Search results

  1. L

    Looking for furniture in SD

    Hi, I am looking for a living rooom set in Santo Domingo....sofa, love seat, a wall unit, etc. I am also looking for a small bed. Please pm me if anyone has these items in relatively good condition and wants to sell. Larry
  2. L

    Toll free 888 numbers

    How do I dial a toll free 888 number from the DR? Gracias
  3. L

    Dentel emergency in Puerto Plata

    Hello everyone, I have not been around here for quite some time. I have been living in Santo Domingo for a couple of years and the last year or so, I have been too busy to post. I am hoping someone can provide me with the name and number of a good dentist in Puerto Plata. Here is...
  4. L

    My new cell number...

    Anyone who wants my new cell number, please PM me.....
  5. L

    Beware of PN in the Capital........roaming gangs of theives

    Hello everyone. I have not been around here in a while with my starting a new job and moving to a new apartment has taken up so much of my time. Anyway, if you live in the capital, I think you should here what happened to me the other night.... I left work around midnight and decided to go...
  6. L

    Looking for furniture in Santo Domingo

    I need to fill a 3 bedroom apartment in Santo Domingo with Furniture. Anyone selling anything such as beds, dressers, sofas, fridge, washer, etc. please send me a pm.
  7. L

    Fabio Guzmans office........

    A few months ago, I had created a thread complaining about my experience with Mr. Guzmans office because they had been unable to get my residency for me because of what I considered to be a minor problem....immigration had detected a stamp on my passport which was a date in the future. I had...
  8. L

    Need a new muffler in Santo Domingo

    Can someone direct me to a muffler place near Gazcue please :) Larry
  9. L

    DR1ers who live in Zona Colonial

    I want to get an idea what the rental market is like in Zona Colonial, SD. I am considering renting a 1 bedroom apartment there in a nice building on a quiet, safe street. I am not looking for a "hole in the wall" type place; I want a nice apartment. Anyone "in the know" please give me an idea...
  10. L

    how to you say "to share"?

    How do you say "to share" in Spanish? Larry
  11. L

    how do you say privileged?

    How do you say "I feel privileged" in Spanish? Larry
  12. L

    Best poker table in SD

    Last weekend, a couple of guys opened a No Limit Texas Hold Em table in the Dominican Fiesta hotel in Santo Domingo. I have played 3 nights and by far, this is the best poker table I have come across in this country. The owners of this table have gone the extra mile to make this a very...
  13. L

    Fabio Guzman...waiting 7 MONTHS now for my cedula through your office :( :(

    Mr. Guzman, I applied for my provisional redicency through your office 7 months ago. On that date, when I went for my medical, paid the initial 500 dollars, and produced all the necessary documents, Mr. Ramia, who works for your office explained to me that my cedula would be ready in "less...
  14. L

    How do you say "eggplant"?

    I typed eggplant into bable fish and got "berenjena" as a translation. Is this how you say it here in the Dominican Republic? Larry
  15. L

    Bus from SD (El conde) to Boca Chica....

    On Sunday I want to head out to Boca Chica to watch some football games on Peter and Flemmings projection TV and suck down a few cold ones, however, my car is currently "indisposed" as I was hit by a crazy Dominican 2 weeks ago which resulted in me slamming it into a telephone pole. I heard...
  16. L

    Birthday threads

    What ever happened to the birthday threads? My birthday is coming up in a couple months and I want everyone to wish me a "Happy Birthday".:pirate: Larry:pirate:
  17. L

    Need to renew my American passport

    My American passport expires in December. Can I get it renewed here in the Dominican Republic? What is the process? Larry
  18. L

    Barbancourt 5 star rum in Santo Domingo

    I am not much of a rum guy but have been trying a few different ones the past week or so. Where can I buy a bottle of Barbancourt 5 star rum in SD? How much should I expect to spend and for what size bottle? Larry
  19. L

    Ammended bar closing times....view from Jarabacoa

    I was in Jarabacoa yesterday and after enjoying a visit to Salto Jimenoa and a few other places with AZB, I decided to spend the night. I went out to a bar right on parque central. Anyone familiar with the area knows where I am talking about. At night, this place comes alive with young people...
  20. L

    Santo Domingo to Jarabacoa directions and a few other questions

    Tomorrow, I am going to take a day trip from the Capital to Jarabacoa. I have seen a sign for Jarabacoa off the highway about 60 miles north of the Capital. Should I take that road and if so, what are the directions after this point? If not, what road should I take. I would like to go to parque...