Free Cataract Surgery for the elderly


Dec 11, 2003
Got this email .. if anyone knows elderly Domincans who need this surgery

ola a todos:

El Dr Juan Batlle, m?dico oftalm?logo de nuestra ciudad, quien ejerce en el Centro L?ser del Sector Pianttini y en la Fundaci?n Elias Santana de los Alcarrizos (Los Americanos), conjuntamente con un equipo m?dico de Estados Unidos, est? llevando a cabo un operativo de cirug?as de cataratas dirigido a pesonas de 50 a 80 a?os de edad totalmente GRATIS, incluyendo los chequeos pre-operatorios. Los candidatos que se presenten ser?n evaluados por el equipo m?dico, quienes al t?rmino de la evaluaci?n f?sica le informar?n inmediatamente si procede la cirug?a o no. Las cirug?as ser?n realizadas en el Centro de Microcirug?a L?ser mencionado anteriormente.

Si alguno de ustedes conoce personas entre esa edad - ni mas ni menos - pueden contactar a la Sra. Gloria Luna a su celular 809-330-7779 o en la casa al 809-372-2325. Los m?dicos extranjeros que acompa?ar?n al Dr. Batlle ya estan en el pa?s.

Cualquier persona en la edad indicada puede aprovechar esta maravillosa oportunidad de recuperar la visi?n totalmente gratis. An?mense a ver si tienen alguien que lo necesite.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
WOW!!! This is a godsend. My aunt in SD was just telling me she has to get cataract surgery and couldn't afford it... I'm giving her the info ASAP!!! Thanks so much!


Jun 13, 2009
one would think that a Belgian expat who had enough resources to "retire" to the tropics at "49" would not take up space in a free clinic with USA doctors.. I know that it said "qualquier persona" but ... really...

I think you should know me well enough by now to know I meant this as a joke. Yes, i do need a cataract operation on my right eye, and yes I will get it for free in Belgium next year... because I have paid a huge amount in social security there...

Personally I think the initiative you wrote about is fantastic and much needed. I have never seen a country where there were so much eye problems as here, and have personally helped 2 people to get it fixed at my expense. I can only applaud it


Sep 27, 2010
(Sorry stupid last post on my part.)
It's a wonderful initiative and a great offer. I've also seen the work that Orbis does around the world and it is also heartwarming. My dad had surgery in the UK last year at 92 years old and he is so happy again to see clearly.
I volunteered for the Orbis plane crew but they are fully crewed now.
I just wish there was more help like this in the world.


New member
Sep 5, 2004
Just contacted a good friend who has an elderly sister here in La Romana, who is in real need of this surgery. Thanks for the post!!


Dec 11, 2003
I think you should know me well enough by now to know I meant this as a joke. Yes, i do need a cataract operation on my right eye, and yes I will get it for free in Belgium next year... because I have paid a huge amount in social security there...

Personally I think the initiative you wrote about is fantastic and much needed. I have never seen a country where there were so much eye problems as here, and have personally helped 2 people to get it fixed at my expense. I can only applaud it

Actually, I do not know you at all.