PLD: 29 senadur?as

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
No, but then yes.
The PLD excelled at using it's position of rule to crush the competition's efforts, in decibels, size and location of purple banners and numbers of jeepetas covered in their colors as well as TV-time in purple-tainted "news"-reports.

From what I heard on the street, people here seem to have a declared tendency to vote for whom they feel is winning anyway.

The really BIG news is that the PRSC has definitely succumbed to the fact that it has apparently finally dawned on most of it's potential constituents that Balaguer may not stand for re-election after all. The party has definitely lost it's "virtual" leader and thus allure and often got less than 1% of the votes. Quite a downfall, from once having being the almost totalitarian ruling party.
They will need a new leader quick, a charismatic one, with brains too. Aristi did definitely not cut it.

... J-D.


Feb 3, 2002
Make that 30...the only province where the PLD seems to have lost (and even that is not fully done yet as the margin of difference is about 3%) is Pedernales. So with this mandate that they have now expect them to make changes to the constitution to suit whatever they desire. Do not discount Leonel running again in 2012, as he's the new Balaguer (minus the tortures), but he may run again because "the country needs him and the people want it..."

I'm somewhat happy (cautiously optimistic) as two longtime friends of mine won for majors of both towns where I grew up. They are both good people, but we'll see if they don't get corrupted by power and greed. At least it can't be worse than the current major of our town who has stolen all the money to build himself a very nice clinic in San Pedro de Macoris and buy himself a nice villa in Metro Country Club...

? bient?t

En el bolet?n nacional no. 9, la JCE otorga al PLD 31 provincias, y La Altagracia al PRSC.

Ahora Amable dice que va a dejar la Liga y a ejercer su labor de senador por ?ltima vez. Eso hay que verlo para creerlo.


Apr 28, 2006
Do not discount Leonel running again in 2012, as he's the new Balaguer (minus the tortures), but he may run again because "the country needs him and the people want it..."

He can't because the new constitution that he rammed through, prohibits more than two consecutive terms, but he is eligible to run again in 2016. So its two terms, one off for presidential elections as long as the person wants to keep going.:paranoid:

But of course he can ram another updated constitution again.:cheeky:


Feb 3, 2002
He can't because the new constitution that he rammed through, prohibits more than two consecutive terms, but he is eligible to run again in 2016. So its two terms, one off for presidential elections as long as the person wants to keep going.:paranoid:

But of course he can ram another updated constitution again.:cheeky:

Like Balaguer once said The Constitution is just a piece of paper...

I knew it was going to be bad for The PRD this time, but didn't expect it to be this bad. They even swept places which are very traditionally PRD bastions (i.e. Cotui, Azua, San Jose de Ocoa, etc).

? bient?t

I knew it was going to be bad for The PRD this time, but didn't expect it to be this bad. They even swept places which are very traditionally PRD bastions (i.e. Cotui, Azua, San Jose de Ocoa, etc).

Even Valverde went morado! And with 94.60% counted in Pedernales, el PLD y aliados are leading by 35 votes.


Jan 1, 2002
So Vladimir will have to yield the mayor's seat to Illiana Neuman?

... J-D

My cleaning woman lives in La Union. Last election they were strong for PLD, but she said this election that they were going for Illiana.


Feb 3, 2002
Except the present vote wasn't fixed, as far as we know.

Sort of true...I guess if you don't count all the government resources that were used to buy votes. Sure PRD did it too, but to a much lesser scale as they are not in power thus have to use their own money. We seem to be regressing in this matter. Parties have bought votes since the times of Balaguer, but it seems this is getting worse and worse every year whereas some people won't even vote anymore if they are not given money, appliances, or something...They flagrantly setup shop right in front of the voting stations to buy votes and the JCE does nothing about it.


Mar 4, 2004
Sort of true...I guess if you don't count all the government resources that were used to buy votes. Sure PRD did it too, but to a much lesser scale as they are not in power thus have to use their own money. We seem to be regressing in this matter. Parties have bought votes since the times of Balaguer, but it seems this is getting worse and worse every year whereas some people won't even vote anymore if they are not given money, appliances, or something...They flagrantly setup shop right in front of the voting stations to buy votes and the JCE does nothing about it.

Without even counting the distribution of goodies like appliances, vote buying as in cedula buying certainly noted by Participacion Cuidadania & OAS observers. We knew this in advance, though didn't we? We knew there was a determination by the ruling party to remain just that.

Plus according to OAS observers 35% of voting population voted, 60% abstained.
OEA reitera importante papel jugado por la JCE; sit?a la abstenci?n en un 60%

I don't even know whether you call it shenanigans here or........normality.


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
No, but then yes.
The PLD excelled at using it's position of rule to crush the competition's efforts, in decibels, size and location of purple banners and numbers of jeepetas covered in their colors as well as TV-time in purple-tainted "news"-reports.
... J-D.

But how can this be true?, didn't NALs said that in DR elections are clean?.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
According to JCE Bulletin #10 and doing rough rounding to the 000's, 44% of registered voters did vote, 26% more than the esteemed OAS claimed. Heck, there was only a 37% voter turnout for the 2006 midterm elections in the US.

56/5% turned out for the "mid terms" in '06.

Seems those who ~cared~ to vote likes what the PLD is offering them.

For those who chose not to vote out of protest: you just got a whole lot more of what you don't like. Suggestion: chose another strategery. This one backfired.

The people have spoken.