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  1. K

    Yet another terrible trip with AA

    Plane delayed, and delayed and delayed in MIA. I tierd and cranky but this is the second time in a row with AA. I want to stick with them for the FF miles, but... If I had not chosen that flight specially because i could get home in the middle of the day, or gone shopping. If they had...
  2. K

    Rocks and trees and all these things - to Yoda

    In 5 days in Santo domingo for the Pan Am games. Addmitedly i was a bio major and am a little bit of a hippy, but i really like DR. I had a wonderful time. Learned to be truly ashamed of my countrymen, who saw garbage and poverty, inefficiency and unfinished games sites. Look beyond that and...
  3. K

    Los Acorrizos - any advice? - is that a good place to stay?

    Los Alcorrizos - any advice? - is that a good place to stay? My new map shows a few little towns. One is named "Los Alcorrizos" the others in the area are so small that they don't have names on the maps i bought here in California. Anyway that looks like where I want to stay for the week...
  4. K

    Wanted, a room to rent NW of SD, Aug 5-10

    Excited :bunny: i get to come to DR! Ok, now, how about a place to stay... Near the horse site, 18 km from SD on Hwy Duarte, or maybe farther out, where packers and mountain climbers usually leave from??? I am looking for a Budget room. Aug 5, maybe 5-10. I'm a good renter, and not...
  5. K

    Wanted, a room to rent NW of SD

    :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: Ok, now, how about a place to stay... update: I found a room, thanks! old post; Near the horse site, 18 km from SD on Hwy Duarte, or maybe farther out, where packers and mountainclimbers usually leave from??? I am looking for a Budget room. Aug 5, maybe...
  6. K

    wanted, camper info, NW of SD

    update; I found a room. I still hope to do some backpacking, but there are so many wonderful things to do first. bye, Thanks, - k old post ... Can anyone help me find a place to stay for August 5 of August 5 to 10? I am looking for a room to rent for 5 days, or at least for the night of...
  7. K

    I need a place to stay

    Wanted: a room to rent NW of SD, Aug 5 -10 Excited :bunny: i get to come to DR! Ok, now, how about a place to stay... Near the horse site, 18 km from SD on Hwy Duarte, or maybe farther out, where packers and mountain climbers usually leave from??? I am looking for a Budget room...
  8. K

    Let's enjoy the whole trip LAX to MIA to SDQ

    Anyone going to arrive SDQ August 5? Maybe we can share a taxi instead of the fabled guaguas? See ya?-k
  9. K

    DEET etc. info.

    Here is what my HMO sent, DEET is short for N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide Med note: Motor vehicle accidents are the greatestest risk of all. In DR malaria risk = none in resorts, some in rural areas especially near Haiti. Avoid mosquito bites, and fresh water, and walking barefoot. Places in US...
  10. K

    looking for a room but flexible

    Location is the important thing. It may be a problem because the Pan Am games start etc. So far, I'm planning on taking guaguas and then asking around. But it is a pain in the neck to carry a massage table and I hate to leave it in the US. About 18-25 KM up HWY 1. Is that close to...
  11. K

    room near the horses

    Wanted; a room to rent, near the horses Ok, now we have good directions, how about a place to stay... Thanks BTW. Near the horse site, or maybe where packers and mountainclimbers usually leave from??? I am looking for a Budget room. Aug 5, maybe 5-10. As near as possible. I'm not...