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  1. bachata

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    Yes same one! JJ
  2. bachata

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    I am surprised nobody mentioned it, I just learned last Sunday morning that the Cuarteria on Calle Ayuntamiento where most Sosúa Chicas Alegres stay overnight was shutdown by the health department due not sanitary conditions. JJ
  3. bachata

    Feud in Sosua JJ
  4. bachata

    Feud in Sosua

    I think they are not going to do much about, in Santiago we've seen the same situation in the past, president Balaguer relocated afectados by flood and fire. Cien Fuegos and Monterrico multifamiliares just two examples of housing programs where thousands of apartments were given to the poor...
  5. bachata

    Famous Dominican Hillbilly Lolo.

    Hombre hermitaño y solitario de la comunidad de Manabao sección de Jarabaoa have been missing for almost two weeks now. Defensa Civil, Policía Nacional y otras autoridades han estado al mando de la búsqueda acompañados de los comunitarios. They have been searching by land, by Water Rio Yaque...
  6. bachata

    Explosion in Sosúa leaves injured, law firm building collapsed

    In DR we wrapped water in plastic bags to make ice. JJ
  7. bachata

    Explosion in Sosúa leaves injured, law firm building collapsed

    I took this picture in July this year, as you can see the construction in the background is the house where the explosion took place. JJ
  8. bachata

    Lawyer office explosion

    She died afterwards, looks like she was severely internal injured. JJ
  9. bachata

    Lawyer office explosion

    Talked today with the maintenance guy in the building where Banco Santa Cruz is located, he said some windows shattered on the upper levels. I asked to go and CK my windows, not problem thankfully. JJ
  10. bachata

    Motorcyclists out of control; Finjus and Fenamoto have proposals to deal with the chaos

    The Haitian that do deliveries from el colmado to my Mom's house was assaulted by two others Haitians last week, the stole the motor from him which belongs to the owner of El Colmado. The owner of El Colmado told my Mom that he didn't want to believe the story until a Dominican lady resident in...
  11. bachata

    Motorcyclists out of control; Finjus and Fenamoto have proposals to deal with the chaos

    Not in Santiago, the other day since the Migra was rounding them up my Mom was complaining about delivery shortages. She buy everything from el colmado and la farmacia using WhatsApp. JJ
  12. bachata

    Motorcyclists out of control; Finjus and Fenamoto have proposals to deal with the chaos

    Just thinking about most motoconchos and delivery guys are undocumented Haitians. How you are going to sue? JJ
  13. bachata

    Murder in front of Blue Ice

    Chicas and the guys after them are the ones who attract this environmental violence on the streets of downtown Sosúa. Just my two cents! JJ
  14. bachata

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    When I am in DR I carry with me a US passport card, people love that ID over there... Everybody would like to have one! JJ
  15. bachata

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    I am just sharing what I saw on FB, I am far away from Sosúa. Stay warm over there. JJ
  16. bachata

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    It happened early today, keep your passport handy. They May come back tomorrow. JJ
  17. bachata

    Sosúa Beach Renovations

    The cleanup continues today on the streets of Sosúa, La Camiona rounding up illegals immigrants. I heard there was 50 guardias in town. JJ
  18. bachata

    Dominican citizens now need to show IDs to leave the country

    I have been required to show my Cedula last two times leaving DR, second time I have to see a second immigration officer to validate my dual citizenship. JJ
  19. bachata

    Fighting @ Darío Contreras Hospital

    Esto se jodió! JJ