Search results

  1. R

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    The same reason as in the U.S. or other places where a beautiful natural park a wooded oasis in a city that is perfect undergoes a totally unnecessary renovation and gets transformed into a concrete jungle the exact opposite it was originally purposed for. . It's a way to funnel back money to...
  2. R

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    I'm starting to wonder if in time the plazas will slide down into the beach now that they undermined that section by removing the trees.
  3. R

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    So anything new ?
  4. R

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    I'm going with 150
  5. R

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    It seems to be a pattern Dominicans move to New York and want to change their neighborhoods into the D.R. Chinese move to New York "ala" China Town Italians "Little Italy" and expats wanting to see the D.R. be "cleaned up" and transformed into a more Miami/Ft. Lauderdale look feel. I for one...
  6. R

    DR & COVID

    Does anyone still really believe in the Covid hoax ?
  7. R

    Trouble at Perla Marina

    Any updates on the litigation ? Routing for you guys and hoping for the outcome you seek.
  8. R

    Amazon Firestick

    I need a new fire stick remote any ideas where to buy locally?
  9. R

    Trouble at Perla Marina

    Any updates with the litigation or otherwise ?
  10. R

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    Anything new happening on the beach ?
  11. R

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    you can easily copy and paste them right onto the thread
  12. R

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    What is the latest with the beach ? Have they evicted any of the vendors yet ?
  13. R

    Trouble at Perla Marina

    So does this mean someone has a copy of the original plans or will a new rendering of the original intent be submitted ?
  14. R

    Trouble at Perla Marina

    100 % agree, hats off to you citizenofnowhere and all of the HOA members fighting the good fight.
  15. R

    Trouble at Perla Marina

    Any new developments on this ongoing saga ?
  16. R

    Trouble at Perla Marina

    Citizenofnowhere thank you for the clarifications. You sound determined and very composed wishing you Gods speed on a favorable outcome and conclusion. Just curious has the press covered any of this ? Its a hell of a story and if they haven't maybe reaching out to them may help.
  17. R

    Trouble at Perla Marina

    Definitely do not think it is funny at all and my heart goes out to those whom were duped. Is it just me or does anybody else find it incredulous that the man who built and sold these properties under the guise that they will be restricted by minimal building lot sizes can not find the original...
  18. R

    Trouble at Perla Marina

    Let me see if I got this straight ................ #1. half or more of this complex residents do not have water. #2. The HOA is operating in a deficit. #3. Because of the HOA deficit security is being cut resulting in home burglaries. #4. Juan Perdoma and his friends are building more units...
  19. R

    Trouble at Perla Marina

    How does this have to do with water ?
  20. R

    SD Metro Map

    What would be your best guess time wise bus station to airport on a Sunday afternoon say 1 p.m. by taxi ?