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  1. E

    Taco Tuesday You all!

    A free bus will be leaving Sosua El Neptuno at 6:30pm. A stop at Eddys Sports bar to lead the way for bus #2 and off to Tacos. The girls returned and the Hooters boyz are in town with Badpiece. Big night tonight!
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    1st Annual Childrens Benefit Auction

    On Thursday the 24th of November we are going to have the first Annual Childrens Benefit Auction which will take place at Eddys Sports Bar in Sosua at 9pm. There is also going to be a Thanksgiving Dinner where 74 pesos from every meal will go to the cause with a limit on 100 dinners to be...
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    6th Annual US Thanksgiving Day Bash

    This is the info you have all been waiting for. Please make your reservations as soon as possible. Dinners will be limited to the first 100 reservations but the Bar won't be limited so even if you don't have a reservation please stop in to say hello! This event promises to be the biggest...
  4. E

    Wet T-shirt Contest at Taco Tuesday!

    Yup, you heard it here first! Prizes to be announced shortly. Be there or be square!
  5. E

    Taco Tuesday

    Again I am one day early instead of last minute! Glad to be of service here folks. The Free Sosua Taxi to Taco Tuesday will be leaving Sosua at 6:30pm promptly from El Neptuno. Since Dawniepooh will not be here with her car as a backup (sniff, sniff, I miss her already and she hasn't left...
  6. E

    Sassy woman Pick up lines...

    The waiter took the Merlot to the woman and said, "This is from the gentleman seated over there," indicating the sender. She regarded the wine cooly for a second without looking over at the man, and decided to send a reply note. The waiter, who was lingering for a response, took the note...
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    New Energy Measures

    Lets see, so far this government has put out of business many free zone companies. Now in their wisdom they are making Gasoline NOT available on Saturdays after 12pm and Sunday. That means that people cannot travel on weekends now. Watch Hotels who depend on Dominican Tourists CLOSE up...
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    Taco Tuesday

    Well it is that time of the week again and I am posting for the first time the day before. Give everyone a chance to hook up instead of all the last minute stuff we do on Tuesday afternoons when it usually hits me. I am leaving Sosua at 6:30pm for Taco Tuesday if anyone needs a ride along with...
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    Problems with Orange phones starting with 6

    If you have an orange phone starting with a 6 you may have problems getting calls from Verizon phones until Orange gets this fixed. I just spoke to the North Coast Rep about this and he said he has already reported this to Orange and there have been many complaints. Changing numbers will help...
  10. E

    Reminder about Taco Tuesday!!

    Today is Taco Tuesday and a bunch of us are going from Sosua if you need a ride. I still have a couple of seats leaving from El Neptuno at 6:30pm. I am sure there will be other offers of rides on this thread like there was last week. Directions: From Cabarete: first right turn after kite...
  11. E

    New Rum

    Don Rhon VSOP Gran reservas I just bought a bottle. Anyone have anything to say about it? Escott
  12. E

    Brahma Beer

    I just had one and it ain't too bad! Cant give a great write up because I had it with my Yuca Frittas Con Pollo and Hot Sauce. 6 pesos less than the rip off Presidente at the Super Mercado so they got my vote! Screw overpriced presidente. When another decent beer comes out at 6 pesos less...
  13. E

    It's Taco Tuesday EVERYONE!!

    We have a big contingent from Sosua and hopefully Puerto Plata going tonight and everyone else is invited. If you are coming from Sosua it is the first left on a dirt road after Costa Azul. If you are coming from Cabarete it is the first Right on a dirt road after Extreme Hotel. Take the road...
  14. E

    Looking for leads on Commercial Kitchen

    Comon folks, everyone knows a restaurant that has gone out of business. I am looking to buy their equipment. Also leads on Companies in the DR that deal in USED and NEW equipment would be a big help. Went to two places in Santiago today but they were EXPENSIVE! HELLLLLLLLLP
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    Looking for person in Santo Domingo

    I was asked to post this by a friend. Thanks for your help in advance. Name: Wy Batroni Andre (Women) Address: Calle Granada #24 Puerta de Hierro Ahonda Santo Domingo R.D. 52015 If you find her ask her to either call these numbers or have her daughters call please. He said to...
  16. E

    Best Tacos on North Coast!

    This is the Place that Taco Tuesday is held. A great place run by great people that attracts GREAT PEOPLE! I take a different crew of people to this joint every week. I have had such a great time and have looked forward to going for such a long time I decided that it should go into Best in...
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    Headlines for 2029

    Headlines from the year 2029! Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia, formally known as California. White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language. Baby conceived naturally - -...
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    Why AZB likes Santiago more... (easy Larry)

    So he can be near to what is dear to him and be everything he ever wanted to be! AZB, I really love you but you have to get a life! LOL
  19. E

    Birth of a business and purchase of dirt I have taken a turn in my blog to reflect thoughts and tribulations of purchasing a piece of property and starting a business in Sosua. If this interests you check my blog. I hope to provide some insight on what goes into this right from the start. I hope...
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    On my way to my mini-finca today a motorcycle comes to a corner and turns left without even looking at my jeepeta coming up on his arse. Not even a passing glance to his right. On the way back on the highway that goes from Puerto Plata to Cabarete two vehicles are stopped side by side chatting...