Santo Domingo is EXPENSIVE - Living Expenses for Past 3 months


Oct 10, 2010
Let's avoid a pi$$ing contest guys. This is about living expensive in Santo Domingo, basically. The premise is that to live a lifestyle similar to the US of A, you do need a lot of boodle...

I live much better than than that, but I do not spend that kind of money, but that is because I started 50 years ago! so I am sort of out of the to speak...
Rent: none
Food: 20,000 DOP
Electricity: 17,400 last month + 3000 for diesel for generator
Gas-LPG: 2540 DOP
Help: 12,700 DOP
Gasoline: Diesel : 2000 (don't go far)
Odds and ends
Cable TV: 1290
Phone + DSL: 2700
Cell phone: 2300


You add it up, I got other stuff to do...


HB, why $3,000 pesos a month on diesel fuel for generator, you live in Los Jardines for crying out loud. Surely you have 24/7 elec. services.

The rest of my comment is directed at the kid from Chicago, you son have a lot to learn, and not enough brain cells to do it with. Your last post puts serious doubt as to every think you've written about thus far.


New member
Oct 19, 2011
Look when I first read Dr1 I thought most of the people on this sight was Dominican I don't recall when I realized all of you guys are white. Even though I'm american I am a person of color our way of thinking is different. Please do not insult me I know most of you not all but most are in DR or chose to move there is to buy sex. I am a former Spanish Cobra from Humbolt Park I grew up with a few dominicans and I started back going to DR with friends playing basketball in SD that is how I met most of my women in DR including my wife a cousin of my boy from BX in NYC. I love my wife, but I always prefered mexicanas or colombianas. Someone said women in my county not giving me the time of day, some of u know I'm not stupid enough to leave a city with women of all races to move to DR buying sex giving women money walking around saying "ta jevi , que lo que" or speaking spanish thinking dominicans want your friendship or hand in marriage. Wake up man all I see is walking talking dollar signs period and deep down inside all of you guys know it. I'm a player I have a lot of problems women are not one of them. I hear weather a lot for all of you a-holes we have warm states every heard of Arizona, Flordia ,Cali just keep it real say I like DR is because I buy sex, gf and wives here and women in the USA my whole life called me a LOSER, and women the DR tell me if you have the money I have the time. C MON MAN!!! and that is why SD seems expensive because expats are over charged for everything. 1,800USD apartment would cost a dominican family for the same unit 900USD. C MON MAN!!!

Not everyone in this forum is "white". However, it reflects poorly on you that you believe that because of
someone's skin color there is some innate genetic difference. I think it's purely racist.


Feb 16, 2011
Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
Let's avoid a pi$$ing contest guys. This is about living expensive in Santo Domingo, basically. The premise is that to live a lifestyle similar to the US of A, you do need a lot of boodle...

I live much better than than that, but I do not spend that kind of money, but that is because I started 50 years ago! so I am sort of out of the to speak...
Rent: none
Food: 20,000 DOP
Electricity: 17,400 last month + 3000 for diesel for generator
Gas-LPG: 2540 DOP
Help: 12,700 DOP
Gasoline: Diesel : 2000 (don't go far)
Odds and ends
Cable TV: 1290
Phone + DSL: 2700
Cell phone: 2300


You add it up, I got other stuff to do...

HB, more details please...

1) How many family members is your budget for?
2) Your electrical is very high, AC on 24/7?
3) Your food seems high too, of course this depends on the amount of mouths you are feeding.
4) Gas-LPG? Do you mean for cooking?
5) Do you use more than 1 help?
6) What company do you use for Phone-DSL, Cable TV and Cellphone?

Sorry for the interrogation, lol.


New member
Oct 14, 2011
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh,"The peace and quiet is very refreshing"!
Just got my 15,250 peso electric bill! :eek:gre:
You can rent a nice house for that!
Ha ha ha, I am moving to SD on January and I can't wait to see how things really are.


New member
Oct 14, 2011
Lets say you Keiser was standing on the side of my building as I walked up I make one phone call to 911 and a car is shining a light in your face in 60 seconds. You are responding to a post about Santo Domingo and talking about crime in my city please tell me your joking. I was not bragging I live in Chicago I know my city is the best. The reason is I pay 2,500USD for a studio apartment, and pay about 850USD for leasing my car including insurance also 400USD for parking. Those are always you two highest expenses home and car payment and you can see I'm way below 5,700 for the month. Lastly no matter how you spin it what you buy or don't there is not a chance you can have the same lifestyle in Santo Domingo affluent neigborhoods that you would in LA, Chicago,Houston or New York the reason being CRIME. When you need a arm guard outside of your residence so you can feel safe I'm sorry but that is not a upper class living. I love Santo Domingo but it is not a place I see myself spending almost 11,000USD in two months for living expenses Paris, Rome maybe even Tokyo, but Santo Domingo NO NO NO!!!!!

We live in Japan, Kobe downtown, a highrise and We don't spend that much, and we do go out to dinne a lot.


Oct 12, 2011
Santo Domingo is probably about half the living cost of New York.
You can check current NY prices for food from such as using zip code 10001.

It is expensive compared with other areas of DR.



Oct 9, 2009
Santo Domingo is probably about half the living cost of New York.
Not unless you are taking a cut in your living standard. Apple to apple and orange to orange, you are not going to cut your cost of living in half NY to SD. What item would you like to compare?
Apr 13, 2011
I was renting a small two bedroom in NYC for $3000/month - small kitchen, small living room area, small bathroom, one bedroom normal size, one bedroom very small.
I rent a house in SD for 20,000 pesos - roughly $526 USD/month - 4 bedrooms, full kitchen, normal living room, 2.5 bathrooms, parking for two cars, service room...
Electricity is more in SD, but the difference is only a few hundred USD - mostly due to ACs.
When we go out to do something as a family, I find it less expensive in SD than in NYC.
If I say everything else is roughly 1:1 - then I could see how the monthly budget in SD can be close to half my NYC budget... and I have a bigger place and do not have to deal with alternate side of the street parking...


Jun 19, 2009
I was renting a small two bedroom in NYC for $3000/month - small kitchen, small living room area, small bathroom, one bedroom normal size, one bedroom very small.
I rent a house in SD for 20,000 pesos - roughly $526 USD/month - 4 bedrooms, full kitchen, normal living room, 2.5 bathrooms, parking for two cars, service room...
Electricity is more in SD, but the difference is only a few hundred USD - mostly due to ACs.
When we go out to do something as a family, I find it less expensive in SD than in NYC.
If I say everything else is roughly 1:1 - then I could see how the monthly budget in SD can be close to half my NYC budget... and I have a bigger place and do not have to deal with alternate side of the street parking...

It is a never ending debate. That is why it is so hard to compare budget even within the same city. Personaly, I have a large 2 bedroom in NYC and do not pay anything close to 3000 USD (new building with amenities, couple blocks from Central Park).

Again, Fresh direct is no indication of "regular prices". it is a delivery supermarket (which I use from times to times, soooo convenient ! ), but I am aware that I pay a premium for that convenience. Also,I know that I spend more than the average joe on grocery shopping because I buy a lot of imported stuff from France. I don't eat as I ate back home, but there are a few things I can't go without. For example, if I were a wine drinker it is obvious that I would pay more if I drank exclusively French wines as opposed to California wines.

This is simple, wherever you go, if you want to live the same way as you did back in Europe or the US, it is going to cost more or less the same. This holds true for Panama city, Santo Domingo, Bangkok or Dakar.

The major difference is the quality of life.
Apr 13, 2011
Very true - I remember apartment hunting in NYC and the prices, sizes - everything varied - even just within the city. The decision became about what was wanted based on our needs and budget at the time.
The same is true for SD. There were places that were more expensive - and places that needed work that were less expensive - but picking a place that works for you based on your needs and budget.
It does not matter where you are - if you want certain things and , for example, say you have set budget of $4000/month - then somehow you still find ways to spend all of that and still find reasons to need more :)


Oct 12, 2011
Not unless you are taking a cut in your living standard. Apple to apple and orange to orange, you are not going to cut your cost of living in half NY to SD. What item would you like to compare?
I compare:
Rents - many approx 1/2 equyivalent in NYC where a studio can cost $2000 a month plus.
Maid services - about 1/5 to 1/3 NYC.
NYC Packages start at 65$ ( = 2,500 pesos )
Today's Maid - Serving the NY Metro Area
Hair stylist 1/3 NYC
Taxi 1/4 of NYC
Fresh food - bought locally to an appartment in good area of NYC freshdirect prices are not totally out of line.
Double or more in many cases than DR.
Education , private , 1/3 or less NYC prices.
Costs in NYC 30-40, 000 per year.
$30,000 a Year: New York City Schools Charge Ivy League Tuition - Bloomberg
Cost in Santo Domingo 10,000$ or less a year.
Eating out 1/2 NYC prices. 100$ a person with wine etc. is common in NYC.
BLT Prime Dinner Menu - New York City
Week-end away in country - DR Hotel prices and appartment short term appartment rental prices at all levels are not expensive compared with Long Island etc.
Waterfront Long Island condo $1,600 a week.
Long Island Holiday Rentals: Reviews for Rental Homes, Condos and Apartments in Long Island - TripAdvisor
Sailboat excursion 1/2 of NYC.
Bottle of rum NYC 24$ plus.
Like in New York shopping carefully decreases prices.
I agree that bought in bulk corned beef and potatoes are cheaper in New York.



Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
I compare:
Rents - many approx 1/2 equyivalent in NYC where a studio can cost $2000 a month plus.

Bear in mind that is for certain parts of Manhattan as the other boroughs are far less!!!!!

A studio in the Bronx runs for $800 and up.


Feb 8, 2003
I compare:
Rents - many approx 1/2 equyivalent in NYC where a studio can cost $2000 a month plus.
Maid services - about 1/5 to 1/3 NYC.
NYC Packages start at 65$ ( = 2,500 pesos )
Today's Maid - Serving the NY Metro Area
Hair stylist 1/3 NYC
Taxi 1/4 of NYC
Fresh food - bought locally to an appartment in good area of NYC freshdirect prices are not totally out of line.
Double or more in many cases than DR.
Education , private , 1/3 or less NYC prices.
Costs in NYC 30-40, 000 per year.
$30,000 a Year: New York City Schools Charge Ivy League Tuition - Bloomberg
Cost in Santo Domingo 10,000$ or less a year.
Eating out 1/2 NYC prices. 100$ a person with wine etc. is common in NYC.
BLT Prime Dinner Menu - New York City
Week-end away in country - DR Hotel prices and appartment short term appartment rental prices at all levels are not expensive compared with Long Island etc.
Waterfront Long Island condo $1,600 a week.
Long Island Holiday Rentals: Reviews for Rental Homes, Condos and Apartments in Long Island - TripAdvisor
Sailboat excursion 1/2 of NYC.
Bottle of rum NYC 24$ plus.
Like in New York shopping carefully decreases prices.
I agree that bought in bulk corned beef and potatoes are cheaper in New York.


You can go to a Public scholl in NY. here you cant.


Jun 19, 2009
I compare:
Rents - many approx 1/2 equyivalent in NYC where a studio can cost $2000 a month plus.
Maid services - about 1/5 to 1/3 NYC.
NYC Packages start at 65$ ( = 2,500 pesos )
Today's Maid - Serving the NY Metro Area
Hair stylist 1/3 NYC
Taxi 1/4 of NYC
Fresh food - bought locally to an appartment in good area of NYC freshdirect prices are not totally out of line.
Double or more in many cases than DR.
Education , private , 1/3 or less NYC prices.
Costs in NYC 30-40, 000 per year.
$30,000 a Year: New York City Schools Charge Ivy League Tuition - Bloomberg
Cost in Santo Domingo 10,000$ or less a year.
Eating out 1/2 NYC prices. 100$ a person with wine etc. is common in NYC.
BLT Prime Dinner Menu - New York City
Week-end away in country - DR Hotel prices and appartment short term appartment rental prices at all levels are not expensive compared with Long Island etc.
Waterfront Long Island condo $1,600 a week.
Long Island Holiday Rentals: Reviews for Rental Homes, Condos and Apartments in Long Island - TripAdvisor
Sailboat excursion 1/2 of NYC.
Bottle of rum NYC 24$ plus.
Like in New York shopping carefully decreases prices.
I agree that bought in bulk corned beef and potatoes are cheaper in New York.


I meant dislike.

Do you realize that people wich spend 30-40,000 USD per year for their children private school, probably don't pay rent in NYC and probably own also that freakin condo in long island (the hamptons) or best rent a house in LI for the summer for 10k a month to then only spend the week end there (know a couple). They also have a full time help and so on.

So the prices you describe in SD are surely much cheaper, but I think you are not comparing them with what Dominicans with that level of wealth would spend.

Between us, never had corned beed in my life and don't plan to :)


Jul 10, 2004
Corned beef and cabbage is actually quite tasty.

I do agree that their are huge levels of difference between the haves and the have nots in NYC or anywhere else.
OWS seems to have some issues with that.


Aug 15, 2007
With the possible exception of San Francisco, NYC is the most expensive place to live on the North American continent.

And that is being compared, as a "norm," to a third-world city.


Look, anything imported from anywhere is going to cost more than something locally or regionally available. That's how it works. As has been stated previously, it's about QoL more than anything else.

The only people I know who LOVE New York are professionals who can afford to eat/attend/experience all the fun stuff in midtown manhattan, and rappers who have nothing better to talk about. Everyone else is more or less constantly talking about their impending move out of Gotham.

We all know the story about the Manhattan Native Americans who "traded" the land much of NYC sits on for beads. We all know that's not entirely true, but even if it was, I sometimes find myself wondering if the Indians got the better end of the bargain.:glasses:

Santo Domingo has many issues, but there aren't many people on this board (other than those who complain about everything, all the time) who hate the quality of life afforded them by living in DR.

There's something to be said about that, and it's probably positive in nature.
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
It is just funny how many perceive NY as living in the city.

NY has many other places to live other than NYC.

It is just like when I lived in South Florida.

I lived in Miami for a few months and then moved to Hollywood. Hollywood is only 14 miles from Miami. Everyone I told about the move, especially Cubans, all mentioned that I was moving up in the world. Cubans tend to stay confined to Miami and know no other place. Same with some New Yorkers. They stay confined to the five boroughs when NY has so much to offer.


May 17, 2004
It appears that you need to do what many of us in the U.S. is doing. That is cut back that budget. There seems to be plenty of places that you could save a few thousand pesos.


Jun 13, 2009
I actually wonder why people here keep comparing prices for goods from their home country to those same items bought here. Of course a Maine lobster will be cheaper in Maine, and although they are by far the best, the local lobsters ain't bad and you pay a fraction of the cost for them.

Of course NY is more expensive than SD. Every important major city in the world is. You cannot compare NY (Wall Street), Brussels (NATO and EU-headquarters), The Hague (International Court), London ( amongst others the Beers diamond cartel), and others to SD.

The real question is how much a comparable life-quality would cost in SD, in comparison with another capital in the world. And there are 2 possible answers to that question.

The first answer is more expensive if the family involved, insists on copying their lives back there 100%. Meaning wearing the same clothing labels, eating exactly the same food (all imported then), going to the same gym's, driving the same high quality cars and buy them new, living in the same quality of house, etc... There is nothing wrong with that, but then it will indeed be more expensive to live in SD.

The second answer is cheaper if the family involved, insists on living the same quality of life they had back there, but are open-minded enough to adapt themselves and enjoy the local advantages. The quality of the local foodsupplies is fantastic, nevertheless a lot of expats insist on buying only imported pork, or pineapple in a can, etc... Where in any of the cities mentioned above can you go out and have a lobster dinner for 15$ a person. I know in Brussels it would cost me more to eat a lousy lasagna. Where in NYC can you get a coctail for 2$?

If you move to another country, in my opinion, you will have to sacrifice certain home comforts, but in return you will get others. It is up to you whether you want to do that or not. If not, you are living in the wrong country.

Myself, I love it here. Most things I do miss are a number of food-items which are impossible to get here. The famous North Sea shrimp, the fresh Dutch mussels, etc... So, whenever I go back to Belgium, I gorge myself on those. And I stuff my luggage with all kinds of goodies. Would I trade my life here, to go back to Belgium? No way.

Anyways, all the expats living here because they were placed here by their respective companies, should not complain too much I think. Whenever my company sent me somewhere I got an expense account which was more than enough to live in luxury.