Search results

  1. J

    Taino Park Museum

    Does anyone know if the Taino Park Museum on the road between Sanchez and Samana is still in existence?
  2. J

    Bus to Sosua

    Does anyone know if there is a bus leaving from Las Terrenas to Sosua or Puerto Plata?
  3. J

    AA meetings

    AA meetings are being held in English in Las Terrenas every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m at the Plaza colonial. If you would like more information, please send me a private message.
  4. J

    Fishing boats

    Does anyone know if someone is running a charter fishing boat in Las Terrenas?
  5. J

    Good eats!

    We just had a great crunchified hamburger at the Baraonda restaurant from the Alisei Hotel in Las Terrenas.
  6. J

    Aa meetings in las terrenas

    AA Meetings are being conducted on the second floor, above La Bodega across from El Paseo on Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. (open meetings) and on Fridays at 10:00 a.m. (open meetings). Everyone is welcome.
  7. J

    French restaurants

    Yesterday we had lunch at the new La Salsa restaurant (which is a French restaurant) in the Fishermen's Village. The prices are very affordable and the food, although very small portions, was good; HOWEVER, the menu was only in French. Why in the world, in a Spanish speaking country, you would...
  8. J

    Express bus from Santo Domingo to Las Terrenas and vice-versa

    I recently took this bus to Santo Domingo with some sort of apprehension since no one really seemed to know much about it. I received all sorts of erroneous information when I was trying to find out about it, so here is the real thing: The bus is a 38 passenger, airconditioned (no bathroom so...
  9. J

    Express bus - las terrenas-santo domingo

    I recently took this bus to Santo Domingo with some sort of apprehension since no one really seemed to know much about it. I received all sorts of erroneous information when I was trying to find out about it, so here is the real thing: The bus is a 38 passenger, airconditioned (no bathroom so...
  10. J

    AA Meetings

    AA meetings a ready to resume in the area of Las Terrenas. Anyone interested, please contact us via private message. Juniper
  11. J

    AA meeting

    AA meeting tomorrow, Monday the 14th in Las Terrenas. Send PM for more information.
  12. J

    AA meetings

    AA meetings have resumed in Las Terrenas. Send me a private message if you need more information.
  13. J

    Samana - Protecting the Environment

    To those interested in the Samana area, please go to page 6 on the following link.: This was published in an effort to keep the new Environment Protection Agent that was assigned to this area. Apparently, he is doing a good job forcing people to adhere to the laws of this country...
  14. J

    Flea market in las terrenas

    Does anyone know when is the flea market and arts and crafts show going to take place in Las Terrenas?
  15. J

    Aa meetings in las terrenas

    There will be an AA meeting tomorrow, Friday the 29th of this month. Those interested in attending, please send me a private message for the details. The meetings are very small and they are all in English. AA-LAS TERRENAS
  16. J

    Aa meetings

    Hi everyone. AA meetings are being scheduled again in Las Terrenas. If you would like to assist, send me a private message so that I can give you the details.
  17. J

    AA Meetings

    We continue to hold AA meetings in Las Terrenas. Feel free to send me a private message for more information.
  18. J

    AA meetings

    AA meetings are being started in Las Terrenas, Samana. Anyone interested, please let me know. You can send me a private message.
  19. J

    AA meetings

    AA meetings are being started in Las Terrenas, Samana. Anyone interested, please let me know. You can send me a private message.
  20. J

    Hospital in Los Alcarrizos

    Can anyone tell me how to get to the hospital in Los Alcarrizos? (Also known as Los Americanos). I am involved in humanitarian work and want to bring a baby girl who needs surgery.