sep 10, 2008
why would a sewer pipe be coming that way when there is a shorter route, maybe its just a storm drain- ever hopeful

As for flesh eating bugs - they are usually caught in hospitals


May 29, 2004
why would a sewer pipe be coming that way when there is a shorter route, maybe its just a storm drain- ever hopeful

i honestly don't know what type of waste system exists... but the articles i saw online indicate human waste was in the leak. i hope it's another case of inaccurate reporting & wasn't overly harmful.

Another recent article has area fishermen complaining about other contamination problems near Charamicos Sos?a-News

The fresh fish that they catch is prepared for the market - to be sold to private citizens, but mostly to the restaurants and hotels... The river runs through several villages, and villagers use it as an open sewer. Eventually it flows into the bay where the fishermen keep their boats and process their fish. The suburb known as La Piedra also discharges its wastewater directly into the bay. . ... But if this pollution problem is not resolved quickly, even the beautiful waters of the adjacent Sosua bay will make swimming hazardous. If that happens, this will be a disaster for the town, because tourists will not dream of swimming in polluted water!
Mar 2, 2008
There are certainly those who know the difference, and anyone who does know the difference and looks at the video will understand that sewerage does not "leak" like that. It is not under pressure, as water mains are.

However, I was trying to avoid that issue by recognizing the importance of the break, no matter what it was. Since CFA desires to pursue the issue, I suggest he read up on the differences between waste disposal and water distribution. it should be enlightening.

The ongoing pollution of Sosua Bay is not the less bit affected by the most recent break, regardless of what it consisted of.