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  1. N

    What Would it Take / To Pull Up Stakes ? (Water Shortage)

    WHY WAS MY EARLIER POST DELETED? MODS, if you are going to leave the original post denigrating posters like myself as 'science deniers' PLEASE ALLOW ME the chance to respond. AS I MENTIONED in my deleted post, there is a MOUNTAIN of scientific evidence against so-called 'climate change'. Please...
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    What Would it Take / To Pull Up Stakes ? (Water Shortage)

    According to the first link (2 years old), the only 'action' mentioned is the following: 'As part of the strategy to guarantee water to the capital and the entire country, the Government is studying the construction of dams on the Haina, Artibonito and Yuna rivers, as well as Don Juan and Las...
  3. N

    What Would it Take / To Pull Up Stakes ? (Water Shortage)

    The climate isn't changing any more than it always has, and the DR is not experiencing extended drought. Water is a mismanaged resource in the DR, because the DR is a corrupt mess. In case you hadn't noticed, the world is being increasingly destabilized, largely due to the manufactured Covid...
  4. N

    Domestic Violence in the DR (Again): The Case of Tamara Martínez and That Thing Called Her Ex

    I think there are a lot of cultural factors here, toxic codependency, and, as mentioned above, fear of her abuser seeking retribution. A very valid fear, I might add, as a woman is most likely to be assaulted or murdered when she leaves her abuser. There's also 'Stockholm Syndrome', I suppose...
  5. N

    Cerebral strokes on the rise in the Dominican Republic; push for more and better care centers

    According to the original post, this increase has happened 'in recent years' and 'increasingly in young people'. Now, we may not know why it's happening but we sure know WHAT IT ISN'T. I am wracking my brain trying to think of something that has CHANGED in recent years... it's as if vast...
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    Future looks very good for DR

    I assumed he was former military, retired or classified as disabled due to mental illness (PTSD). That plus 10 yrs in DR would make him not so young himself! ;-)
  7. N

    To give or NOT to give “LA CENA”

    Was stopped with 'frens' and one of my frens talked the cop out of the bribe - never gave him a cent although we were there a while but my fren was very tenacious. I would have paid but my fren was feeling resentful and on principle simply wouldn't do it and they let us go.
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    Are they expats? Dominicans?
  9. N


    karma has her way sometimes, that's for sure - not often enough tho IMO
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    It is not right to blame the victim of a crime under any circumstances but my God what was he thinking with all that gold?!??!? Serious lapse in judgement and probably not the first poor life choice he's made.
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    Calling Someone Amor

    In many Latin cultures, using someone's first name is a sign they're in trouble or some serious talk needs to happen. I don't recall my Colombian bf EVER using my proper name. Always a nickname or term of endearment. Come to think of it, does he actually KNOW my name????? Hmmmmmmm....
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    Calling Someone Amor

    Here in small town British Columbia, older men will sometimes call me 'dear' when out and about. I think it's sweet and cute!
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    My 2 tips: 1. If you are using a moto, get them to drop you off near your home but not AT your home. 2. I noticed that Dominican women go walking and running in a group. As nice as it might be to take a peaceful walk alone, it's much much safer to join a group and go together. Edit: just noticed...
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    Cool sculpting Treatment in DR

    In Linda Evangelista's case the Coolsculpting treatment caused the fat to GROW BIGGER instead of dying off... yikes!
  15. N

    End of Life Scenario

    I support compassionate action to end suffering at the end of life. In Canada, assisted dying will be available for the mentally ill and for children, who will be able to give their consent without needing to inform their parents. IMO this is a bridge too far. Very sad to see what Canada is...
  16. N

    Cool sculpting Treatment in DR

    An acquaintance of mine got this done here in Canada with a reputable doctor. She did 2 areas: lower abdomen and outer thighs. The lower abdomen did not work at all - it looks just as poochy as ever. The outer thighs ended up very irregular. It looks like a big lump is missing from her thigh...
  17. N

    Visitation Regulations in SD Hospital

    I think the issue, Ken, is that your unbelievable naivety may appear (to some of the less trusting members) to be trolling. The huge gaps in critical thinking, the contradictory posts, the stereotypical situation in which you find yourself DO present signs that you are a Sock Puppet. Now you may...
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    Looking for a Local Driver

    Your girlfriend and her family/friends will surely have the contact info of a trustworthy driver for you Ken.
  19. N

    Visitation Regulations in SD Hospital

    Ken I'm sorry to hear that your girlfriend has cancer. Are you in the DR with her? Or has she informed you of her diagnosis from a distance?
  20. N

    Three doses of Covid-19 vaccine; vaccine stocks have not expired

    I would argue that people sharing their own experiences with these highly dangerous M-RNA shots (not vaccines at all by the traditional definition), as well as sharing what their eyes and ears tell them, as they see friends and acquaintances fall ill and sometimes die after their shots, are not...