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  1. P

    The origin of the word "gringo"

    Just wanted to share: Gringo. BTW the article refer to it as a derogatory term. The consensus in this thread, and I agree, is that this is almost never the case in the DR.
  2. P

    Long-term US visa renewal

    I found this thread by Chiri, but it is very old. Has anything changed since? I long for the days when I would just send my passport with the messenger and have him pick it up again. Thankyouverymuch Osama!
  3. P

    A broken fairytale...

    This was apropos of Franks thread, which I did not want to hijack. I figured I post it in its own thread. -------------------------------------------------------- I also use to rent an apartment short-term in Santo Domingo. Oh, the things I saw! I am a very discreet person, anyone that knows...
  4. P

    Wireless Internet East Coast (with kudos to DR1 and MikeFisher)

    For the two of you that pay any attention to my posts, the Bok-Pib family has recently relocated to the Independent Republic of PuntaCana. With this I complete my lifelong dream of living as far from my hometown as possible without actually leaving the island. ;) Anyway... Relocating, even...
  5. P

    Trivia game - with prize

    I cleared this with Rob before doing it, just so you know. :cheeky: The game is simple. I am going to post 10 questions in this thread, one at a time and at random (no specific times) between now and Wednesday. If you know the answer to the current question send it to me by PM. Once the next...
  6. P

    Nikon D70 digital SLR camera for sale in Sto. Dgo. (extras included)

    I am selling a Nikon D70 in perfectly good condition which was recently cleaned by the local Nikon representative. Camera was bought over a year ago and has been used mostly for indoors (food) photography. Comes with standard accesories plus the following: 3 Flash cards (5.5 GB with their...
  7. P

    I shall henceforth boicot Plaza Lama (probably)

    I always knew that they were nothing but a glorified colmado, and after watching how they handle food I had long decided that I'd never buy food there, and I haven't but today they managed to break their own outstanding record of crapiness. Trying to avoid driving more than is strictly...
  8. P

    "Bush congratulates Fernandez"

    ... he then patted Fernandez on the back and exclaimed "you're doing a heckuva job!". ;)
  9. P

    Some days are not worth getting out of bed.

    First the fridge broke down last night, presumably fried by a voltage spike. I had to move most things to the freezer, which was as cool as the fridge should be. Some things had to be thrown away. Today I locate a tech guy who could come and fix it the same day, he works specifically with this...
  10. P

    Teeny weeny DR1 meeting.

    We were in MC last weeked to attend my granny's BD party (she turned 90). When Bok and I went to have dinner we met Rafael there. What a coincidence! So here is the picture: This is a picture of two famous rock stars with whom I had breakfast the next day: ;)
  11. P

    Kid with double nationality: how do we get her out?

    We are travelling with our kid for the first time in the next couple of months. She has a Danish EU passport and, as she was born here, a Dominican birth certificate. Here comes the dilemma: If she leaves with her EU passport (as she should, else she would need a visa) how do we get her back in...
  12. P

    Questions on the legality of Boopie-making (more of a tax question)

    I am very good at making boopies. One day a friend comes home and tries my boopies and loves it. The word spreads out and soon lots of people want to try my boopies. I start making and selling boopies from home and soon after I am making some money on it. I then realize that I could make a...
  13. P

    International health insurance

    We have recently inquired about international health insurance, something that would cover catastrophic diseases for our family of 3 (2 35 yos and a newborn baby, non-smokers and in perfect health) and were surprised to find out that it would cost nearly US$6000.00/year. I have heard many...
  14. P

    Lunes zapatero?

    Why is the city so quiet? Why is the school across my street closed? Did everybody lose the way back in? Did some revolutionary army take the toll booths per my idea? Oh well, tomorrow is then lunes cimarr?n. *Dominican idioms left purposely untranslated to baffle the uninitiated. ;)
  15. P

    Loser pays.

    Is it still so in the Dominican legal system?
  16. P

    Big Game fishing

    One of my husband's co-workers is interested in visiting the DR for fishing. He's been to Costa Rica, Mauritius, Kenya and has a trip to Guatemala planned. He's expects to pay at least 500 usd/day he paid 850 a day in CR,(Guatemala is going to be even more for a top notch boat, gear and crew) ...
  17. P

    Does anyone here speak Danish?

    If you do, please PM me.
  18. P

    What bird is this?

    Ever since we moved in this bird shows here every day, nowadays it comes many times a day. At least once a day it has a lizzard in its beak (the first two pictures) and as of lately it is also bring twits and leaving them on the windowsill, aparently for a nest. What bird is this?
  19. P

    Sending medication to the US by courier.

    My mom and dad are on a trip to the US and won't be back for a few weeks. Mom, bless her lousy memory, has 'misplaced' her medication, which is entirely necessary for her survival. She is good until next Thursday when she'll run out of it, and doctors in a hospital in the US told her they can't...
  20. P

    Gay Dominican granted assylum in the US due to sexual orientation.

    I stumbled upon this article about a male gay Dominican who seeked asylum in the US based on persecution due to this sexual orientation. From the article: He was later granted asylum by US authorities. Here is my question, are gay Dominicans trully that persecuted? It is not my experience...