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    New Airline for Dominican Republic - Ava Airways

    AVA Airways signed 65 million dollar deal to start operating from the Dominican Republic WILLEMSTAD, SANTO DOMINGO ? AVA Airways, represented by Olivier Arrindell and Giovanni Atalita, and Capital Partners, represented by Dan Smith have signed a 65 million dollar deal yesterday in the Dominican...
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    43 year old man kills his 16 year old girlfriend

    El Caribe ? Hombre de 43 a?os ahorca a su novia de 16 en Santiago 43 year old man, registered rapist, killed his 16 year old novia. Invited her to eat a hot dog and killed her. Perhaps 16 year olds should not have novios of 43?
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    Foreigner killed in Santo Domingo

    Autoridades tratan de contactar familiares extranjero asesinado en el Mirador Norte | Despertar Dominicano La Polic?a Nacional inform? hoy que realiza una investigaci?n para tratar de establecer contacto con los familiares de Cedric Sergio Jadoe, el ciudadano de Suriname que result? muerto la...
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    La Isabela Airport

    From this week Aerolineas MAS will fly 2 times a week to Curacao. From La Isabela Airport. Anyone knows this airport? Is it a typical small airport? Busy airport or quiet in order to go through customs quickly?
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    Where to buy the best coffee from the DR?

    I am wondering if anyone has experience with buying coffee in the DR and exporting this. Which coffee plantation would be able to sell the best coffee for the best price?
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    Presidente Festival de la Musica Latina - SD - 3-5 Oct

    Dear all, Anyone know what the price of this festival is?
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    Women trafficing organisation caught in the RD

    Polic?a desmantela red internacional de tr?fico y trata de mujeres Polic?a desmantela red internacional de tr?fico y trata de mujeres I guess somebody was not paying someone his part.... and there is no demand for Dominican 'Bailarinas' abroad!
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    Dominican Republic hookers: Let us work in peace

    Santo Domingo.- Women prostitutes affiliated to the Integral Orientation and Research Center (COIN) and the movement Modemu on Thursday asked Dominican Republic law enforcement agencies to ?let us work in peace? and put a halt to what the they call police abuse. They asked Justice minister...
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    Apartment/Small Hotel Costambar?

    Hi, I am looking for an apartment or small hotel in Costambar (prefer to be near Ocean world). I saw a few places online - Costambar Apartments - Loasa Resort and Spa - Villas Lirio Any of these places recommendable?
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    4 hours to kill in La Vega

    I have like 4 hours in the morning to kill in La Vega. Anyway, a good place to have a good breakfast? and what is there to see and do?