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  1. F

    IMF PRESS STATEMENT (what it means)

    Press Release No. 03/219 December 17, 2003 Dominican Republic Press Statement (a wonderful example of diplomatic double-talk) An IMF mission left Santo Domingo today after reaching technical-level understandings on economic policies for the first review of the country's Stand-by Arrangement...
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    New governmental scapegoat

    Economist Frederic Emam Zade focused in his Saturday column in El Caribe newspaper on how the government has found a new scapegoat. In his imaginary dialogue between two Dominicans, Emam Zade highlights how the government no longer has the Fern?ndez government to blame for its economic problems...
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    Who needs the Central Bank?

    Who needs the Central Bank? Economist Frederic Emam Zade writes in El Caribe on Saturday, 24 May regarding his doubts of the merits of a Central Bank in the Dominican Republic._ Emam Zade explains that because we have a small and open economy, with trade and monetary relations closely tied to...
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    Another report on the DR's Economic Situation

    eFlash from: Standard New York Securities, Inc. (Miami Branch) DominicRepublic- Too Little, Too Late? -11 February 2003- The deterioration in domestic confidence that we highlighted in our last report (Nov. 25, 2002) continued into 2003. The Dominican consumer has since been hit with...
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    Bear, Stearns: "What?s Up With the Peso?"

    Sovereign Debt Research (abstract) ? As we have been reporting, the Dominican peso continues to be under pressure due to a combination of a relentless and ongoing terms-of-trade shock (the same one that has hit all non-oil exporting countries) and local speculative forces. ? We continue to...
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    Central Bank Report on DR Economy Posted

    The Central Bank just posted its Economic Report for jan-june 2002. It can be downloaded from: It appears as: INFORME DE LA ECONOMIA DOMINICANA Enero-Junio 2002. 1. Indice-Presentaci?n-Ap?ndice (Archivo .pdf, 527 Kb) 2. Contenido Parte I (Archivo...