In Las Terrenas there is an internet cafe. Go down by the cemetery by the beach there is a motoconcho stand the cafe is 30 meters up on the same side. There is a minimarket on the opposite side ask them to show you they speak English..ask for Manuel
Are all the toilets out side of hotels broken?
And wherever I go it seems toilet paper is stolen,hidden or non existent.
Washing vanishing and my ultimate pet hate is phone chargers disappearing.
They close faster than they open and they are not consistent. So I always try new or unvisited venues and find the food around the back of the cemetery on the beach awesome...many to choose from..the view is to die for.
Arrested two guys from Santo Domingo today for the murder of the french Canadian in Las Terrenas in August. More arests anticipated. They apparently targeted rich gringos in tourist areas.. Be careful out there Guys
Las Terrenas is a Ghost town tourist wise I would hate to be a business owner there with shop after shop and restaurants and bars empty. The entire Police force have been replaced along with the prosecutor. I am on several social media sites in the region and the overwhelming feeling is one of a...