Need a Name


New member
Aug 31, 2005
Hi (yet again).

Not sure if this is the best place for this post but, as the forum is "Best in DR", I?ll assume it?ll be OK.

As I?ve said several times, I?m completing a toiurist-standard bar in the mountains above Constanza. It?s already a landmark building and almost every "tourist (locals and foreigners) that passes stops to take photos.

Please NOTE that the bar is NOT open yet. I?ll announce the opening date when it?s known.

We need a good name for it. I have an idea but want to see if anyone fancies suggesting anything.

The bar will be defined as "tipico" and "rustico". This means that the place will be typical of both the Dominican Republic and Constanza in particular as well as being built to give a rustic feel. To give the typical feel, everything used has been siourced locally or as near locally as possible (except the lights in the mens?toilets that came from IKEA!!!) To be rustic, we built the bar using wood (local pine), vines (bouco), roots, bark (of local pine), rocks, stones, cana (palm leaves) and red bricks (using local clay).

There willl be food. Plansd (that can obviously change!) are to eventually have "picaderos tipicos" (local varieties of finger food), comidas tipicos (local main mels such as REAL sancocho) and, at the end of each month, something really special (e.g. "Pig on the Rocks" - bar pun intended - but you?ll have to wait or guess what that is because it?ll only be announced once we?re ready to do it).

The bar is located, El Convento (about 15 minutes from Constanza in the direction of Valle Nuevo and San Jose de Ocoa), at the point where a road starts leading to Aguas Blancas, the tallest waterfall in the Caribbean. The road from Autopista Duarte to Constanza has just been improved and is probably now the best road in the Dominican Republic (not a single hole!!!). The road from Constanza to El Comnvento has just been levelled and widened.

The bar is split/multi-level. The entrance will be a small area in which to sit or stand. Curved stairs lead to a brick-paved patio at the front of the traditional bar service area (fronted by normal high chairs). The patio leads left to a secret staircase that rises to a lookout (mirador), to the right there is a tiny Japanes dry garden (stones) to celebrate the Japanes contributions to Constanza?s success. Further right there is a staircase down to a small hollow, designed to seat two lovers. Forward from the patio, several steps lead up to a covered dance area. The bar has a service hatch for service at this point and there is another service area behind. Also behind, the bar has tables and chairs. At this point, steps lead up to a half-landing which, further forward, leads to another dance area that is open under the stars. Behind this there are gardens (not very planted yet!) The half-landing also leads further up to the true "second floor" which will probably be a VIP area for guests wanting a drinking area that is a little more private.

The bar has private parking entered via a rustic bridge over a small river.

Cabanas will be built but do not yet exist. Further plans exist for future stages of this project.

Returning to the name, I need a name that is:

easy to remember
unique or unusual (I don?t want a name that 3,000,000 other bars use)
romantic or relates to the environment, or ideally both!

If anyone has a suggestion, feel free to comment!!!

As I said, we?re NOT open yet. When we have an opening date, I?ll announce it. You?ll all be very welcome!



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Not wildly original, but descriptive:
Mirador del Bosque
Mirador de la Sierra
Mirador del Convento
Mirador del Valle


New member
Aug 31, 2005
If I?m "pre-spamming" (whatever that is!), apologies However, the thread was/is a sincere request for ideas and nothing more. There?s a separate forum where I can "announce" the bar so I honestly don?t think I?m spamming and it?s not like I sent emails into private mailboxes

Still, again, apologies if the thread offended.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
I'll leave the thread open because we've helped others name their businesses before.

However..... I recommend you contact Robert to place an ad when you're ready to open. You can't promote your restaurant yourself here otherwise - only your patrons can post reviews.

If it's good, they will come......;)


JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Oops, sorry. Didn't realize this was an old thread. An update on how the business is going would be great!


Jul 9, 2010
Hi (yet again).

Not sure if this is the best place for this post but, as the forum is "Best in DR", I�ll assume it�ll be OK.

As I�ve said several times, I�m completing a toiurist-standard bar in the mountains above Constanza. It�s already a landmark building and almost every "tourist (locals and foreigners) that passes stops to take photos.

Please NOTE that the bar is NOT open yet. I�ll announce the opening date when it�s known.

We need a good name for it. I have an idea but want to see if anyone fancies suggesting anything.

The bar will be defined as "tipico" and "rustico". This means that the place will be typical of both the Dominican Republic and Constanza in particular as well as being built to give a rustic feel. To give the typical feel, everything used has been siourced locally or as near locally as possible (except the lights in the mens�toilets that came from IKEA!!!) To be rustic, we built the bar using wood (local pine), vines (bouco), roots, bark (of local pine), rocks, stones, cana (palm leaves) and red bricks (using local clay).

There willl be food. Plansd (that can obviously change!) are to eventually have "picaderos tipicos" (local varieties of finger food), comidas tipicos (local main mels such as REAL sancocho) and, at the end of each month, something really special (e.g. "Pig on the Rocks" - bar pun intended - but you�ll have to wait or guess what that is because it�ll only be announced once we�re ready to do it).

The bar is located, El Convento (about 15 minutes from Constanza in the direction of Valle Nuevo and San Jose de Ocoa), at the point where a road starts leading to Aguas Blancas, the tallest waterfall in the Caribbean. The road from Autopista Duarte to Constanza has just been improved and is probably now the best road in the Dominican Republic (not a single hole!!!). The road from Constanza to El Comnvento has just been levelled and widened.

The bar is split/multi-level. The entrance will be a small area in which to sit or stand. Curved stairs lead to a brick-paved patio at the front of the traditional bar service area (fronted by normal high chairs). The patio leads left to a secret staircase that rises to a lookout (mirador), to the right there is a tiny Japanes dry garden (stones) to celebrate the Japanes contributions to Constanza�s success. Further right there is a staircase down to a small hollow, designed to seat two lovers. Forward from the patio, several steps lead up to a covered dance area. The bar has a service hatch for service at this point and there is another service area behind. Also behind, the bar has tables and chairs. At this point, steps lead up to a half-landing which, further forward, leads to another dance area that is open under the stars. Behind this there are gardens (not very planted yet!) The half-landing also leads further up to the true "second floor" which will probably be a VIP area for guests wanting a drinking area that is a little more private.

The bar has private parking entered via a rustic bridge over a small river.

Cabanas will be built but do not yet exist. Further plans exist for future stages of this project.

Returning to the name, I need a name that is:

easy to remember
unique or unusual (I don�t want a name that 3,000,000 other bars use)
romantic or relates to the environment, or ideally both!

If anyone has a suggestion, feel free to comment!!!

As I said, we�re NOT open yet. When we have an opening date, I�ll announce it. You�ll all be very welcome!


El ESCONDITE the hideaway!!!

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Look what you started. I would just like to know if the place now exists, so I can drive up there in a week or so

BION, it was on purpose. I wanna know how he's doing too.