No blacks, no gays... Rua's Bar defends policy

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May 29, 2004
Manager of Rua's Bar and lounge in the capital defends policy of barring black and homosexual patrons:

“Rua's reserves the right to admission, it’s a right which bars have to decide who can and who cannot enter, our public is demanding and elite and decides whom to rub elbows with and whom not,”

Personally, I don't like the policy... but believe they should have the right to make their own policy as a private business.



New member
Jul 9, 2008
Hmm... strange.

Let's assume they have that right (would have to look at laws since that IS what grants rights on a per-country basis) still not sure I would want to go somewhere like that.

Sounds snobbish here. Too much snobs in this little pais, I avoid them. Boring and dull.

Thought's on what? On segregation in a bar? Segregation is a failed policy. Already been there and done that.

USA, India, China, and just about every country in the past has had some formal system of segregation. Some still do but seems to be changing fairly quickly as these things go.

There will always be segregation in a capitalistic world. That's OK with me because it based on what one has and doesn't [i.e. changeable] (not everyone can buy a ticket into the ISS for example). Segregation based on skin color however, a bit different. You can't change that (barring MJ, but then it was genetic + surgery). Homosexuality? Latin culture hates appears to hate homosexuality. That's not changed yet.


Jul 25, 2007
I think it is absolutely horrible that they are not permitting blacks in this bar.

As far as homosexuals go I will say that from my Catholic point of view it is destroying Western culture little by little. People can't see it because they are way too pc. To wit, a guy can't even look another guy in the States anymore without being thought of as weird as this is what everybody assumes when a man has a perpetual grin on his face when talking to other men strangers. Refreshingly enough that hasn't happened here yet. I hope it never does.


*** Sin Bin ***
Mar 27, 2010
how is this a a big problem? most dominicans are mixed-race with an 11% black minority, so 89% of us could get in. in the dr black is someone who looks haitian or african. but i guess this is still wrong


Apr 28, 2006
As far as homosexuals go I will say that from my Catholic point of view it is destroying Western culture little by little.

Those pedophile priests can sure give a lesson or two on Western's culture DESTRUCTION!!!! Run for your lives/:paranoid::laugh:
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Apr 28, 2006
Personally, I don't like the policy... but believe they should have the right to make their own policy as a private business.


I don't know the specifics of the laws in the DR pertaining to this, but if discrimination for the color of your skin is codified in the laws then that supersedes the concept of a private business making its own policy.


Nov 22, 2009
Manager of Rua's Bar and lounge in the capital defends policy of barring black and homosexual patrons:

“Rua's reserves the right to admission, it’s a right which bars have to decide who can and who cannot enter, our public is demanding and elite and decides whom to rub elbows with and whom not,”

Personally, I don't like the policy... but believe they should have the right to make their own policy as a private business.


Just like I do in my intention to drive them out of business. I AM THE LIFE OF THE PARTY!
Without me the party is just a bunch of bed-wetting insurance agents listening to Mitch Miller albums dubbed over a techno beat.


Active member
Mar 28, 2007
I think it is absolutely horrible that they are not permitting blacks in this bar.

As far as homosexuals go I will say that from my Catholic point of view it is destroying Western culture little by little. People can't see it because they are way too pc. To wit, a guy can't even look another guy in the States anymore without being thought of as weird as this is what everybody assumes when a man has a perpetual grin on his face when talking to other men strangers. Refreshingly enough that hasn't happened here yet. I hope it never does.

Hmmm... you must be Canadian because I laugh and smile with my male friends all the time here in the states. Why do you think everyone assumes it is weird for a man to smile at another man? I certainly do not assume that and I invite everyone to please post here and let us know if that is what you assume when men smile at each other. This is important because I want to know if I am in the minority. And since religious views throughout history have been responsible for more death, suffering and discrimination than any other thing, I think your Catholic point of view or someones Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, whatever point of view does much more harm than good in this world. Here's hoping men don't smile at you! Another one of those "All Gods children" till they do something you don't like. Tell me Chip, how would you prevent the fall of Western culture? Concentration camps? Maybe just round them up and torture them like the Catholic church did to people during in the Inquisition. Why not give the gays to the Church...... Priest enrollment will certainly rise.


Apr 28, 2006
Did a little digging and came up with what the new constitution says about this......Somebody feels discriminated and has some money to burn, get a good lawyer and I think you have a good case.

Art?culo 39.- Derecho a la igualdad. Todas las personas nacen libres e iguales ante
la ley, reciben la misma protecci?n y trato de las instituciones, autoridades y dem?s
personas y gozan de los mismos derechos, libertades y oportunidades, sin ninguna
discriminaci?n por razones de g?nero, color, edad, discapacidad, nacionalidad, v?nculos
familiares, lengua, religi?n, opini?n pol?tica o filos?fica, condici?n social o personal
. En
1) La Rep?blica condena todo privilegio y situaci?n que tienda a quebrantar la
igualdad de las dominicanas y los dominicanos, entre quienes no deben existir
otras diferencias que las que resulten de sus talentos o de sus virtudes;
2) Ninguna entidad de la Rep?blica puede conceder t?tulos de nobleza ni
distinciones hereditarias;
3) El Estado debe promover las condiciones jur?dicas y administrativas para que la
igualdad sea real y efectiva y adoptar? medidas para prevenir y combatir la
discriminaci?n, la marginalidad, la vulnerabilidad y la exclusi?n;
4) La mujer y el hombre son iguales ante la ley. Se proh?be cualquier acto que
tenga como objetivo o resultado menoscabar o anular el reconocimiento, goce o
ejercicio en condiciones de igualdad de los derechos fundamentales de mujeres
y hombres. Se promover?n las medidas necesarias para garantizar la
erradicaci?n de las desigualdades y la discriminaci?n de g?nero;
5) El Estado debe promover y garantizar la participaci?n equilibrada de mujeres y
hombres en las candidaturas a los cargos de elecci?n popular para las instancias
de direcci?n y decisi?n en el ?mbito p?blico, en la administraci?n de justicia y
en los organismos de control del Estado.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Welcome to the Dominican Republic. That place just got a lot busier!

Leave the religious BS and Catholic mumbo jumbo out of the thread.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Welcome to the Dominican Republic. That place just got a lot busier!

Leave the religious BS and Catholic mumbo jumbo out of the thread.

Not sure if it's fair to call it mumbo jumbo Robert. I agree with Chip and I also agree with you that it is not a part of this thread so yea, it shouldn't be here.

Anyways, looks like the black part is 100% illegal and the gay part just fine. Unless you want to argue its a discapacidad, which I think no one would do.

Then again, reading the managers post sounds like a place judges would hang out. Just gotta find a black judge. This might be an interesting case if anything comes to fruition.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Hmmm... you must be Canadian because I laugh and smile with my male friends all the time here in the states. ---------------------------------------- Where the hell does that statement come from? Every knows Chip is a true southern gentleman.


Jul 3, 2006
Who cares. Seriously. Personally, I wouldn't want to spend my money in a joint that didn't want me there. I force my dinero on no one.

I say let them keep their lame bar segregated. There are many fun venues in the DR that are far less backwards in their policy. It's really Rua Bar's loss.


Mar 22, 2006
It won't be long before that "lounge" is closed. Several others do it, but they are smart enough to not advertise it. And actually a nifty dress code and elevated prices would be enough to keep out the unwanted section of society out of those venues.


*** Sin Bin ***
Mar 27, 2010
Apparently they can't recognize them or dark skin... they have at least a few of each as 'friends' on their facebook page. ;)

Black in the dr is different from america. in the us mulattos are considered black but in the dr you have to look like you are straight from the congo to be black. maybe they wanted to keep out haitians, not only are they black but voodoo also supports homosexuality


Aug 15, 2007
Manager of Rua's Bar and lounge in the capital defends policy of barring black and homosexual patrons:

Personally, I don't like the policy... but believe they should have the right to make their own policy as a private business.


Isn't that what Rand Paul said?
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