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  1. M


    Work project entails me trying to find pictures of people paragliding?in action, up in the air. Can anyone assist?
  2. M

    List of protected areas

    I am hoping that someone can assist me with protected areas. For a work project, I am preparing a map that is to show protected areas (national parks, natural monuments, etc.). I found a great government map (#14) at There is a problem...
  3. M

    Protected areas

    I am hoping that someone can assist me with protected areas. I am working on a map that is to show protected areas (national parks, natural monuments, etc.). I found a great government map (#14) at There is a problem...
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    Road going north from Boca de Yuma

    Anyone know the route number of the road leading north out of Boca de Yuma to Hig?ey?Route 3 or 4? Gracias!
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    Route number leading north out of Santo Domingo

    Anyone know the route number of the highway leading northwest out of Santo Domingo to Santiago?Route 1 or 1A?