Holiday Season Help


New member
Jul 3, 2004
Hello All,

Its been quite a while since written. Some of you may remember my earlier posts so I will give you a brief update. Back in 04 I met a Dominican woman on line. We exchanged emails and phone calls and eventully I visited her in the DR. All was well (to well according to many of you). To make a long store short we are still going strong. She came to the US in 06. We moved in together, got married and now have a 2 year old son. All sounds great, right?

Here is my problem. I like to entertain during the Holidays and that the challange. Her family only speaks Spanish. My family only speaks English so it become very difficult to have a real family dinner.

Another example is that my son's Christining was at my wife's moms church and I did not invite my family because I knew that they would not understand anything.

When we had my sons birthday party we had a spanish speaking side of the back yard and the english side of the back yard.

My family love my wife and her family loves me. How do we bring everyone together.



New member
Feb 8, 2010
start by getting them in a room

Just invite everybody to everything. They'll handle it.

Just make sure the booze is flowing.

you have to find things that both sides have in common and build off of that. (e.g. sports, gambling, religion, food, etc.)

When you do put them together make sure there is plenty of whiskey, or rum; then put them all in a room.
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New member
Oct 16, 2004
Like celt202 said, invite everybody to everything. If your family and her family love you, they will go and try their best to get along and understand each other. I have sat through many spanish services that I did not understand but it is just being there that is important. Yes, if you can, booze goes a long way too. when I first met my husband I knew very little spanish and one of his friends knew very little english but we managed some mangled spanglish conversation that lasted an hour! When my husband asked each of us what we talked about we both, somehow, had the same answers.

Try card games (everyone can learn Ace to King) or pictionary..some sort of sports to get everyone interacting. No reason why everyone can not be a part of it.
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Just invite everybody to everything. They'll handle it.

Agree with Celt - invite everyone. When I married my Dominican husband he was the only one in the family who spoke English [pretty much still is, 34 years later]. We invited everyone to everything - it works out somehow!

I can remember some charade-like conversations between the families - and it's amazing how the Dominicans would try to speak some English, and my parents would try some Italian words, and everyone got along fine. Of course, everyone sat with their own group, but that would happen at any function regardless of the nationalities of those involved!!!



New member
Jul 3, 2004
Hi All,

Thanks for your responses. So it looks like booze is the answer. :)

Enjoy your holidays!