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  1. R


    Has the crossfit craze hit the DR yet? I was talking about it to my cousin that lives in Santiago and he had not heard of it.
  2. R

    Crazy Dominicanas!

    What in the world were these women thinking? 6 Women Hospitalized After Botched Butt-Enhancing Procedures - Incredible Health -
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    Question about Aid

    My son's school and all the other schools in the district here in TX are collecting items to send to Haiti. All the 1st graders are to bring a Tube of Toothpaste and Toothbrush..The other grades are tasked with bringing other similar items. Are these items really needed? Wouldn't it make more...
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    Flu shot and H1N1 available in the DR?

    Hi, My mom is coming to visit me in the U.S. for the birth of my baby. It'll be during flu season and I want her to get the shots before she gets here. Are they or will they be readily available in the DR? Or do I have to make arrangements for her to get them in the U.S. Thanks
  5. R

    Are you teaching your kids Spanish?

    I'm Dominican and my Husband is American and doesn't speak Spanish. I want my son to learn Spanish, but I'm having a hard time teaching him. It just hasn't worked out that I would talk to him in Spanish and his Dad in English. He is 5yrs old and only knows a handful of words in Spanish. I'm...
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    Question about U.S. taxes on Dominican acct

    Hi, If a U.S citizen residing in the U.S. inherits property and bank accts in the DR, how does one report the income on their taxes? And does one have to pay the same rate as you would if you inherit in the U.S? Thanks
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    Interesting article

    I wonder how much of this is going on in the DR also..
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    Las Damas development

    Hi All, Does anyone know anything about this development? Is it a nice neighborhood? Middleclass? Thanks
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    little league World Series

    Does the DR participate in the little league World Series? If not, why don't they? You would think that they would have a very competitive team.
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    Will there ever be...

    with all the airlines cancelling routes to the DR, looks like my hope of a direct flight from Houston to SDQ will never happen :disappoin
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    Open Book: Junot Diaz Interview on

    Check it out. Slate V
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    Mana Concert

    Is anyone going to the Mana Concert on 6/12? If yes, I'm so jealous. Wish I could be there. Please take pics so you can share. Thanks
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    Alberca or Piscina

    Is Alberca used in the D.R. at all? I ask because I always called a swimming pool a "Piscina", but all my Mexican friends call it an Alberca. At first, I didn't know what they were talking about and they didn't know what I was talking about when I said Piscina.
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    Dominican Food

    Hi All, I'm embarrassed to say that although I'm Dominican, I do not know how to cook Dominican food. I promised a couple of friends (who have never eaten Dominican food) that I will make a Dominican meal for them. What dishes do you recommend I make? Once I figure out what to cook, I will...
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    Surname Adame

    Hi, I'm trying to figure what region of the DR the surname Adame (was my maiden name) comes from. I'm orginally from Santiago, but I wonder if this surname is popular in other parts of the country?